Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2407: When the 2409 is true, 3

But the melon is not going. His dependence on Ye Shaoyang is more than that of several other brothers and sisters. Lin Sansheng still has something to say with Ye Shaoyang, and naturally does not leave.

After sending them away, Lao Guo took Meihua and Biantou back to his coffin shop to create a crystal character. Zhang Xiaorui and Ye Xiaomeng were also rushed back by Ye Shaoyang, leaving only Ye Shaoyang, Guagua and Lin Sansheng.

"Do you have any plans, not to go to the empty world to find your master, why not go?" Ye Shaoyang went to bed and asked Lin Sansheng.

Lin Sansheng said: "You don't have anything to tell me?"

"Oh yes, Xu Fu left me a few spells, you can help me refer to it, this is how it happened." Ye Shaoyang sat up, told the manuscript to him, and told the whole story again. After listening to Lin Sansheng, he repeatedly read the four spells. At the end, he said: "These four spells don't seem to hide any information. At least I can't think of it now. Maybe, is he really a spell?"

"What kind of spell?"

Lin Sansheng held his chin and thought about it: "Is it a spell that drives Shan Haiyin?"

Ye Shaoyang frowned and said: "I also thought about it, but... there is no mountain seal, what is the use of light spells, and the power of Shanhai Seal is not exhausted, even in my hands, what is there? use?"

Lin Sansheng said: "Shaoyang, you think in turn, if Shanhaiyin is completely useless, why should he not give back to the yin, do his own personal feelings, but also reduce his crimes. Why didn't he do this? A completely useless What do you want to stay with?"

Ye Shaoyang glanced at Lin Sansheng's eyes and muttered: "But he told me before, Shanhaiyin can only use the last time, he has no reason to lie to me."

"Maybe I didn't lie to you, but the runes on the mountains and seas are still there, but there is no spiritual power, but the spiritual power is not injectable..."

Ye Shaoyang shook his head: "Impossible, this is not a battery. If you run out of power, you can charge it."

"Maybe you can, you think, since the Yin Shi did not find Shan Haiyin from him, he did not say where it is, it must be placed in a mysterious place, a useless thing, why bother to make it so mysterious, Ye Shaoyang You contemporary people like to have the word 'logic', which is very illogical."

In a word, Ye Shaoyang fell into deep thought.

"You also make sense..."

"We have to find a way to find Shan Haiyin and then study the runes above. In any case, there is always hope."

Ye Shaoyang nodded slowly. "But where do you go to find the mountain seal?"

"Since he told you the spell, it means that you must find the place where you can hide it, or tell you what to do?"

This is the reason...but where can I find it?

Is it hidden in your own home, but Xu Fu has never been here?

Thinking of this, Ye Shaoyang felt that his simple IQ was not enough, and he had to ask Lin Sansheng.

Lin Sansheng thought for a while and said: "You can only find it from your home first. Can you always find it on the road?"

Ye Shaoyang thought too, so he greeted the melons who were watching TV, and found them in the box. Ye Shaoyang did not live here anymore. His own debris was relatively small, and it was convenient to find. In the bottom of the bed, inside and outside the cabinet. Looking for a circle outside, did not find Shan Haiyin, but found a nest of small mice under the bed, in his own sneakers, there is no full moon, the kind of transparent little mouse.

Ye Shaoyang did not have the heart to kill them, found a paper box to put them up, and then let the melons go away.

"This is not." Ye Shaoyang wiped his sweat and looked at Lin Sansheng with a depressed face.

"Well, I have already guessed that there is no such thing as important things. It is impossible to put them on you so casually. It is impossible to be stolen."

Ye Shaoyang almost fainted after listening to this. "Boss, you know that I still haven't let me find it. I am tired in this winter!"

"This is not to be sure that you are not here. Use one of your current nouns, that is, the exclusion method."

"You learn this very quickly." Ye Shaoyang smiled. "You found no, you are talking now, and modern vocabulary is getting more and more."

Lin Sansheng stunned and muttered: "But I am an ancient man."

"But you have been guarding the present from the ancient times, but you have not been to reincarnation. You are an ancient person, but a modern ghost. There is nothing wrong with fashion."

"Ancient people, now ghosts..." Lin Sansheng said, "Understood."

Then said: "Mountain Haiyin is not here, then it must be in a safe place, no one can find it, but the clue must be there, or you can't even find it, what is the meaning of hiding?"

Ye Shaoyang held his chin and said, "Where is the clue?"

"Let's think about it slowly." Lin Sansheng's gaze became more and more firm. "I must find Shanhaiyin. With it, I can send my children back!"

Ye Shaoyang looked at him and said, "Do you really want to send her back?"

Lin Sansheng slowly nodded. "This is my fault. In fact, we are all ordinary people, or ordinary ghosts. Even if we are supernatural, we can't change the past. What has happened has already happened. You can only accept it, even if you regret it, there is no way to change it..."

Ye Shaoyang was deeply impressed, and Lin Sansheng’s words of the lungs were also confirmed by the previous enlightenment.

The deceased, such as Steve, stayed up late.

"Shaoyang, I have to leave for a while, first go to the Valley of the Wind to find Linlin, and then go to the Qing Dynasty to find my Master."

"I agree, just, when I was in action, did Li Linlin come?"

"She heard that, I brought my nephew over, naturally I don't want to see me... I am going to find her this time, it is a reconciliation. After all, she is my sister."

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "I think she is very good."

Lin Sansheng gave him a look: "I know what you want to say, this kind of thing, I really didn't think about it now, but I really want to take her to find Master, maybe I have to come back later, if you have any clues. Remember to pinch me."

"Know, you go, I have to prepare for the Dragon and Tiger Mountain. You should be careful, now the air is so chaotic, you are careful not to be overwhelmed."

Lin Sansheng smiled and said: "I am not good for others."

Ye Shaoyang thinks that the IQ of Lin Sansheng is generally going to Yin.

"What about the child?"

When I mentioned the nephew, Lin Sansheng’s face immediately appeared a smear of color, saying: “I told her, she didn’t go anywhere for a while, just cleaned up in your yin and yang mirror, wait for me to find Shan Haiyin, send her back. You can do it when she doesn't exist, but if she comes out, you still take care of me."

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