Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2445: 2447 Empty World Award 1

In the last ten minutes, Lin Sansheng wanted to enter Ye Shaoyang's Yin Yang mirror to see the nephew (the child has been inside, she has some rejection of the world, never came out, Ye Shaoyang also follows the meaning of Lin Sansheng, I never bothered to disturb her.) Li Linlin listened and went along with it. Lin Sansheng had no objection and flew into the Yinyang mirror with her.

"What is the relationship between the three of them?" Xiao Jiu said.

Ye Shaoyang shrugged.

Wu Jiawei said: "Just with the two of you, plus the relationship of cold jade."

Ye Shaoyang listened and glanced at him: "You, this person, usually do not put a fart, and when you talk, you will die."

Xiaojiu’s mouth smiled lightly. “No, our relationship is very clear. Cold jade is always my mother. This will never change.”

Ye Shaoyang felt a move and turned to look at her. Xiaoji just clenched his hand and said nothing.

After a while, I flew into a lake.

This is a huge lake. Xiaojiu flies over the sky with Ye Shaoyang and Wu Jiawei. Overlooking it, no matter which direction, he can't see the end at a glance. There are many islands on the lake, big and small, it seems that there is no scenery.

"Here, I am afraid that it is the best place in the entire empty world." Xiao Jiudao.

"It's a bit like our Qiandao Lake." Wu Jiawei said, "I have seen pictures of Qiandao Lake, which is similar to this."

"You have never been there, just look at a picture and say a fart." Ye Shaoyang said.

Xiao Jiu pointed to the largest island in the middle of the "Thousand Island Lake" and landed.

Although it is a lake island, it is very large. The place where the three people fall is a jungle. Most of them are a kind of tree with red and red leaves. They look like maple leaves, but the shape is different.

The three men just landed and immediately got a few figures from the jungle. They were two men with white headscarves on their heads, paired shorts and loose pants and sandals. It is similar to the clothes worn by some southern minorities in the world.

The two looked at the three people and their eyes fell on Xiao Jiu. Xiaojiu said nothing. The nine tails stretched out behind him. When they looked at each other, they immediately put one hand on their chest and bowed. They said, "The fox king is driving, there is a far-reaching welcome, and the owner is already in the government. Waiting, please move the Fox King."

After talking about leading the way, go to the highlands in the middle of the island.

Ye Shaoyang looked at the two men in front and asked Xiao Jiu: "These two are also the creatures of the empty world?"

"They are human beings. Like other martial art, they are the disciples of Wumen in the world. They pick out good seedlings and send them here to serve as gatekeepers."

Ye Shaoyang frowned: "This is all young people. Come here, the body will not give up, it is dead."

"How about it, if you have the opportunity to come here to practice, you don't have to go back to the reincarnation. Just like a long-lived, those human disciples are rushing to come here."

Ye Shaoyang smiled bitterly: "No wonder the yin has been waiting for the martial art in the air sector. If you do this, it is against the law of the heavens."

During the conversation, they have already arrived at the high ground in the middle of the island. They can hear the sound of the flowing water, and look up. There is a flat stone cave in the opposite position of the mountain. A stream of water flows from the top of the mountain. Falling down, falling in the deep pool in front of the cave.

The two disciples of the Moon Cave went to the front of the hole and stood on both sides, one by one, and asked Xiao Jiu to go in.

"I feel that this should be called the water curtain hole is more appropriate, for the roaring moon hole?" Ye Shaoyang spit on the side, while walking along the small nine. When I got to the hole, I was stopped.

"The fox king is blameless, the owner of the family has to explain this today, and today meets, but the leaders of the various factions, who follow the same category, are not allowed to enter."

Xiao Jiudao: "They are not following, this is Ye Shaoyang, and the other is my friend. Your family will not blame, rest assured."

"Ye Shaoyang..." The two eyes of the boss, staring at Ye Shaoyang, seems to be watching an alien monster.

After the World War I, the name of Ye Shaoyang was as good as the whole world. No one knows.

"Do you want to sign?" Ye Shaoyang wiped his hair back.

Go through the water curtain and enter the cave. There are a lot of slots on the walls on both sides, and there are lights and candles inside. I don't know what fuel it is. The fire that burns is blue-green. At a distance, there is a light candle on both sides of the cave that will illuminate the entire cave.

Going straight along the cave, the rock wall above the head is getting wider and wider, and Ye Shaoyang looks around. Seeing that the cave is not rough at all, the upper and lower sides are obviously built by humans. In the outer layer of the cave, I don’t know. It is a bluestone plate, or polished, with a blue reflective surface and some shallow textures on it. This place does not look like a cave, but an underground palace.

Not far away, the cave in front was divided into three. The two disciples of the Moon Cave lead the way in front, and then walked forward for a while. The cave began to go down and became wider and wider.

The three men were finally blocked by a curtain. The curtains were colorful and painted with many abstract patterns. Some were like Xiangyun, some were like birds and beasts, and there were two statues in the middle, one left and one right, wearing the kind. The costumes of the ethnic minorities, armed with a blade of arms, look at the eyes of a pair of bronze bell-like eyes, look vivid, giving people a full of oppression.

The two men with the road opened the curtain and asked Xiao Jiu to go in. The other person quickly went in to inform.

When the curtain opened, Ye Shaoyang had already heard the voice of the inside, although it was all big, but like ordinary people, the opening would be a slag, and the result was advanced to the disciple. Qiushan Fox King is coming!"

It was silent all at once.

An old, screaming voice said: "Please!"

Xiaojiu looked at Ye Shaoyang and Wu Jiawei and pulled them in together.

Behind the curtain is a rather large hall. It is like a concert hall. It is semi-circular. Along the wall, there are more than a dozen tables. Most of the tables are sitting behind the table. There is a cup of hot tea on the top.

"Fox King, please."

A thin and thin wife dressed in black came over and arched her hands and came up to say hello to Xiaojiu. Ye Shaoyang looked at her face and had some disgusting nausea on the head: the face of the old woman was normal, the other side was severely atrophied, the eyelids were gone, only one bloodshot eyeball was left, and the lips were missing half. Showing half of the teeth, it looks like a grin.

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