Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2426: 2428 Shurajie 2

He raised this question to Biqing, and Biqing did not know. After all, she had never been to Shura. "No one has come back to the Shura community. Therefore, the world knows nothing about Shura."

Looking at the empty courtyard, Lin Sansheng had a feeling of incomprehensibility. He did not think that the Zhishen Zen master who had been hiding in the airspace was actually a legendary follower.

If Ye Shaoyang knows that his master went to Shura with his master and Li Haoran, I don’t know what expression? Thinking of this, Lin Sansheng smiled bitterly. These few people, I am afraid I didn’t know much about it before, but I went together.

"What are your plans for the next time?" Lin Sansheng asked Biqing, although the relationship is not the same, but after all, it was through the Republic of China, and they fought together, and they were considered acquaintances. Lin Sansheng casually asked.

"I still have some things to do. After that, I will go to see Ye Shaoyang." Bi Qing finished, and flew out of the temple.

Lin Sansheng loosened Li Linlin and looked at her face and said, "Let's go."


"Go to Qingqiu Mountain to find Xiaojiu, see if she has any new clues about the corpse, and then investigate together."

Li Linlin nodded and the two went out together. On the way down the mountain, Li Linlin took Lin Sansheng's hand and said in his ear: "Brother, even the Master has gone, now I am left with you."

Lin Sansheng’s heart moved and pinched her hand and said, “Relax, you can follow me.”

The two disappeared into the mountains.

In the distance, in the valley, two figures gradually emerged, one man and one woman, one is a young man, the other is a beautiful girl, but the temperament is too glamorous, at first glance it is not a good woman, but the beautiful appearance Coupled with the hot body, it is rarely worn, it is the type that the man can't help when he sees it.

"Dao, do you want to kill them?"

The man shook his head and said: "It’s not good to kill, it’s not necessary. It’s just a stunned snake.” The man said, looking back at her and said in a slightly ridiculous tone: "You who come from the Taiyin Mountain want to kill people." I don't understand, killing these insignificant people, what fun?"

The evil charm woman said: "They are all a group of Ye Shaoyang, killing them. In the future, they will be less troubled with Shang Yang Shaoyang."

"There is more harm than good." My ancestors told me that your thinking is wrong."

The evil charm woman turned to think, said: "But there is a ghost to make a shot, but there is no trouble, Ye Shaoyang is dead, it is already a matter of nailing."

The man laughed.

The evil woman looked at him coldly and said: "What is funny."

"You, look at Ye Shaoyang too simple."

"The Soulbringer has never lost his hand."

"That is not necessarily this time." The man said disdainfully, "You don't know Ye Shaoyang. This turtle grandson is the first insidious and treacherous in the world. My ancestors have been in his hands several times. I am against him, than any of you. Everyone knows."

The evil enchanted woman looked at him and smiled: "On sinister blackmail, shouldn't it be Tongxuandao you?"

Tong Xuan Dao did not answer her, looked at the temple on the mountain, and said to himself: "The few old people who have died are going to the Shura community. It is very good. This saves a lot of trouble."

The evil woman said: "What should I do now?"

"You go to the east line, and the people who bring you are ambushing. I have got the clue. This time the corpse will ambush the space alliance in the lower reaches of the boundary river. It is a great opportunity for you."

"The last time they fought, the Snow Devil came to fight the autumn wind, but he ate it."

"This time, I have this time, as long as you follow my ancestor's arrangement, I will succeed in one fell swoop." Tongxuandao said this, turned his head and stared at her, and said very seriously: "We can say it, you guys. Killing people can leave Ye Shaoyang with a complete body. I only need his body, I don’t want anything else."

The evil spirited woman said: "At this time, if the road is completed, the Taoist leader will be able to go to the Taiyin Mountain to be sealed..."

"Fart. I am not rare for my ancestors, I only need Ye Shaoyang." Daoyuan real people waved. "You can go, wait for me to arrange, and look for you in the past."

The evil enchanting woman smiled at him and said, "Do you want to go with the little woman?"

Tongxuandao looked at her up and down and said: "Jade face Rakshasa, it is really beautiful, even if you see the evil things, you will be tempted, but in the ancestors, you can’t think about what beauty to use, ancestors, I am not good. Except Ye Shaoyang, I don't want anything."

The jade-faced Rakshasa snorted and turned and left on its own.

Tongxuandao stood in the same place, with a hand on his beard, analyzed the situation in front of him, picked up a branch, and drew three circles on the ground, talking to himself in his mouth: "Taiyin Mountain, Xuanyuan Mountain, Corpse The tribe, the three forces must put you to death... Ye Shaoyang, Ye Shaoyang, even if you are insidious and cunning, this time you can’t escape it. Hehe."

I laughed twice and frowned. "But my ancestors had to grab them in front of them. Otherwise, if you are physically ruined, my ancestors will find a place to be so satisfied... No, light counts on Taiyin Mountain. Is not reliable, I have to prepare for my ancestors..."

As soon as the eyeball turned, it flew in the direction of the boundary river.

"Send oil?"

In the car, Ye Shaoyang leaned on the seat and listened to Xie Yuqing to introduce the case. Hearing this paragraph, he couldn’t help but widen his eyes and asked a question.

"No mistakes, this is too low-end, they use this method to preach?"

"Yes, anyone who goes to class can get a bucket of peanut oil. The Holy Spirit will rely on this to develop believers."

"This... everyone is running on the oil, is this reliable?"

"It turns out that the effect is very big, you can quickly attract a lot of people to attend classes, then you can see their work in class, how to preach, let these people believe... Speaking of this, I think of a story, I have seen a news before. There is a sister who, in order to rescue the younger brother who is deeply mired in the MLM organization, went to the door and went to the door. It was a chance to save people. After listening to a few lessons, I fell into it."

"Oh, lecture on brainwashing."

"Yes, you think about how terrible this is. The attitude of completely resisting can be brainwashed, not to mention the fact that it is not contradictory to the class of peanut oil. They don’t just send oil, if they can recite their dogma. And also send a 20g flow card. This is more attractive."

"Okay. It's really enough to keep up with the times." Ye Shaoyang is speechless. "Right, what do they recite?"

Xie Yuqing opened the drawer in front of the car and took a booklet to him.

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