Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2414: 2416 everywhere 4

Ye Shaoyang held the chin with one hand and touched the sarcoma with one hand. When I touched it, I noticed that the sarcoma had moved.

"Ah!" Zhuang Yu Ning snorted and turned to Ye Shaoyang for help.

"Shaoyang, can you help me solve this trouble?"

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "The parasitic spirit is only a small problem." I explored my backpack and said: "There is something missing here, you come home with me, I will help you."

"Now?" Zhuang Yu Ning is a bit embarrassed.

"Tomorrow will do, when will you be free?"

Zhuang Yuli hesitated and said: "Come now. Let me go out and say, do you go outside the gym and wait for me?"

Ye Shaoyang promised to go out with Zhou Jingru. Zhou Jingru drove the car out of the parking lot and went to the open space outside the gate. Two people sat in the car.

"What is it on her body?" Zhou Jingru asked, unable to stop.

"The parasitic spirit, an evil spirit, is usually born in a place with strong yin, and it is usually in a state of crouching. Only when it encounters a living spirit will it parasitize on the body, and by absorbing yang to cultivate, at first, people have nothing to do. The lack of yang, the most is the wilting, and later, the parasitic spirit is getting stronger and stronger, and the cultivation needs to absorb more yang. At this time, the host body will be imbalanced between yin and yang, and finally die, the parasitic spirit will find another host... ..."

After listening to his remarks, Zhou Jingru looked at him with a stern look. He thought about it carefully. "No, I don't want to meet before. I think Zhuang Yu's face is a bit wrong. I thought it was just tired from the stage."

While talking, Zhuang Yuli came over with a mask on her face so that no one could recognize her.

Zhou Jingru pressed two horns and Zhuang Yu was on the train.

After driving, Ye Shaoyang and Zhuang Yujin also said about the characteristics and origins of parasitic spirits. After all, things grow on their own bodies. After Zhuang Yumin listened to them, they were very nervous. What they thought of, one hand rubbed his arm and said: "Less Yang, you say this now, it knows that you have to deal with it, will it..."

"It hasn't formed yet. It's an embryo now, just like a baby. It can't be heard by anything." Ye Shaoyang smiled at her. "If it is formed, do you think it can rest on your arm?"

"That..." Zhuang Yu-Ning opened his mouth and finally smiled a little. He said, "I know that it is right to find you. This is not something that you can't solve. The people outside are very unreliable."

"In the Master, there are many people who are deceiving the world." Ye Shaoyang smiled a little, and some of them were proud. Now, these things like the hackers and the evils are really small enough for him.

Zhuang Yuli was the first time to go to Ye Shaoyang's home. She was also very excited. She asked a lot about his current situation. Ye Shaoyang said something selectively. It is not a concealment, but a lot of things. It is not clear in a few words. Zhuang Yu Ning also understands that he has a hard time saying that he has not inquired much.

At the home of Ye Shaoyang, Ye Shaoyang opened the door and saw the four treasures at a glance, lying on the sofa, two feet bare, on the coffee table, one hand holding the remote control, watching TV, the other hand... holding A halogen pig's trotter, eaten with mouth full of oil. Guagua sits on the side and has been complaining that his chosen TV series is not good.

Sibao originally turned a deaf ear to his request, a self-satisfied look, heard the opening of the door, knowing that Ye Shaoyang came back, staring at the TV, did not raise his head and said: "Come back!"

Ye Shaoyang coughed dry.

Guagua moved up and saw Zhou Jingru, and immediately said hello, then looked at Zhuang Yu Ning with his head.

Ye Shaoyang thought that they didn't seem to know and introduced them to them.

Guagua is awkward, "beautiful singer, I know before, boss, have you forgotten? I saw you for the first time, you are together! Seven treasures of mother!"

Ye Shaoyang stunned, recalling the past, the first time I really saw melons, that is, in that playground, Guagua was still the boss of a group of devils, Qibao is one of them.

When Zhuang Yu-Ling heard the name of “Seven Treasures”, he immediately said, “Have you seen him recently?”

"Oh. He was in the Yin Shi recently. He said that you are going abroad. There is a world of Hongmeng. His repairs are too late, so there is no way to find you. He is very good. Now is my younger brother."

Ye Shaoyang thought that Qibao had always called his father, a little embarrassed, and coughed twice, saying: "That introduces you to this, four treasures, my good brother."

"Amitabha." The four treasures wanted to put their hands together and put them in their hands. They thought that they had a pig's hoof in their hands and they were very embarrassed.

Zhuang Yu-Ning grinned and said: "Sibao Zen Master, I have also seen, Shaoyang, you forgot, it is because of me, you only know."

Ye Shaoyang once again stunned.

"Oh, you, big star!" The four treasures were a little excited. "Yes, you have forgotten Shaoyang. At that time, you went to chase the devil, find Hu Wei, I am his younger brother..."

Ye Shaoyang suddenly remembered, but said helplessly: "I have forgotten, you have done such a wonderful thing."

Four treasures put down the pig's hooves, wiped them on the body, and reached out to Zhuang Yujin. "I watched your singing video online, big star, I am so excited..."

Zhuang Yu-Ning looked at his shiny hand and hesitated, or shook him.

"Oh, don't pull those useless, I will bring her back, there is something right, you can watch TV." Instruct Zhuang Yumian to go to the room with himself, Sibao and Guagua also follow, but also Don't pull anything else.

Ye Shaoyang let Zhuang Yumian lie on the bed, find out the porcelain bowl, turn the water, let her drink, and then let her expose the sarcoma of the shoulder. Watched by several people, Zhuang Yu Ning is a bit shy, but since it is the brother of Ye Shaoyang, it is also his own person. It doesn't matter if he thinks about it, he still does it.

"This is... parasitic spirit?" Sibao saw the sarcoma and immediately recognized it.

"I will talk about it later, I will remove this thing first." Ye Shaoyang and other Zhuang Yu Ning drank the water and told her to lie down. "It may be a little painful, you endure it."

"Do you want to cut it?" Zhuang Yujin is a little nervous.

"It’s already rooted in you, it’s useless. The gods didn’t do it before, let it come out.”

After Ye Shaoyang finished, use the red line to tie the upper and lower parts of the sarcoma, then use the ambergris to water, wipe some of the sarcoma, and then cut his index finger, hovering over an inch above the sarcoma, there is a drop of blood from The wound at the fingertips condensed but did not fall.

"What are you doing?" Zhou Jingru looked at it and couldn't help but ask.

(Jesus personally stood among them and said, "May you be safe!" They panicked and feared, thinking that they saw the soul. **** said, "Why are you troubled? Why do you have doubts in your heart? You see my hand, my Feet, I know that it is me. Touch me to see, the soul is boneless and meatless, you see, I have it." I wish everyone happy Christmas Eve, just a Christian holiday, send a paragraph in the words of John, for the next The plot of a volume also has an enlightening effect. In the evening, the yin and yang division will make a red envelope. Finally, this paragraph is not a positive number.)

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