Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2425: 2427 Shurajie 1

Li Linlin’s tears burst out.

Lin Sansheng looked at Guangzong Tianshi and didn't know what to say.

"I have been waiting for a long time, I have come." A familiar voice came from outside the door. Lin Sansheng turned around and looked at it. He suddenly screamed and screamed: "Qingyun Zu Shi!"

It’s actually Ye Shaoyang’s master Qingyunzi!

Qingyunzi smiled at him and went to the side of Guangzong Tianshi.

"Qing Yunzu, you have to go to the Shura community?"

Qingyunzi had no choice but to smile. "I was going to reincarnate in the middle of the resurrection. The two things that didn't work were to leave me. Today, if I am going to stay, I will definitely become their burden, so I have to go to the Shura community." Go back and tell the rabbit scorpion, two words: don't read."

"This... you have to go back?"

"I don't know, I have never been to the Shura community. I don't know where it is. I want to see it better than I am curious. If I can't come back, I can't help it."

Lin Sansheng does not know what to say.

However, the more amazing scene was still behind, a ring of bells, ringing from the door, everyone looked up and walked out of the temple's small door, and walked in again. Lin Sansheng saw that his chin had to fall.

"Li Haoran..."

Li Haoran, who died in the Republic of China, was still a serious look. He slowly walked in and followed Biqing.

"Li Haoran, you have to go to the Shura community?"

"I have proved that the avenue is no longer useful in the world, so I have to go."

Sure enough, he was a testimony... Lin Sansheng looked at him slyly. At this time, Biqing caught up and cried behind Li Haoran: "Brother, are you hate, have you forgotten?"

Li Haoran stood in front of the stone table and looked down at the chessboard on the stone table. He slowly said: "I have already proved the mixed yuan, where there is any hatred, no competition, you have to decide on your own."

After that, I turned to look at the Zen Master, and said: "Thank you for your advice."

The Zen Master smiled slightly, and above the top of his head, he suddenly produced a fascinating light. He covered his head from the top of his head. Wherever the aura went, his clothes changed. The worn robes turned into gray GIs, and the hands were carried. A huge umbrella-like thing, but bare on the head, with a few rings, looks like a monk dressed in a priest's clothes, very awkward, but does not seem to have any sense of disobedience.

Lin Sansheng was a stagnation, suddenly thought of a legendary name, blurted out: "Take the Taoist!"

Zhishen Zen teacher smiled and said: "There is no Buddha in the world. How can I pick it up?"

Lin Sansheng returned to the gods and looked at several people in front of him. Qingyunzi, Guangzong Tianshi and Li Haoran, muttered: "Master, two predecessors, what is the Shurajie world, why do you have to go?"

Qingyunzi said with a white eye: "I just said it, I don't know, just because I don't know, I have to go see it."

"But, let me bluntly, how many of you are supernatural, why not stay with others to deal with the catastrophe, why should you go?"

Qingyun Zi smiled and said: "As you say, all the people who have the right way should stay in the world and deal with the chaos of the day. You can know that the reason why the catastrophe comes is that the human causal entanglement is getting bigger and bigger. After knowing the destiny, if you still stay in the world, if you stay in the world, you will speed up this confusion... I am too esoteric that your kid doesn’t understand, I’m telling you that it’s straightforward, because people like us are too If you stay in the world, it will lead to the robbery, just like Li Haoran, the reincarnation of the world, planting countless causes and effects, can not be cut off, he stays in the world, is the bane of the robbery... Hey, I said that you understand?"

"It's still too deep, I don't understand."

"If you don't understand it, let's just say it. Besides, we went to the Shura community, and we didn't just eat and die. It's also a way to resist the catastrophe. It's just that the way of working hard is different. It really only needs to be killed on the battlefield. It’s Ye Shaoyang, it’s the people you should rob. Do you understand?”

Lin Sansheng is speechless.

Qingyun Zi told Zhishen Zen Master: "You can start the old monk."

Zhishen Zen master took the huge branch and brushed it in front of him. The place swept by the branches seemed to be torn off, revealing an endless dark void, saying: "Three people please."

Guangzong Tianshi looked at Lin Sansheng and Li Linlin, and said nothing, went straight in.

"Master!!" Lin Sansheng and Li Linlin screamed, but could not stop.

"You come, you come first." Qingyunzi said to Li Haoran.

"You have a life blessing, all should be in Ye Shaoyang, you go." Li Haoran said this to Bi Qing, and also went in.

Bi Qing stood in the same place and watched him disappear.

"Oh, come to me, that... I just went there to see if it was fun. You said to the rabbit, if you are not fun, I will come back to him, goodbye."

Qingyunzi stepped into the void and slammed it in his mouth. "It's so dark, old monk, I said, there is no light in your place..." The words have disappeared, and people have disappeared into the void.

The last one of Zhishen Zen Master, just about to enter, Biqing suddenly flew over and rushed over. Zhishen Zen master took the branch and brushed it at her. When the time came, the air in front of Biqing solidified, blocking her in the middle, and moving it could not move. Then, while walking around the verse, he walked in, and the void crack disappeared under the eyes of everyone.

"When the Great Judgment is in the golden age, the Western magical ancestors Bodhi. Not to die or not, three or three lines, all-powerful and full-fledged. Everything is changed with the nature, and it is as true as nature. With Tiantian Shouzhuang, the body is robbed. Ming Xin Da Master..."

The sound echoed in the ears of everyone, but everything has disappeared. The enchantment disappeared. Bi Qing was sitting softly on the ground.

It’s all gone...

Lin Sansheng only came back to God. He shook his head and walked over to help Li Linlin, who was still crying. She took her in her arms and said, "Don't be sad, they just went to another space, not dead."

"But Master said that he will never come back..." Li Linlin groaned on his shoulder.

"Then we will be cultivating, and after three corpses, we will find Master in the past."

Li Linlin snorted and muttered: "Yeah, why didn't I think of it?"

"You don't have to smash three corpses, you can also go to the Shura world." Bi Qing said lightly.

Lin Sansheng turned to look at her and asked, "How do you know?"

"Have your master smashed three dead bodies?"

Lin Sansheng suddenly remembered this, his master, was originally a sacred thought of Zhang Guo, even if it was repaired to be deeper, and where did he go to the corpse? Also, the original squadron of the squadron with Ye Shaoyang had no evidence, and went to the Shura community. Even Qingyunzi, there should be no evidence... So why do they go to Shura and go there? what?

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