Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2446: 2448 Empty World 2

As for this kind of respect, if you encounter it in the world... Ye Shaoyang suspects that he will treat her as a sinister thing, and go up and kill her.

Needless to say, this is the famous Bo Yuedong grimace mother-in-law.

It is said that she has become a foreigner, and when she is practicing the deity, she can change her appearance completely, but she still has this appearance. Eighty percent is a little psychologically abnormal. Ye Shaoyang really sympathizes with her disciples, facing this face every day, dozens Hundreds of years, like a day...

"This is the Nanhao Wang Shuo God Mother." Xiao Jiu introduced Ye Shaoyang.


Ye Shaoyang’s stomach surged and looked at Wu Jiawei. Wu Jiawei was also watching him. Both of them were wearing a look of laughter.

"This is Wu Jiawei, a disciple of Lushan Mountain. He is known as the white-browed Tibetan front. He is extremely accomplished on the sword." First introduce Wu Jiawei.

"Youth priests have already seen it." The voice of a cold woman came from a certain direction.

Ye Shaoyang looked at the past and saw the shaking fairy. He was sitting behind a table at the front, and his face was not powdered, but his appearance was very handsome.

"Hey, the fairy is here too, I haven't seen it for a long time." Ye Shaoyang arched her hand and smiled at her.

Shaking the fairy coldly, did not take care of him.

"This one is the master I recognized in the world, and Maoshan teaches Ye Shaoyang."

"He is Ye Shaoyang..."

The crowd whispered in the air. After all, not everyone has seen Ye Shaoyang, but the names have been heard.

"I have seen Wang Hao." Ye Shaoyang arched his hand to the ghost face.

The ghost-faced mother-in-law looked at him, and the light of the straight hook that was shot in the eye without the eyelids made Ye Shaoyang look very awkward.

"Yezhang teaches to drive the sects, and the glory is shining. The two are invited to sit down." Grimace mother-in-law spit out these two words, and the attitude is unfriendly. Immediately two disciples came up and led them to the front of an empty table.

Three people crowded behind a table.

Ye Shaoyang looked around and the table was facing the incoming cave. It should be the best location. After all, Xiaojiu’s identity is here.

Someone immediately took three incense burners, and one of them was only one. "The two of them are from the world and can't use this."

After the incense burner was on the table, a blue smoke appeared in the net-shaped lid above, and Xiaoji took a sip, and his face was cozy.

Ye Shaoyang looked at other tables. He thought it was a hot tea. It turned out to be a fragrant stove. He took a sip of it and felt a strange scent. He asked Xiao Jiu: "What is this?"

"A spice made by Bo Yuedong refining can help the soul and help the practice, but only the creatures in our empty world are useful."

Ok, it’s a place and a rule. Ye Shaoyang estimated that this kind of spice should be regarded as a kind of witch medicine. It is not surprising that the ghost face is a witchcraft.

Looking to the left and right, Ye Shaoyang immediately saw several familiar faces. The first one was Lishan's mother. Her desk is on the edge of her desk, ten meters away. Lishan's mother is still an old lady's appearance, sitting cross-legged, closing her eyes and keeping her eyes, not moving.

Suddenly, a head was extended from the mother of Lishan, and she looked at Ye Shaoyang with grief.

Ye Shaoyang’s first reaction was Biqing. After all, he recently stayed with Biqing every day, and she thought of her all at once, but she immediately came back to know that she was not Biqing, but Su Mo... she was the biggest in the Qing Dynasty. Enemy.

Su Mo looked at him coldly, and he couldn't wait to swallow him.

"Long time no see." Ye Shaoyang vomited her tongue and spit.

Su Mo sneered. "You think that I am sitting in a row with me now, I can't help you?"

Ye Shaoyang shrugged. "I want to fight, I am always waiting. But I advise you not to come, don't go, stay in Lishan, don't leave, I am serious."

Su Mo stunned and frowned. "What the **** are you talking about!"

"Biqing, your deity, wants to catch you."

When it comes to Biqing, Su Mo suddenly stunned, and Lishan’s mother’s eyes also slammed.

"Hey, you are scared, you can rest assured, she does not dare to rush to catch you, but you pay attention, don't settle."

"You will be so kind to remind me? You are really a group with the monk!"

Ye Shaoyang was speechless and said: "First, I have no enmity with you... You have to feel enmity, that is your business. We played so fiercely in the previous battle, and I don't blame you."

Ye Shaoyang grabbed his hair. "Yes, there is a message, you know, no, your brother, went to Shura."

"My brother!" Su Mo lived. "how do you know!"

Ye Shaoyang’s own heart is deep, but it creates a feeling of confusion. This Biqing and Su Mo are exactly the same. At least from the perspective of reality, they are completely two people, but they all recognize Li Haoran as a brother. This feeling is very strange. If you can see Li Haoran, Ye Shaoyang really wants to ask, in his heart, which one is to be his own sister?

Thinking of this problem, Ye Shaoyang suddenly thought of a problem that was previously ignored by himself: Li Haoran must be able to anticipate that Biqing would want to absorb Su Mo. If he supports it, why not help her with this product has already proved the mixed yuan, Sanjie Invincible, if you really want to catch Su Mo, Li Shan's mother is naturally unable to stop. If Li Haoran does not support Bi Qing’s practice, he should clearly tell her. With Bi Qing's obedience to him, I don't want to come to Su Mo again.

But now the situation... Isn’t Li Haoran very embarrassed about this matter, don’t know who to help?

I was thinking about it, and suddenly there was a very loud voice in my ear: "Ye Tianshi, you are Ye Tianshi."

Ye Shaoyang turned to look at it and saw a big man in the shape of a big man. His upper body was bare, like a chimpanzee with black hair, his face was huge, his face was green, and he grinned and smiled. He showed two pairs of sensation and his face was very rough. Horror, it is not human at first glance.

Xiao Jiuyi glanced at Ye Shaoyang: "This is the ghost king of Mengshan."

When Ye Shaoyang listened to Mengshan, he immediately remembered it. Xiaojiu once gave him a popular science. This Mengshan Mountain is also one of the "four hills and twelve gates". It existed from the time of the flood, and it was said that there were six ghost kings. In the battle with the corpse, five of them are dead, and there is a single seedling of the double spirit ghost king.

The name "Ghost King" is actually not his exclusive. The Yin Shi also has a ghost king. He is in charge of a **** under the Chujiang King, and his power is quite big. As for the Promise Ghost King of Taiyin Mountain, his identity is even more different.

In front of this double spirit ghost king, although the name pulls the wind, but with the Promise ghost king is not a magnitude.

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