Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2402: 2404 you continue to wave 2

"Master Tao told me."

"Tao Laozi?" Ye Shaoyang stunned. "Oh, you said Tao Hongjing Tao Zu Shi. He..." Ye Shaoyang turned his head and glanced at the main hall. "He is inside?"

"Going out and bending."

"Oh, Master, if you didn't remind me, I forgot that this is the site of Tao Laozi. You see that I didn't bring any gifts..." I didn't finish talking, suddenly I saw Qingyunzi raise his hand, instinctively After a flash, avoiding a burst of chestnuts, "Hey, didn't hit."

"Hey." Qingyunzi sneered, his left hand quickly painted a few times in the air, directly gathered aura, formed an inconsistency, shot against Ye Shaoyang, turned eight gold locks in front of Ye Shaoyang, did not wait for him to dismantle The solution has been around the neck and can't move at once.

Qingyunzi came over and slammed a note on his head and smiled. "You are not saying that you can't knock it?"

"Yes, Master is amazing."

"Nothing." Qingyunzi shook his head. "I am old. Now I need you to let me, I can knock you."

When Ye Shaoyang heard it, he was a little embarrassed. "Master, I didn't let you, Master is so powerful, I am not an opponent..."

Qingyun Zi glanced at him, and the frustration in his eyes was hidden. He said: "The next time I have to do it, you are acting too badly. I don't know what you know."

"Yes, Master taught, but even if I don't let you, I can't beat you." Ye Shaoyang's heart is infected. Qingyunzi's last joke is obviously to comfort himself, lest he stand on his position. The helplessness of life.

"But Master, you knocked me to do it, I said the truth."

Qingyun Zidao: "I certainly have a reason to knock you! I am here to tell you about business, you are dragging me with me, what gifts, what to do."

"But Master..." Ye Shaoyang scratched his head. "You knocked me, and it took a lot of time."

Qingyunzi listened to this and wanted to knock him. He thought about it as if it was really the case, so he gave up.

Guagua and buns are afraid to laugh on one side, and they have already opened their flowers. This is not a serious experience.

Ye Shaoyang coughed twice. "Master, still talk about business, you just said... Tao Laozi told you, how can Tao Master know?"

Qingyun Zidao: "Can't say."

"What can't you say?" Ye Shaoyang is puzzled.

"This is the secret of others. If you ask, it is not a secret. How did he hear about it? What do you have to do with you? Anyway, you are careful!"

"Oh..." Ye Shaoyang thought for a while and asked me, "What is this messenger, is it amazing?"

"It is said that the repair is not very powerful, but the three people are all from the world, very insidious and cunning, and ever-changing, it is impossible to prevent."

"Insidious and cunning... I don't worry about this. I have never seen anyone who is more awkward than my military division. It is ever-changing... Is this an adjective?"

"What is an adjective?" Guagua squinted.

"Let's go, let's just say, what do you mean?"

"Oh, that is to say, as long as a drop of blood of a living creature, whether it is human blood or ghost blood, as long as it is a little, you can illusion the appearance of this creature, except that you use the mirror, even if you open your eyes, you can’t see the clue. ""

Ye Shaoyang stunned. "No way?"

"Really it is."

Qingyunzi's handcuffs and beards said: "I am afraid that it is true. I have heard that the sorcerer of the sorcerer turned into a savage sorcerer in the past, and the suspicion provided false information, and finally led the Taiyin Mountain army in the north of the lonely city. In the end, the Yin Shuai did not find any flaws. He still believed that he was a master, and he was violently attacked and broke out. He was finally killed by this 'master'..."

"This..." Ye Shaoyang thought about it and said slowly: "Insidious and deceitful, plus illusion, this is terrible. For example, if he becomes a master, I must be fooled."

Qingyun Zidao: "You should think about it yourself. Anyway, you have been careful recently. I can't help you."

Standing up, stretched out and said: "Oh, let's go. Go back and let the big tooth burn me a ghost book number two. I was borrowed by the king of Jurassic before. I went to the Sen Luo Temple three times. This old man is hiding. I can't see you, I can't do it, you remember, this is a big deal!"

"Yes, I know, right, Master, I have one more thing to say..."

Ye Shaoyang said that Xu Fu was arrested and Bai Qi was taken away by Taiyin Mountain. Then, with the analysis of black impermanence, Qingyunzi listened and frowned. He thought for a while: "This is really troublesome. Go back and see the movement. If there is any situation, I will help you find a way. Remember not to ask me to go, burn me and tell me!"

"I know Master, you are old and heavy, I am... gone." Ye Shaoyang reluctantly looked at Qingyunzi. "You... what other teachings?"

Qingyunzi squatted with a beard and waved his hand: "The waves in the Yangtze River push the waves before, it is already your time. You are going to wave yours, wave the things that Master hasn’t waved, I will see what you can wave. movement."

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "Do not give Master a shame."

"Time and space are irreversible. Xu Fu's practice is wrong. Even if you really get Shan Haiyin, don't think about changing the past... Rabbit scorpion, no matter what I am not in the future, you will remember Master's words."

Ye Shaoyang had already gone outside, and suddenly heard the last words, suddenly stunned, said: "Master, you are not here, you can go there, you promised me, not going to reincarnation for the time being. ""

"I don't go, you can rest assured." Qingyunzi waved at him, "Go."

Ye Shaoyang still wants to say something, Qingyunzi has turned around.

Ye Shaoyang had to go outside the door.

He just turned around, Qingyunzi turned around, his gaze, and looked at his back, muttering: "Rabbit scorpion, knowing your heart for the teacher, in fact, it is useless to say so many words, for the teacher just want you to be flat. An An, a wife and a son, a long life..."

Unfortunately, Ye Shaoyang did not hear his inner monologue and has already stepped out of the Taoist temple.

"Boss, you don't open the crack in the void, will you go back?" Guagua asked.

"Let's go, I want to ask you something." Ye Shaoyang walked slowly on the wasteland, looking at the melons and buns, and said, "Who are you talking about?"

"What are you talking about?" Both of them are awesome.

"Don't pretend to me, what do you have to look at me... I mentioned cold jade, what did you think of, buns, you invaded his gods, and knew what secrets. Who would you say first, or one by one?"

(The red envelopes are not grabbed by everyone, find the one from the public history news, scan the code to receive the red envelope, and grasp it quickly)

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