Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2401: 2403, you continue to wave 1

"Master, this time I came to see you, it really is a huge harvest. I feel like I am upgrading!"

"Upgrading needs to kill monsters."

"Don't kill monsters, experience is full, and now the skills are full." Ye Shaoyang happily made a joke. "Master, that... what do you remember after I left? It’s about them."


"That is the geologist. That time, I fought Zhang Xiaohan, and she arranged to block everyone."

"Oh, I think... I’ve been for a hundred years, I forgot..."

"Master, only a week..."

"I didn't go to the Republic of China! That memory is for me for hundreds of years!" Qingyunzi thought for a long time, "Is that the one wearing white, the big chest?"

Ye Shaoyang’s mouth twitched. “Master...you were only ten years old at that time, just...I’m paying attention to my sister’s chest? And it’s been almost a hundred years old. You still remember that people live big, this...”

Qingyunzi was ashamed and angry. He knocked on the head and threw a chestnut and said: "If you want to ask, where can I think of it!"

"It’s my fault, Master, you go on." Ye Shaoyang squinted at his head and was depressed.

"What to say, when I was a child of ten years old, the mana was low. After I saw you, I went back to the mountain with my master. After that, I have been practicing in the mountains and I have never seen them again."

"Okay. White asked."

"However, my master announced later that your name is not called Ye Shaoyang. At that time, he randomly named a name and announced that you accidentally lost his life. The magical field has been talking for a few years, but slowly it will not be mentioned. After two or three generations. Dilution, knowing that there was almost nothing at the time, I think about it now... It seems that there really was such a war, there is such a strong person, I am not sure that this memory has been modified, or There have been similar things in the past... I haven’t figured it out for a long time, but I’m still forgetting it. Anyway, it’s an old past. Except for me, no one remembers it.”

Ye Shaoyang listened to Qing Yunzi’s remarks, and he finally figured out why he didn’t have a name.

Qingyunzi glanced at him. His eyes were no longer the meaning of ridicule and joke, but some melancholy. He sighed softly and said: "Your recent experience, I have heard the wind, they said, and the stars are in the sea. With the interpretation of Jin Xian and Buddhism, both of them shattered their skins, and they even offended the sinister. In fact, the original should not be like this.

Twenty-one can't be long... I already knew that cold jade is not normal. I often think that if you jump out to stop you from being together, wouldn't you go to this step today, is it wrong for me? ”

"Master, you are right." Ye Shaoyang grabbed the arm of Qingyunzi and said with a smile, "Everything is a number of lives."

"What counts, jokes! If everything can be explained by life, does that still have to struggle? You know, the node of fate."

Ye Shaoyang nodded. This view, Qingyunzi said to him very early, every creature that can reincarnate into human beings, life and death, has a number of lives, but the so-called fate is not a direct and rude way to lead you to a road. But at the intersection of fate, to provide you with choices, to the left or to the right, different choices will generate different numerology, and life is completely different.

Everyone in their life will encounter one or two such major choices more or less. After that, life is said to be the arrangement of fate, but rather the result of their own choice and hard work (or no effort).

The only thing in life that cannot be changed are when life and death are born, what kind of family is born, and when and why. What is the result of fate and self-action.

"I often blame my own bad life. In fact, most of the time, I just found an excuse for myself. These simple reasons, I don't have to tell you repeatedly, the road I originally imagined for you is totally different from today. One point, I have a responsibility."

"Master, you never really asked me to do anything. I am very grateful and proud to have a master like you." Ye Shaoyang said emotionally, "You didn't do anything wrong, I chose this path myself, I must Will go on, even if you die halfway, it doesn't matter."

Qingyunzi lowered his head and did not make a sound. After a long while, he sighed softly and said: "The wood has become a boat, not to say that it is useless. I told you a business, Taiyin Mountain has already started to act, sent A stalker will go to the world to find you trouble, you... be careful."

"Hunting the messenger?" Ye Shaoyang snorted. "Isn't this the name of the Seven Lords?"

Qingyunzi waved his hand. "It doesn't matter to this. It is the sorcerer of the Taiyin Mountain. I don't know much about it. I just heard it..."

"Hunting the messenger!" Guagua was lying comfortably on Qingyunzi's legs. Hearing these four words, he sat up and looked at Qingyunzi and said, "Grandpa, is there really a messenger to deal with the boss?"

"Do you know the sorcerer?"

Guagua nodded. "I have heard that there are three sorcerers, like... oh, like the agents in the movie, they are also transparent in the Taiyin Mountain, without any status, nor People know who they are, they are only responsible for one person in the right hand, and it is said that they will only come out when they perform special tasks."

Speaking of this, Guagua's eyes also showed concern. "Boss, I have heard that the stalker has done things, and has never missed it..."

"They didn't do one thing until now, so the success rate is 100%." ​​Ye Shaoyang made a joke.

"No, no, they are specifically for assassination. However, they may be important to the right hand, so the general task will never come out, unless it is a very important task, and no one can finish it. I heard that the yin sent before the levy. A marshal of the mountain is the hand of the soul-killer... If this is true, it must not be taken lightly!"

Ye Shaoyang listened to him and said that he was a little bit cold, and muttered: "Taiyin Mountain finally started to work on me?"

No one can answer this question. Even Qingyunzi can't fully guess the intention of Taiyin Mountain: Before, they only dealt with Ye Shaoyang occasionally, most of them still because of melon or cold jade, never really faced himself. What action?

This is the first time.

Since I can't figure it out, Ye Shaoyang didn't want to ask for a moment, and asked Qingyunzi: "How do you know this thing?"

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