Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2444: 2446th Union Assembly 4

Lin Sansheng nodded. "The real Guangling scattered ancient song."

"Why did you stop in the middle?"

Lin Sansheng said slowly: "On the same day, Ji Kang was taken to the execution ground. Before he left, he played the song Guangling San, but he did not finish it. He only played here. Ji Shi had arrived and immediately asked him. After that, there is no Guangling San in the world. Although there are still ancient records, but later generations only play here, they will not move down again. First, they will commemorate Ji Kang, and second, they will not break, and the remaining sound will not be There is a mood, so as not to end the song, the end of the song is gone, infinite sadness."

Xiaojiu listened to Lin Sansheng’s words and couldn’t help but think of something. Standing outside the door, he spent a long time and shook his head and said, “Let’s go.”

Everyone went out, did not go down the mountain, but bypassed the jungle behind the mountain, flew all the way, and went south along the canyon.

On the road, Xiao Ji roughly talked about the purpose of finding Ye Shaoyang today, which is similar to what Lin Sansheng said before: In order to cope with the upcoming war, the space of the three teachings of Buddhism should be gathered together to designate the operational plan. Because before the Stars and Seas battle, Qingqiu Mountain and Buddhism and Daomen had to build a bridge, we must first rebuild trust before we can continue to cooperate...

Lin Sansheng also raised his own idea of ​​commanding war.

Xiaojiu said with a half silence: "The military division, I will help you with this matter, but if you want others to be convinced, it will not work at once. I suggest that you stay here on this side and first direct the soldiers of Qingqiu Mountain to establish Prestige, step by step to gain a foothold."

Lin Sansheng expressed his agreement.

"Why do you want to go so far, what kind of wave hole?" Ye Shaoyang asked.

"This meeting was initiated by Nanyue Boyuedong. It was not possible to have them. But in the four hills and four gates, the teaching, the interception, and the Buddhism were mutually restrained. So I decided to hold it in Bo Yuedong. To show that there is no bias, everyone has no opinion."

Ye Shaoyang listened to this and felt quite speechless. "How is your factional struggle here so serious?"

"For thousands of years, this has always been the case. At the moment, the corpse has invaded and has to unite. Otherwise, I will not reconcile with them at the last time."

After that, Xiao Ji briefly introduced this moon hole.

Bo Yuedong is also a martial art in the "four hills and twelve gates". The name of the martial art is Nanxun Shenguo. In fact, there is no country. There is only one wave moon cave. The boss of Bo Yuedong is called the ghost face mother-in-law. The last generation of the national sect of Nanzhao, once in the world, had a black and white witchcraft all over the world. Later, Nanzhao was annihilated by Datang, and the ghost face was wanted. This was hidden in the Qing Dynasty and occupied the Bo Yue Cave. It has become a martial art to educate the souls and become disciples.

"Nan Shuoguo... I am familiar with this name. Is this a minority country?" asked Ye Shaoyang.

"Nanshu is a small country in the Tang Dynasty, and it is located in Yunnan."

Li Linlin is not a human being. She does not understand human history. She asks with a sigh of relief: "Is this Nanxun national teacher very powerful?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "I don't know the Nanzhao country, but there are three branches in the southern Wumen. The Chuanxiyun cloud is a South Korean poison. It belongs to the witchcraft category, but the focus is different. The spells of the two Buddhas are not high. Minutes, a good friend of mine, is the witch spirit of the Great Wuxian family. It is estimated that this Nanxun national division is not a school, but the status is the same."

Li Linlin said: "Since how powerful, why the country will be destroyed, why not use witchcraft to deal with invaders?"

Ye Shaoyang and others smiled.

"Spell, never used for war, and then a powerful mage, can not resist the pressure of the army, the national strength of Datang at that time, not to mention a Nanxun national division, even if everyone in Nanzhao is a wizard is useless."

"But the wonderful witchcraft does not claim to kill thousands of people?"

"That is theory." Ye Shaoyang couldn't help but answer her words. "The most important thing is that you have a witchcraft in Nanxun, and people are gone. You think that the Tang Dynasty is a vegetarian. So many Buddhas are so many talents. Spells, ten Nanzhao national divisions are not a dish."

Li Linlin understands this.

Xiao Jiudao: "Lin Lin said that it was also true. After the defeat of the Nanzhao Kingdom, the ghost face mother had only entered Beijing and wanted to use the witchcraft to assassinate the emperor. But the witchcraft was cracked by the then national teacher, and then some kind of magic was used. The spells, let the witchcraft turn back on her own body, the face is full of flesh and blood, like a ghost face is terrible, this has the name of the ghost face mother-in-law."

It turned out to be...

Ye Shaoyang said while he was on the road: "She can't live from the Tang Dynasty until now. Shouyuan must have done it long ago. Since it has become a ghost, can it be beautiful, or become the original look?"

"She deliberately keeps her scars, saying that she is remembering the hatred in her presence and motivating herself to practice hard. She practiced the millennium in the airspace, and now she is very deep and can't be underestimated. Nanxun Bo Yuedong, North Ma Shamanism, this is There are two special sects in the air. This ghost-faced mother-in-law is insidious and sinister, and is murderous. After you meet, remember to talk to her less. Right, you remember to call her Wang Hao, don't call a ghost face, or she will talk to you. Desperately."

"Wang Hao?" Ye Shaoyang stunned.

"Yes, she is a Nanxun national teacher, but also a Wang Hao. It is said that before she was ruined, she became like this. In the empty world, everyone called her Wang Hao."

Ok. The face is like this, and people are called her Wang Hao, Ye Shaoyang can not help but vomit in the heart, suspect that this old lady is a bit of a bad taste.

Going out of the mountains, passing through some jungles and lakes, and finally to a plain. Xiao Jiu said that there is still a long way to go. According to the time of the world, it takes about ten minutes.

"Right, Xiaoqing, those guys?" Ye Shaoyang suddenly remembered that his doormen were basically in the Qing Dynasty.

"They all went to the dark forest." Lin Sansheng replied for him.

Ye Shaoyang immediately understood his meaning and said: "Is the terrain surveyed?"

Xiao Jiudao: "You let them come to the front line to make meritorious deeds, but I am good at making opinions, let them go to the area to investigate, Shaoyang, we must hurry to rescue the cold jade, so as not to cause a change."

Xiao Jiuzhen’s expression made Ye Shaoyang very moved. He nodded and talked about the plan he had discussed with Lin Sansheng.

"The military division is right. This is indeed the best opportunity. Then we must find the way through the dark forest before the war. We can't let this matter be delayed."

This is the case, but Ye Shaoyang and others are still unable to do anything about how to enter the dark forest. After all, it is the core forbidden land of the corpse. If it is so easy, people will find the way to enter, and it is not realistic.

(ps: Book friends shared a leaf version of Ye Shaoyang, the thief handsome! Brothers want to see? vx search public number "Qingzi v5" can pay attention!)

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