Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2439: 2441 Comprehensive confrontation 2

Ye Shaoyang said: "You are looking for me, naturally there is something big. I am waiting for you to say it."

Zhang Wusheng asked the brother to be uninteresting, a little embarrassed, and took a sip of the cup and said: "Yezhang teaches, we all heard that you are back, so I want to come to talk to you, what are your plans?"

Ye Shaoyang looked at him. Zhang Wusheng looked honest and honest. In fact, he had a lot of minds, but this person is not bad, and he is very fucking. Ye Shaoyang actually has a good impression on him, but because of the cold jade... the world of magic is now against him. There is generally no good feeling. After saving the cold jade in the future, maybe even the swordsmen will face each other. Therefore, since returning, they have not contacted the same door of the magical world. Even Maoshan has deliberately no contact, for fear that he will be in the future. , pitted his own mountain gate.

This time Zhang Wusheng took the initiative to find the door, there must be something important, Ye Shaoyang has a few heart, but he did not take the initiative to ask, want to wait for himself to say.

Zhang Wusheng glanced at Biqing, who was watching TV on his mobile phone. He said: "This is..."

"She is Li Haoran's sister, it is... I am a friend."

Ye Shaoyang is actually a bit embarrassed. Bi Qing is very murderous because of his murder. Although he has tried his best to hide it, a generation of masters like Zhang Wusheng is still very easy to see.

However, Zhang Wusheng, who is savvy, pretending not to notice, just asked such a sentence, he changed the topic and said to Ye Shaoyang: "Yezhang teaches, and now the three worlds are in chaos, and it is very likely that it will affect the world. Are you planning to do so?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "This is not my own thing. If there is any force invading the world, no matter what, I will definitely fight against you. This is not to say, but... I personally do, hope. Don't interfere with the same people. Also, everything I personally do only represents me personally. It has nothing to do with Maoshan."

Zhang Wusheng listened to these words and laughed. "Yezhang teaches, I still have nothing to say, maybe you think more, for you, how others see me, I believe in you, there is something to do, you have. Or I am not today I will come to you specifically."

Ye Shaoyang felt a warmth in his heart and nodded and said: "I understand, just, if there is such a day, I hope you will not make it difficult for Maoshan."

"You just can rest assured."

Zhang Wusheng put the cup over, Ye Shaoyang looked at him, smiled and added some water to him with a teapot. He said, "You look for me, what is the point."

"Longhushan wants to hold the Longhua Club, you have heard about it."

"Know, isn't it a new chief disciple?"

Zhang Wusheng nodded and said: "It was originally like this, but the matter of holding the Longhua Club is not the idea of ​​our Dragon and Tiger Mountain. On the one hand, when you disappeared, no one knows if you can come back, the second generation of disciples in the world. Someone needs to raise the banner to deal with the chaos of the sky... Secondly, this is also initiated by the Spelling Guild, and is willing to take Xuanyuanjian as a reward..."

"I know. I am not interested in what the chief disciple is, but Xuanyuanjian I want it. To be honest, I am planning to grab it."

Zhang Wusheng said: "Before I was instructed by the uncle, I tried to delay the time of Longhua. I wanted you to come back... But now, I have privately told you a message that Longhua may not be able to hold it."

Ye Shaoyang was shocked and looked at Zhang Wusheng.

Zhang Wusheng shrugged and took out a box of cigars and smoked one. Lao Guo was curious and asked him for one.

Ye Shaoyang looked at his slow-moving place, and this time he was really anxious and said: "Why not?"

"Guess." Zhang Wusheng said, "In the fashionable words, about this Longhua meeting, Longhushan is only the organizer, the organizer is the spell guild... So recently I was in contact with the spell guild, but they performed The signs that came out made me feel suspicious and came to this conclusion."

Lao Guodao: "They show what they don't want to do?"

"On the contrary, they sent a lot of people to help us prepare for the show, and they acted very positively. But... they were very eager to hold it immediately. It was my uncle who was hard-pressed, but right now, It’s illogical to leave the date close, but they offered to postpone it.”

Ye Shaoyang frowned and listened to him.

"And, I learned that the real elite of the spell guild recently disappeared mysteriously and went on a secret mission. Except for those outside disciples who would be eager to try Longhua, the real core, no one is preparing for Longhua... You listened. Don't you think suspicious?"

Ye Shaoyang and others looked at each other. Lao Guo said: "How do you know the details of the spell guild?"

Zhang Wusheng glanced at him and said faintly: "I can cooperate with them based on a certain understanding... I naturally have my way."

Ye Shaoyang listened to him saying this, and immediately understood, two words: undercover.

I once heard Master tell the difference between Longhushan and Maoshan. The biggest difference between Longhushan and Maoshan is that Maoshan likes single biography, and at most two inner disciples. Each generation has higher strength than other core disciples. In addition to Qingyunzi's glory, it has always had a high status in the magical world. If you don't know, you will feel the pressure over the other major mountain gates, including the Dragon and Tiger Mountain.

Looking at the history of the Dragon and Tiger Mountain, in addition to some occasional cattle, the rest of the strength is average, especially in recent generations, there has been no special cattle fork characters (Dao Yuanzhen people live this too long Except for), but Longhushan can sit on the top of the door like Maoshan. It is not only the reputation of the past. The characteristics of their past generations are average: the number of disciples is large, and the inner disciples are taught in the form of ladders. Different exercises.

If the martial art comes to the point, the average strength of no martial art can reach the level of Longhushan, and not only the quantity is high, but the system of Longhushan is very sound, and there are many kinds of spells. There are many talents in the technique. The disciples who are not high will choose to practice some "side-by-side" spells with many special talents.

These disciples who have gone down the mountain are walking on the rivers and lakes. Once there is any wind and grass, they can always be informed and notified to Shanmen.

Some of these disciples are undercover in other sects.

Ye Shaoyang believes that the inside story of Zhang Wusheng’s talk about the spell guild is provided by these undercovers, but this kind of thing is not glorious after all, so Zhang Wusheng does not mention it.

(End of this chapter)

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