Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2408: When the 2410 is true, 4

Ye Shaoyang said: "You want to send her back with Shan Haiyin. This is basically an impossible task."

"As long as there is a glimmer of hope, I will try." Lin Sansheng looked at him. "This is what you learned."

Lin Sansheng broke open the void and went to the ghost field.

In the evening, Lao Guo called Ye Shaoyang and told him that the crystal character was ready and let him check the goods. Ye Shaoyang passed the melon and melon together and saw the ten pendants in the hands of Lao Guo.

"The crystal character is simple in function. It can be put together under the ritual. You are one by one, and the extra one is placed first."

Ye Shaoyang said: "I suddenly thought that if the sorcerer took one from your hands and then pretended to be him, couldn't I tell?"

Lao Guoxiao smiled and said: "I have thought of it for a long time, so I added a stamp on it. Everyone is sighing and recording the breath. It is like a fingerprint password. Once it is entered, it can only be placed on him. Use, change people will not work."

Ye Shaoyang nodded quickly. "In this respect, I have to say that you still have a bad guy."

Lao Guo smugly smeared his hair. "Who am I? Even Xuanyuan Mountain Gods have been overcast by me."

Ye Shaoyang touched these pendants and looked at it. Lao Guo was invited to work on his side. He was afraid that the crystal characters would be lost. So he bought some chains and went back to the crystals to make them easy to wear.

"Yes, it’s still a good idea for the brothers, but..." Ye Shaoyang touched the chain. "How do you feel that the quality is not bad? What kind of material, silver?"

"Silver!" Lao Guo immediately blinked. "Silver is so expensive, I play so many, how much it costs, these are iron, plated only, iron is good, iron is strong."

Ye Shaoyang is speechless. "Well, you have so much money, wait for you to die and keep a gold coffin."

Meihua took the message: "And let Baoge go to the tomb..."

"Hey!" Lao Guo squatted at Ye Shaoyang. "I don't want to worry about it. How do you make money? I am doing it with good intentions, but also for your good."

"I have a relationship with me, you don't give me money!"

"Why don't you give it to me, I didn't say it before, I am dead, the family is divided into three parts, the little fish mother and daughter, and you, you three points."

Ye Shaoyang touched his nose. "Can you advance?"

"Think of you! Besides, it doesn't matter who lives for a long time. Don't look at me, my body is good."

Ye Shaoyang was too lazy to pull with him, let Meihua take enough pendants to send to the empty world, give them to Xiaojiu, and the rest is divided again. Zhang Xiaorui Ye Xiaomeng Zhou Jingru Xie Yuqing, four people and one person, and old Guo's own, the calculation is enough, tell Xie Yuqing in the WeChat group, let them come to Lao Guo here.

"Brothers, you remember, when they come to lead, you must say something secret, determine their identity, don't be taken over by the sorcerer, then it is troublesome."

Lao Guo promised to come down.

There are still a few pendants left (not the old Guo willing, but the cost is too little), Ye Shaoyang thought about it, first collected it himself, and planned to give them a few when they saw the road.

After Meihua left, Ye Shaoyang stayed at Lao Guo for dinner. Lao Guo called a sheep scorpion and several cooking dishes. The two had not yet eaten. Xie Yuqing also arrived, so three people ate together, the key Lao Guo’s The small table couldn't sit three people, the yard was too cold, and the basement was too stuffy. Finally, Lao Guo thought about a way to vomit blood. He placed the food on the coffin in the semi-finished products in the store. The three people were eating around the coffin...

Ye Shaoyang's heart is somewhat speechless. If you think about this scene, if you shoot it and send it to Weibo, you will definitely pay attention.

"Right, Shaoyang, the thing I told you before, what kind of organization... called the Holy Spirit Society. It is said that we also have a branch in Shicheng. We secretly recruit people in the country. Do you want to take care of this?"

Ye Shaoyang chewed a big bone and said, "How do you know?"

"My friend, I have one to buy goods during the day, tell me, 80% is true."

Xie Yuqing said: "If you are involved in spirituality, then it belongs to me. You will help me to ask me tomorrow. The clue will be given to me. I will take the past to see."

Lao Guo promised to come down and greet the flat head: "Do you have some food to eat?"

"Hey. Uncle, you eat first, we watch TV."

"It also eats what we eat?"

"People are jealous, as long as they eat meat."

Ye Shaoyang turned his head and glanced at it. The flat head and the melon are watching TV. In a historical drama of the Republic of China, Guagua keeps talking about the history of the war against the flat head.

I listened with gusto and asked a question from time to time.

Two evil things are discussing historical issues...

Ye Shaoyang always felt that this scene was a bit nondescript.

"Hey, boss, look, this is the era you went."

Ye Shaoyang looked at the TV, and the subtitles were being put on the screen. In 1922, the war was directly fought, and the warlord warfare continued on the land of Shenzhou. The people suffered greatly, and the souls were coated with charcoal...

Ye Shaoyang looked at it and smiled: "In fact, it is not so serious. At least many people still have time to eat."

Xie Yuqing said: "You know."

"Of course, I have personally experienced it."

Xie Yuqing is drinking soup, thinking of this, the action froze, said: "Well, this is really bad."

After dinner, Xie Yuqing first drove Ye Shaoyang back, and then went home, bought ice cream for Xue Qi in the downstairs supermarket, and brought it back to her.

Although Xue Qi succeeded in the robbery, now she has a complete soul, but she always uses the body of this little girl, her character is getting more and more tender, and she likes it before.

Xie Yuqing went to take a shower. When she came out, Xue Qi was still watching TV. She sat on her ice cream with satisfaction. Xie Yuqing sat next to her and said, "Snowy, you have a soul now, what do you have? I didn’t want to reincarnate in the past?”

Xue Qi said, turned and said: "No, I don't want to reincarnate, I am waiting for you to die."

"wait for me……"

"Yeah, I am accompanying you on the world, waiting until you die, and then going to the sergeant together. I will accompany you if you want to reincarnate, or you will stay together in the yin."

Xie Yuqing smiled bitterly: "The words are correct, but I am a little bit flustered by what you said, waiting for me to die... I am still dead early."

"It will die sooner or later."

Xie Yuqing's eyes fell on the two big white legs under her nightdress, saying: "I am not afraid of death. But I am afraid of old, I am old, not beautiful, but you are still so beautiful and beautiful. Think about it, it’s not balanced."

Xue Qi smiled. "You will be my grandma when I get there."

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