Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2441: 2443 Union Assembly 1

"Ye Big Brother, I must count my time at the time, don't take me as I did last time." Wu Xiaoxun took a cup of coke and Ye Shaoyang toast, "I am serious."

Ye Shaoyang promised to ask her about her short-term plan.

Wu Xiaoxue said that he had nothing to do. He stayed in Shicheng for a while and waited for his actions. However, in order not to disturb him, she could find a place to play. Ye Shaoyang thought about it and felt that it was inevitable. The way, I found Zhang Xiaorui on WeChat, told her about Wu Xiaoxun, and let her and Ye Xiaomeng entertain. These two are their own apprentices, one is their cousin, and they can help themselves to the landlord. The key point is that Zhang Xiaorui has money and can definitely appeal to Wu Xiaoxun for satisfaction.

Zhang Xiaorui heard that Wu Xiaoxun was a famous mage, very excited, and promised to come down, and immediately drove to pick up. Ye Shaoyang left her to eat, but Zhang Xiaorui couldn't stand the smell of Yangzaotang, claiming to take Wu Xiaoxun to eat real delicious food, and took her away half-baked.

Xie Yuqing was also invited, but this female man is still not repulsive to the Yangchao soup, did not follow.

"Shaoyang, I have always had a question. You said that there is nothing in the sky. You said, if the corpse or the Taiyin Mountain invade the human world, will it affect the lives of ordinary people?"

"You are not nonsense."

"But... I always feel incredible. You think, ordinary people eat and play games every day, and no one knows the world of the magic world. Is it true that one day, like the end of the world, the gods will descend and the people will Kill it?"

Ye Shaoyang took the Yangzao soup and seriously thought about it. He said: "First of all, it is impossible to be the end of the world. There can be no mass killings, because neither the Taiyin Mountain nor the corpse will kill innocent people."

Xie Yuqing looked at him with a sigh of relief, waiting for him to say.

"Ghost domain and Qing dynasty are all human projections, and they will exist. If there is no turbidity and turbidity in the human world, then the balance of yin and yang will be lost, and the balance of yin and yang will be lost. There will be no heaven and earth avenue, and there will be no human world... ...these spaces will no longer exist, so no matter whether it is the Taiyin Mountain or the corpse, it is impossible to kill human beings."

Lao Guo took a sip of liquor and said: "What Shaoyang said is, let's say that the corpse is to grab the land, not to kill people, Taiyin Mountain, to say something that dare not say, the most wanting thing of the Promise Ghost King. It is to replace the sinister and modify the rules of the Three Realms. This is like an ancient peasant uprising. After succeeding, it is still necessary to build a new imperial court. The days of ordinary people are still photographed, and the relationship with human beings is actually not big."

Xie Yuqing seems to understand and nod his head and said: "So... then why do you have to resolutely oppose Taiyin Mountain? I don't mean anything else, it is curiosity."

Ye Shaoyang looked at her and said: "You are a policeman. If someone wants to subvert the existing law and re-establish a law, can you accept it?"

"Of course not. Although some existing laws are still not perfect, it is already very difficult to get a new law. The ghost knows what it will look like."

"That's not the case. Although there are many problems in the Yin Division, the overall situation is still good. Once the Taiyin Mountain is overthrown and a new Yin Shi is established, the consequences are unimaginable. The souls in the Three Realms cannot withstand the toss. As for the invasion of the corpse, it is even more Needless to say, our human masters will never accept the zombies to rule the world."

Lao Guo took a sentence and said: "So, now the spell guild is playing this signboard. When they come to the world to host the overall situation, it is better than the Taiyin Mountain and the corpse."

This is a commonplace topic. Ye Shaoyang shook his head gently and continued to drink the miscellaneous soup.

After drinking the miscellaneous soup, Xie Yuqing and Lao Guo also went back, and each of them separately investigated the matter of the Holy Spirit. Wu Jiawei lived in Ye Shaoyang's house. Biqing also stayed behind to wait for the wind, and seized Ye Shaoyang's mobile phone, has been watching TV dramas.

In the evening, Ye Shaoyang sipped for four days, then went to bed. As a result, he was awakened when he was asleep. He blinked and looked at Biqing, sitting on the bed and looking at himself with a smile.

"In the middle of the night, dry up." Ye Shaoyang shrank back.

"Why didn't the road wind come?"

The road wind... Ye Shaoyang is also very strange. He said that he will rush to the scene every time he calls the wind. What is wrong with today? Is there any accident?

However, with the strength of the Tao, it has always been bullying others, and things that have been bullied by others have never happened. Ye Shaoyang thought that the wind might be because of something delayed, just call Guagua and let him go to the Valley of the Wind.

"You must be careful, the Valley of the Wind is not too far from the Taiyin Mountain."

"Don't worry about the boss, Taiyin Mountain has no time to come to me for trouble." Guagua finished, turned over the window sill and slipped out.

"You can wait any longer." Ye Shaoyang told Bi Qingdao.

"I don't worry, that, you can help me change a TV show. I don't like it very much."

Ye Shaoyang was speechless and had to take the mobile phone and help her find a TV series. Biqing was happy to go out and watch it. After a while, he came back and asked him to change another one. Ye Shaoyang simply taught her how to get it. After teaching it for a long time, she sent her out. As a result, she just came down and soon she came. It turned out that some function was forgotten...

Ye Shaoyang was going crazy, and he had to guide it again. "You can remember this time, don't come again in the evening, come back to me and call it indecent!"

Bi Qing played with her mobile phone and said, "Do you call it, it is useless to call your throat."

Ye Shaoyang was stunned when he boarded. "How can you say this sentence, is there a line that was one hundred years ago?"

Biqing ignored it, fearing that if he couldn't get it in time, he would have to come in and just sit on the bedside of Ye Shaoyang and play with his mobile phone. Ye Shaoyang pleaded for it. At this time, the shocking bell hanging on the window rang, Ye Shaoyang When looking up, Lin Sansheng floated in from the window, followed by Li Linlin.

Before in the air, Li Linlin and Bi Qing also met, and now she is not surprised at seeing her here.

"It seems that Biqing girl has told you the situation." Lin Sansheng walked down the window sill and said.

Ye Shaoyang knew that he was talking about Qingyunzi and others who went to the Shura community and nodded: "You also come to tell me about this?"

"No, I have something more important, I want to tell you." Lin Sansheng asked Ye Shaoyang to sit down and he sat down opposite him. He looked at him and said, "I just came from Qingqiu Mountain and got a message... The corpse was recently There is a new trend."

Ye Shaoyang listened to him and said that he immediately concentrated his spirit and nodded: "You said."

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