Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2440: 2442 Comprehensive confrontation 3

Ye Shaoyang certainly won't break it, and he won't doubt the source of Zhang Wusheng's information. He indulged and asked: "What is the idea of ​​the spell guild?"

Zhang Wusheng shook his head. "I just made sure that they didn't really want to run Longhua... Maybe they wanted to hold it before, but now they have changed their minds. This may be because of you."

"because I?"

"Because you are back, this has disrupted their plans. After all, the original intention of the Longhua Club was to recommend the disciples of the spell guild in the world, and to have more say in the spell world, but... now you are back. In addition, the daily wind of the road wind, the only one of his rumors to kill his disciples, this one seedling, Xingyue slaves certainly have no confidence to beat you in the fighting."

Ye Shaoyang listened to this, and it was a bit sorrowful. He said: "They are so confident."

Zhang Wusheng said: "At least you are not confident."

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said nothing. In fact, he really has confidence. I am now a spiritual fairy tablet. After I learned the big Zhoutian’s heart and the harvest, I took it a step further. I’m only one step away from the fairy. If I say a big word, it’s true in the world. Almost invincible existence.

The single seedling of Xingyue slave has been hidden, and the strength is definitely extraordinary. However, if the two sides play this kind of fighting, Ye Shaoyang has full confidence to win (single-handed with the human mage, and currently maintains a full-fledged record).

"So, I think that Xingyue slaves must have other plans. Her main disciples have been transferred and don't know where they are. They don't have to worry about the Longhua meeting anyway." Zhang Wusheng said.

Lao Guo Shen said for a while: "If this is the case, why does the spell guild not cancel the Longhua meeting, but instead create the illusion of being actively prepared? What is this to cover up?"

Zhang Wusheng said: "I have said it, I don't know. This is not to ask you to discuss it, how to deal with it."

Ye Shaoyang said: "Look for me, don't you find those big sects?"

"I just came to replace them... you don't have to be surprised. Although everyone doesn't like you, but now the autumn of all things, the ghost field and the green underworld are beginning to be chaotic. The enemy is currently, we can only hold the group to warm up, what happened before you. Not too much."

Ye Shaoyang listened to this and shrugged his shoulder and said: "Things of fighting, I remembered that I am coming. You are not afraid that I will be against you in the future for the reincarnation of ghost children."

"If there is that day, we will kill you no later than it will be." Zhang Wusheng fixedly looked at him. "There is a clear resentment, a great righteousness, my master, always."

Ye Shaoyang also fixedly looked at him and smiled. "Then you can rest assured that against the spell guild, I will not lose the chain."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Lao Guo frowned and said: "Little brother, no wonder the recent spell guild did not come to you, they must be behind the drums, we have to find a way to investigate."

Biqing was watching TV, heard this, and looked up at Ye Shaoyang, saying: "Is it going to be related to you?"

Ye Shaoyang stunned and suddenly thought of this, talking to Zhang Wusheng again.

"There is this thing!" Zhang Wusheng listened, but also horrified.

"It is very possible that they are preparing for the Longhua meeting in the face, attracting everyone's attention, and then darkly crossing Chen Cang, what kind of Holy Spirit will this, want to do things?" Lao Guo published speculation.

"What is it?" Zhang Wusheng asked.

"Who knows." Ye Shaoyang said, "I have limited strength. Since everyone's goal is the same, you go back and talk to the several sects. Many cities have the Holy Spirit. You will investigate together, if there are any clues, Tell each other. Just call and you don't have to run in person."

Zhang Wusheng squinted at him and said: "This is actually not necessary to run. Just, you just came back, and there are some contradictions with those factions before. I have to come to see it in person to show respect. Ok, respect. Finished, you are busy, I am leaving."

Zhang Wusheng stood up and went out, waiting for Ye Shaoyang to stay, suddenly remembered something, turned to look at Ye Shaoyang, said: "I recently got a message that Xu Fu was arrested, and then Shan Haiyin did not know where it is, may be here?"

Ye Shaoyang stunned and said, "I am not lying to me, I will not lie to you."

Zhang Wusheng laughed and said: "It is also a matter of your relationship. I am not interested in this thing. However, there are many people and evil things. I am very interested in it. You have to be careful."

Ye Shaoyang frowned: "What have you heard?"

"Everyone guesses that Shan Hai is on you."

Ok, the most worrying thing is still happening.

Ye Shaoyang thought for a moment and said: "If you spread the news for me and say that Shan Haiyin is not on me, will anyone believe it?"

"No, they will suspect that I am colluding with you, and I want to take advantage of it." Zhang Wusheng smiled.

"Okay." Ye Shaoyang touched his nose. "I will handle it myself, then, will you stay with me and eat some miscellaneous soup?"

"I am fast this month, you eat, I am leaving."

"Where do you live, I will drive you." Ye Shaoyang greeted Xie Yuqing to help him drive Zhang Wusheng. As a result, Zhang Wusheng said that he had a car. Ye Shaoyang and his party sent him downstairs, and a car that looked very upscale was parked downstairs. A young man sat in the car waiting to be called out by Zhang Wusheng. He was a three-generation disciple of Longhushan, and he was called Shu Shu.

Zhang Wusheng buckled on the sunglasses, took a cigar, got into the car, and left.

"Masalati! It is a luxury car and a special driver. God, this is a Taoist?" Xie Yuqing looked at the car that was gone, and was shocked.

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "The people are the teachers of Longhushan, and they have a big family business. Of course, they have to talk about the show."

"Can a Taoist, shouldn't it be that kind of higher, no human breath?"

"That is what you think, you think that everyone thinks that I don't like fame and fortune, and my sleeves are breezy." Ye Shaoyang said with a handful of hair.

"Get it, you are just poor."

Ye Shaoyang coughed twice.

In the evening, Lao Guo made a large pot of miscellaneous soup, Ye Shaoyang also took out a few dishes, Wu Xiaoxu also stayed to eat together. During the dinner, everyone discussed the way to deal with the spell guild. In fact, there is no good way to do this. Only the Holy Spirit will start and wait for the clue to appear.

What Ye Shaoyang remembers is another thing:

Since Longhua will become a meaningless chicken rib, can it be the same thing as scheduled, then Ye Shaoyang no longer put his mind on this, and began to think about the plan to rescue the cold jade, but now there is no good plan, only Waiting for the military division and Xiaojiu, they brought back the news from the airspace, and everything was there.

(End of this chapter)

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