Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2415: The 2417 town tomb 1

"What are you doing?" Zhou Jingru looked at it and couldn't help but ask.

"Use my blood, lead it out." Ye Shaoyang explained, "It has not yet formed, but there is an instinct to absorb yang, my blood is more yang, it will like it."

In fact, against a parasitic spirit, Ye Shaoyang has a solution, but the choice he chose, for Zhuang Yu, the least damage, the most important is no pain.

Zhuang Yu-Ling heard it and screamed, "But if it gets into your body, you..."

"Do not worry, if it can parasitize in my body, it is really rare."

Just talking, the sarcoma trembled, and then the epidermis cracked, a fleshy thing was drilled out, and it was covered with mold-like green hair, and it was still **** with blood and blood. It looked very Disgusting, the most important thing is that on its crumpled head, there are five people like human beings. Although they are small and not open, they can already see the prototype.

"Scorpio..." Zhou Jingru snorted and slammed his mouth and said to Zhuang Yujin: "You turn your head, don't look, it's disgusting..."

Zhuang Yu Ning turned his head to the side.

This thing seems to have a little doubt about the temptation of the outside world. It only exposes the head and upper body, smells everywhere, and hesitates to come out.

Ye Shaoyang's right hand just had to stretch over and pinch it. He was caught by the four treasures and looked up. The four treasures were dignified.


"Don't do it, this thing is not an ordinary parasitic spirit. This is a human face. It is a kind of town tomb beast. It has a lot of wrists under it. If you can't pull it out, it won't be clean... Let me come. ""

These four treasures said, Ye Shaoyang did not know at all, but he naturally would not doubt, nodded.

The four treasures quickly went out. After a while, they held a pointed leaf in their hands. Ye Shaoyang knew that it was the leaves of the iron tree at home, and the front end was a needle-like spike.

Four treasures spit on the leaves, then pointed the spikes at the head of the parasitic spirit, stabbed them hard, and then pulled them up hard. This action was done very fast, when the leaves pierced its head, parasitic The spirit reacted, instinctively wanting to shrink into the flesh, but it was too late, and the saliva on the leaves had penetrated into the body from the wound, and I did not know what reaction was produced.

The parasitic spirit was picked out by the four treasures in the convulsions, actually... very long.

Long is not its body, but a few long tails behind it. Look carefully at the tail, all of them are legs, as if the roots of the plants are as dense as they are, and they are caught in the air.

Zhou Jingru saw this scene and ran to the bathroom with his mouth open.

The four treasures placed the parasitic spirit in their own golden urn, and then placed a ban on the raft. The parasitic spirit crawled around like an insect, but when it came to the mouth, it was immediately bounced back.

Ye Shaoyang checked the wound on Zhuang Yu's shoulder. Nothing happened. Ask her: "Is it still hurt?"

Zhuang Yu Ning shook his head. "It's a bit numb, it doesn't hurt."

"It's okay, you go back and deal with it. If you use alcohol to sterilize anything, it will be fine." Ye Shaoyang loosened the red line tied to her shoulder.

Zhuang Yuli put on her clothes and slammed her head out. She glanced at the parasitic spirit in the golden scorpion. Instead, she did not spit, but took a breath of cold air and muttered: "It is this thing in my body for so long. Ah... I think about it now, it’s all goose bumps...”

Sibaodao: "For your luck, the town's tomb has not yet formed. Once it is formed, it will be troublesome. At that time, it is not yang, but flesh and blood, which will **** the flesh and blood of the human body..."

Ye Shaoyang listened to him and said, frowning asked: "What town tomb spirit, are you sure?"

"Of course, you forgot what I did before."

"Oh, steal the grave thief."

"Go, brother is to touch the gold school! It is not the same as the general tomb thief!" The four treasures are discouraged, and they glanced at the town's tomb of Jin Yu, and said to Zhuang Yu: "The big star, are you? Going to the cemetery? How else would you get it?"

Zhuang Yumian nodded quickly and said: "That was last month, I am in Thailand... I want to shoot a movie about tombs. The crew is going to visit the Taj Mahal, so I can follow the style to build a studio. I want to adapt to the role in advance and go with it."

Sibao listened and said: "What, Taj Mahal!"

"No, you listen to me, not the Taj Mahal. We went to visit the Taj Mahal. Just in a place near Chiang Mai, we found a cemetery. We were curious and visited in the past. The cemetery is an official organization. We also accidentally learned that the cemetery was not given, but there are many things that can be done with money. I spent money with the director and photography, followed by their archaeological team. The tomb has experienced it... We are also looking for inspiration for the film, and did not expect to have an accident..."

"Thailand's tomb..." Four treasures scratched their heads, a little confused.

"It is said that it was a tomb a thousand years ago, a graveyard of the queen who was abolished, but since I found this tomb, I have not yet confirmed the identity of the tomb."

Sibaodao: "Have you experienced anything in the tomb... Well, something unusual?"

Zhuang Yuxiang thought for a while, shook his head and said: "There is nothing, but in the main burial chamber, we saw a strange stone statue, the human body, but with the wings of the butterfly, I will look far away. I glanced at it, but when I looked at the stone statue, the stone statue seemed to have a look... I felt dizzy at the time, but I was deprived of oxygen and didn't care. Nothing else was gone. Is it a problem with the stone statue?"

Sibaodao: "I don't know this. I don't know about Thai witchcraft. But the town of the tomb of your body must have been provoked in that tomb."

"This... I thought about this for a while, but I asked the director and the photographer, everything is fine..."

"Not everyone will be recruited."

Ye Shaoyang stunned for a long time and asked Sibao: "What is going on, what is the town tomb?"

"A very rare parasitic spirit! We touched the Golden School and did not take three into the three. The first one is the tomb of the town's tomb. The town's tomb is the breeding ground of the tomb of the town." It has nothing to do with the tomb of the town. However, only the spirits of the last millennium can breed the spirit of the town. These things are not very powerful. Oh, I mean to the Master, for ordinary people, The town tomb is still terrible."

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