Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2409: When the 2411 is true, 5

"How come!" Xie Yuqing screamed dissatisfied.

Xue Qi’s eyes turned and said: “Otherwise, you are alive. When you feel that you are not beautiful, you will live enough. You will commit suicide and then be a ghost with me. This is not enough.”

Xie Yuqing had a black line, but then thought about it, this method is not bad.

The two were bullshit, suddenly the door was knocked, Xie Yuqing went to the door and looked through the door mirror, actually Ye Shaoyang, so he turned to Xue Qi and said: "You are coming."

"I am going to wear some clothes."

"Afraid, he hasn't seen you like this." Open the door directly.

Xue Qi has already sneaked into the room.

"Dry, come over and look for me so late."

Ye Shaoyang came into the house and glanced around and said, "I have something to look for."

"What must be said in person."

"You come out first."

"This is my home, what are you afraid of? There is only Xueqi in the house."

Ye Shaoyang licked his lips and said: "Private topic... you come out first."

Xie Yuqing had no choice but to go out the door and close the door, and followed Ye Shaoyang to the half floor of the stairs.

Xie Yuqing looked at him and suddenly thought of something, saying: "Your crystal chain, I still hung my neck before eating."

"Oh, pick it up."

"Where, let me see."

"Kissing, dry, you still don't believe me!"

Xie Yuqing snorted, "In case you are posing."

"Your sister. I didn't see my sword. It's not convenient to carry it in my backpack."

"Okay, let's talk, what's going on."

"There is something, you give it to me..." Ye Shaoyang said, taking out a small wooden box from his pocket and handing it to Xie Yuqing.

Xie Yuqing looked down and the box was painted red lacquer. It looked like the jewellery box used by people in the past. There were some patterns that could not be understood, and it was heavy in his hand.

"What is this?"

"Very important things, you give me away, pay attention not to open now. Tomorrow, when you go to my house, bring it to my house, secretly placed under my bed, or somewhere, in short, it is not easy to put it Don't show it to anyone who is found."

Xie Yuqing looked at him dumbly and said: "Why should I let go? You go back and put it?"

"I can't take this thing back, but I can't help but go back, so I will give it to you first. When you go tomorrow, help me find a place to put it down."

Xie Yuqing felt that the problem was serious and asked: "What the **** is going on, you are saying it!"

Ye Shaoyang hesitated a moment and said: "My home has been monitored by the Evangelist. I just want to go back and I will be exposed every move, but you are not the same. If you go, you will not be noticed..."

Xie Yuqing lived. "This……"

"You don't want to ask more. I don't explain it. Anyway, you can do as I said. If it is not serious, how can I come to you at this time?"

Xie Yuqing nodded: "I know."

Ye Shaoyang said: "And there may be someone inside us, but I am not sure who it is... you are not excited, I am not sure if there is, but there is this possibility, so I told you to come out and say..."

Xie Yuqing said: "I don't believe, everyone is a partner who was born and died with you. If there is no evidence, you must not say this. You are very hurtful."

Ye Shaoyang said: "I wish I was wrong, but this matter is about my life. I can't be careless. Anyway, don't you mention this to anyone, hear it?"

Xie Yuqing had no choice.

Ye Shaoyang still wants to say something, Xie Yuqing said with his arms: "How do I feel so cold."

Ye Shaoyang, suddenly realized what, slammed the foot, turned the voice control lamp on, turned his head and looked at it. Suddenly, both people were shocked:

On the surrounding cement wall, a piece of white enamel is covered with a layer of frost.

Xie Yuqing reached out and touched it. It was cool and melted in his hand. It is indeed frost...

"How come frost?"

"It's amazing. God doesn't know what it is." Ye Shaoyang said coldly, "Come out."

The voice just fell, suddenly felt the foot soft, and the two legs stuck. Xie Yuqing screamed and looked down. The concrete floor under his feet did not know when it turned into a muddy mud. It was like a swamp, surrounded by weeds, reeds and the like. The legs of the two men were trapped in the mud and could not be pulled out.

"Shaoyang..." Xie Yuqing turned to Ye Shaoyang for help.

Ye Shaoyang untied the hook, and hooked it on the handrail of the stairs, pulling hard, but there seemed to be a suction in the mud, grabbing the legs and unable to raise it. At the next moment, there was a gale from the hole in the wall. The back wall of the corridor of this building was the kind of flower-shaped hole (similar to the hollow brick commonly used in toilets in the past). The cold wind blew and two people were blown. They all stunned, and Ye Shaoyang grabbed the soul of the soul with one hand and Xie Yuqing with one hand. He said, "Don't be afraid, don't move, wait for me!"

As soon as the voice fell, a pair of hands suddenly emerged from those holes, and the arms stretched longer and longer. From the back, I caught Ye Shaoyang’s neck, shoulders and waist and pulled it toward the back.

"Shaoyang!" Xie Yuqing because there is still a distance from the wall, not caught, yelled anxiously.

"Afraid of cockroaches, small insects!" Ye Shaoyang bite the tip of the tongue, squirting a blood down, just sprayed on the hand that grabbed his right wrist, only heard a bang, the white smoke on the hand The hand was released immediately.

Ye Shaoyang rushed his hand and pinched his tactics. He solved the Qixing Longquan sword and slashed it behind him. He broke his hands and broke his wrist. At this time, he and Xie Yuqing both sank in the quagmire to the position of the fast thigh. Ye Shaoyang was not in a hurry. He closed the Qixing Longquan sword and looked at the ground. He touched the Taiyi whisk and painted a few strokes on the water. Every time he painted, there was a permanent trace on the water surface, just like writing on paper. On the writing, the surrounding water did not fill the vacant position.

"A illusion, the track and field is square, the yin and yang are invisible, and the spirit is clear!"

Ye Shaoyang painted a curse while writing a "Yi" in the water and shouted: "Broken!"

I screamed.

This "Yi" word is like a bomb, blasting in the water, with Ye Shaoyang as the center, the waves spread out around, Xie Yuqing looked down, his feet, still stepping on the concrete floor, the ground, and himself There is no muddy water on the body.

However, Ye Shaoyang's spells, the spiritual power quickly exhausted, and the muddy water around the two sides separated to a certain position, and then began to rejoin, and the speed is very fast.

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