Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2442: 2444 Union Assembly 2

"Give me a piece of paper, just like a piece of paper."

Ye Shaoyang immediately pulled the belt out of the pillow and found a piece of yellow paper and laid it on the bed.

Lin Sansheng succumbed to the past, sighed at his finger and wiped it on the yellow paper. The paper immediately left a winding line, showing green, a bit like fluorescence.

This is the soul of Lin Sansheng, the imprint left on the paper, the ordinary people can not see without the yin and yang. The reason why I use the sassafras paper, because this is a special practice for the Master, unlike the general paper material, it can keep some spiritual things longer.

"This is like a boundary river. Can you understand this picture?" Lin Sansheng pointed at the curve.

"I am not an idiot, you continue to paint."

Lin Sansheng drew a circle not far from the "Boundary River" and said: "This is the Qingqiu Mountain. I have seen the map there, but the things in the Qing Dynasty are not easy to bring out, so I remember it in my mind. show you……"

Lin Sansheng successively painted several places where Ye Shaoyang had or heard of it as a coordinate point.

"The corpse has occupied a small part of the airspace. There are many strongholds on the south bank of the boundary river. The forces of the air border alliance are on the north bank along the boundary river branch. The two sides confront each other and the battle is not going to happen."

Lin Sansheng said, pointing him to him. "The north bank of the boundary river is not far away. It is a large mountainous area. There are twelve mountains and four mountains. Apart from the stars and seas, the rest are behind this mountain. This is the core pillar of the air. Only by eradicating the power of these sects, the corpse can further engulf the airspace... I can say that you understand."

After waiting for half a day, Lin Sansheng looked up and saw Ye Shaoyang staring at himself. He said with a big eyes: "What do you think?"

Ye Shaoyang smiled. "No, I just found out that when you talk about this, you are very eloquent and organized. It looks like a general in ancient times. It’s really handsome."

Lin Sansheng grinned. "I am not a general. I am a military strategist. I am strategizing and winning thousands of miles away."

"Don't be sour, you go on."

"If the corpse wants to defeat the Air Alliance, it must cross this mountain as a natural barrier, but most of the zombies will not fly, so they can choose the same way as humans, that is, forcibly breaking the blockade... I asked Xiaojiu, that large mountain area, where the poisonous scorpion strolls, the zombies are not afraid of drug lords, but they will get lost when they go in. Once they get lost, it is equal to being dumped with dumplings, and they will lose. There are only two or three in that mountain. The canyon can pass through, so the corpse will definitely choose one of them, forcibly rushing to the past... This is an inevitable choice."

Lin Sansheng drew three circles on the map, representing the three canyons, pointing to the middle one and said: "Now, the army of the corpse has been quietly assembled here, and the general attack will be launched in a few days. Deportation, intending to ambush in the canyon, come to an ambush battle, annihilate the elite troops of the corpse... I heard Xiaojiu said that for the station, the son-in-law and the winning hook were all dispatched, so I immediately Come to you."

"Airspace war, you...what are you looking for?"

"Do you hear what I said? In this battle, the corpse is exquisite and willing to win. Even the son-in-law and the winning hook are out. Do you understand?"

"I don't understand, ah!" Ye Shaoyang slammed his head. "You mean... let me find this opportunity to go to Tianshan to save the cold jade?"

"This is almost the only chance."

Lin Sansheng said, "Tian Abandon Mountain is in the middle of the zero world. Usually there are guards to protect the layers. It is impossible to break in. Don't say that the three corpses are blocking the road. Even if the Ghost Alliance and the Valley of the Wind act together, there is only Going back without a return. Only by taking this opportunity, suddenly broke into, there is a silver lining."

Ye Shaoyang’s heart vibrates.

"But, the dark forest outside the deserted mountains, we don't know the road at all, it is impossible to go."

"This is the only difficulty. I can think of another way, but this opportunity must not be missed. I said that you heard it?"

The last sentence has been used in the tone of the order.

Ye Shaoyang looked at Lin Sansheng's anxious appearance, and there was a warm flow in his heart. What a brother is, this matter has nothing to do with him, but he feels good for you, and then he is more anxious than yourself. The one who can do this is the true brother.

Ye Shaoyang nodded.

"Let's go, let me go to see Xiaojiu. Let's discuss it."

"This... go now? Should we discuss it first?"

"It's not about discussing this matter. The Air Alliance wants to meet in Bo Yuedong. Xiao Jiu let me call you to go over and meet with you."

Ye Shaoyang stunned. "See them doing?"

"One time, because the previous Stars and Seas battle, the teachings and the Buddha, and you have a small nine knots under the beam, this time you want to cooperate with the enemy, must be united, so everyone must meet, at least show cooperation Sincerity, second... I need your help."

"You?" Ye Shaoyang frowned. "Is it a relationship with you?"

"This war, I have analyzed it. It is far from being so simple. I am afraid that they will count on it. I will come up with a strength."

"You... want to command this war?"

Lin Sansheng nodded. "I had revenge for the battlefield and strategizing before I was alive. Unfortunately, it has not been realized. For hundreds of years, I want to command this war. In contemporary words, I have realized my long-standing ideals. I only want to command a battle, not to learn what I have learned."

At the end of the day, the brilliance in his eyes became more and more violent, staring at Ye Shaoyang, slowly said: "No one in the space league knows me, I want them to listen to me, I have to recommend it, but she is now united. If there is objection, she is not too tit-for-tat, you have to help me hold the field."

"Know it." Ye Shaoyang only said these three words, got up and packed up and put on his coat.

Lin Sansheng’s so-called help is not a help, but a simple statement: You can’t help me. Therefore, Ye Shaoyang does not have to say anything that must be done, and between the brothers, they do not have to use those words. A sentence "know" is enough.

"You can't go?" After Ye Shaoyang packed up, he asked Bi Qing.

When listening to them saying that they were doing business, Bi Qing finally did not watch the TV series. After thinking about it, he said: "Now don't go. I will take back my thoughts in the future. I must face my face with Lishan, and now I am going with you. I will blame you and think that we are a group."

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "You are quite righteous."

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