Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2413: No. 2415 everywhere 3

At this time, there was a scream in the outside passage. Ye Shaoyang curiously put his head out of the window, a star, came from the end under the **** of a team of security guards, his face kept smiling, and those who screamed were fans, and were stopped by the security layer.

The stars of the concert came on stage. Ye Shaoyang looked at the window for a while, and it was boring. After the concert started, Zhou Jingru took him into the arena. The seats were in the front row, just under the stage. After the opening, the music was noisy. The atmosphere in the venue was fiery, and Ye Shaoyang was the first time to come to this place. She used to watch it on TV. It feels noisy, but it is quite fun and not exclusive, but he is looking forward to Zhuang Yujin.

Zhuang Yujin is the finale. Zhou Jingru said in Ye Shaoyang’s ear that Zhuang Yumin’s reputation is not bigger than that of other stars, but because she is a local, as a sponsor, they feel that Zhuang Yujin’s appearance is more effective. Everyone's emotions will make the concert a perfect ending.

Zhuang Yu Ning wore a white dress on stage, white socks and white sneakers. It looked like a high school student. As soon as she appeared, she immediately shouted at the stage. There were two fans dancing behind Ye Shaoyang, in order to see Zhuang Yu I am riding on Ye Shaoyang’s back.

Zhuang Yujin walked to the middle of the stage and made a squeaking gesture. The music rang and the scene gradually quieted down. Zhuang Yuli first gave a speech, thanked the fans, thanked the organizers for what they said, and this is very accurate. Ye Shaoyang listened at the following, feeling very fanciful, and it seemed to be together before it appeared. Those days.

Zhuang Yu Ning talked to him about the heart of her heart, about her ideals, her feelings... and how she helped her to deal with the devils.

Along the way, now two people are different.

After the speech, Zhuang Yumin sang and sang a new song she wrote. When she sang, she also found Ye Shaoyang in the first row of the audience. She did not rush to him, but when she sang, her eyes Will stay on his face for a few seconds, watching silently.

Singing two new songs, at the end, she sang a school song that fits her temperament: "No regrets in youth". When I sang this song, my eyes almost always looked at Ye Shaoyang and slowly sang the lyrics:

The beginning of the beginning is that we sing, and finally, at the end, we are walking. Dearest, you are like a dreamland, saying that you will go after the dream, I believe.

The face that is not sad, is my teenager, not squinting eyes, waiting for the years to change, the most familiar with your street, people are going to the sunset, people and people are on the street, goodbye...

Ye Shaoyang, like the fans of the audience, was a little obsessed, but compared to them, there was more emotion in his heart.

At the time of exit, in the cheers of the mountains and the tsunami, Zhuang Yu Ning looked at Ye Shaoyang in the crowd.

After the concert, there is still a lottery. Ye Shaoyang and Zhou Jingru did not participate and went out.

Zhou Jingru took Ye Shaoyang back to his previous office, and made two cups of tea. He smiled and asked Ye Shaoyang: "How do you feel?"

"She sang very well."

"Then, is there any feeling like it?"

"Of course there is."

Zhou Jingru told him that Zhuang Yujin would come over after a makeup remove.

The people outside walked up and down, and the people went away, and the outside gradually calmed down. At this time, the door knocked and Ye Shaoyang grabbed the door in front of Zhou Jingru.

Zhuang Yu Ning.

She changed her clothes, the normal kind of clothes, and no makeup. The feeling for Ye Shaoyang was still the same as before. Ye Shaoyang smiled awkwardly and touched his nose. He said, "I haven't seen you for a long time."

Zhuang Yu-Ning grinned and said: "It's different from what I guess. I thought that the first sentence you would meet would boast that I became beautiful."

Ye Shaoyang scratched his head. "Okay, it really became beautiful."

Zhuang Yu Ning smiled into the room, and Zhou Jingru also greeted and chatted. Zhou Jingru asked about some of her recent situations. Ye Shaoyang listened silently. Zhuang Yuli suddenly asked him: "How are you during this time?"

"I am, okay, it is hard to say."

"Is there a girlfriend?"

"Amount, have it." Ye Shaoyang sneaked a look at Zhou Jingru and replied.

"Really, where are the people, why not bring them together to meet?"

"This...a word is hard to come by."

Zhuang Yujin did not ask much.

The atmosphere of chatting is very relaxed. Zhuang Yu Ning is in front of them. There is no star to do the pie. The feeling for Ye Shaoyang is an old friend who has not seen for a long time, and then meets.

When I talked about it, Zhuang Yuhua took a call. She should be an assistant and called her to attend the dinner.

Hanging up the phone, Zhuang Yujin looked at Ye Shaoyang and said: "Shaoyang, this meeting, in fact, I let Jingrujie arrange, I really miss you, but I thought, I still don’t see you in these two years. Yours are good, why do you know..."

Ye Shaoyang listened to her saying this, a little embarrassed, nodded.

Zhuang Yuli went on to say: "But there is one thing, I can only ask you for help."

Ye Shaoyang and Zhou Jingru both stunned. Without waiting for an inquiry, Zhuang Yuxi stood up and pulled the sleeves of the left shoulder down and leaked the shoulders. Ye Shaoyang saw what Zhuang Yulin wanted to show at a glance: a sarcoma, long On the white skin of the shoulder, the dollar is so big, suddenly slammed, walked over and looked at it, and suddenly assured that the shape of the sarcoma seemed to be a face:

A few small baboons, like eyes and mouth, showed a sly smile. It seems to give a very uncomfortable feeling, as if this face is laughing at you.

"Scorpio!" Zhou Jingru looked at it and immediately stopped his mouth. "How did this get it?"

Zhuang Yu-Ning shook his head and his emotions suddenly fell down. He said, "Before two weeks ago, at the beginning, I didn't care, but the longer I grew up. And... I have nightmares every night. Sometimes, I don't dream, just can't move when I lie in bed, and then I feel that something is squeezing out in the sarcoma, and there are people talking in my ear, like a curse.

Just a few days ago, I dreamt that the sarcoma grew to the size of a fist, and then split open, and it squeezed out a person’s head, so terrible..."

I was in Malaysia, secretly looking for an acquaintance to introduce a wizard, I didn’t understand what the wizard said, let me eat a herb, but it didn’t work..."

Zhou Jingru grinned in surprise and said, "Have you ever tried to cut it off?"

"I tried it. After cutting it off, it didn't take two days. It grew up again, and the long process was very painful..." Zhuang Yurong looked at Ye Shaoyang with help. "Shaoyang, I think this is a psychic event, you... ... there must be a way."

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