Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2450: 2452 Breezy Moon 2

"Give it to me next time." Lin Sansheng said.

These two people, you are a sentence, I will completely hang the breeze and bright moon, don't mention how much. The people on the side silently observed the faces of the two and felt that things were not good.

Zhenyuan Daxian sucked the smoke from the incense sticks, and he was intoxicated. He seemed to have heard nothing about it and did not want to intervene.


The breeze took a few palms and smirked. He leaned over and looked at Ye Shaoyang, faintly said: "You really like to be a substitute."

"No, no, I don't have this. I don't care about other people's affairs. If you go to bully the Virgin, I will watch the fun, but my brother is not talking. I just said it for him. You have opinions. what?"

The breeze sneered.

"I have heard that you are an unruly guy. See you today, it doesn't matter."

"Over the award." Ye Shaoyang arched his hand, this attitude is even more difficult to clear the wind.

The bright moon took a step forward and said with Ye Shaoyang: "Why do you talk so much nonsense, since you are a brother, it means that the strength must be good?"

"You are right, you can do it without quarreling. This is my style."

Ye Shaoyang stood up and faced the bright moon with a faint smile on his face.

In a moment, Wu Jiawei also stood up and glared at the two.

Lin Sansheng also stood up and looked unscrupulous, but he did not fear everything.

Looking at these three hoes, the breeze and the bright moon are stunned. When they are in the world, the young geniuses get the points of Zhen Yuanzi. The strength is extraordinary. Although they are boys in front of Zhenyuanzi, in the eyes of others, However, it is also a generation of strong people. When it comes to the airspace, Zhenyuanzi has been retiring for a long time. Fangzhongshan is in charge of them. Although he does not show up, he is also respected before the major sects. He has never been respected. Have been treated like this...

For a while, I don’t even know how to deal with it.

"it is good!"

The moon violently screamed, "You three, dare not go out with me to fight a battle!"

Xiaoji listened to this, stood up and pulled Ye Shaoyang, and watched the three of them say: "You forgot to come here to see the business, look at the face of Daxian, not so."

Before she did not stand up to persuade, first, she knew that Ye Shaoyang could not persuade. Secondly, she listened to the provocation of the breeze and the moon, and she was extremely resentful. She wanted to talk to them about her theory, but her identity was taken care of. And moving the whole body, afraid of chaos the overall situation, this will hold back, Ye Shaoyang's counterattack, so that her heart is also very comfortable, a bad breath.

"There is no amount of view." Zhen Yuanzi put down the incense cage and announced a channel number. This turned his head and looked at the breeze and the moon, saying: "From now on, you should not say a word."

"Master..." Mingyue still wants theory. The breeze pulled him to the back of Zhenyuanzi. The two men glared at Ye Shaoyang, but they were really obedient and did not say a word.

Zhen Yuanzi looked at Ye Shaoyang with a smile and said: "You are the one who teaches in this Maoshan. The identity is extraordinary. It is appropriate for me to discriminate between these two disciples. Please also Haihan."

Zhen Yuanzi’s stance, Ye Shaoyang is naturally not good to say anything, and the two men have already shut up, and they are not the kind of unreasonable ones. They immediately said a few words of politeness, but they are also very puzzled, why Before Zhen Yuanzi did not open his mouth to dissuade him, he had to wait until they couldn’t wait to go out and start playing.

Zhenyuanzi said: "Your surname is Ye, and it is Maoshan's teaching. Do you have anything to do with Ye Fashan?"

"That is my family. I am a rumored descendant."

Zhenyuanzi nodded: "I can’t help you to see you at first glance, it seems to be similar. In this way, you have a lot of looks with Ye Fashan... It turned out to be his descendants."

“Da Xian knows my ancestors?”

Zhenyuanzi said: "Before I flew, he was still young, but he has already emerged. I will see that he will become a big weapon in the future. When I am flying, I will send the manure to the people, and my personal instrument jade. The dust mites were given to him..."

"Oh right! Yuchen, I almost forgot, this is the instrument that my ancestors uploaded, and now I am in the hands of my sister. Thanks to Daxian, I really didn't expect to see you here."

Zhen Yuanzi smiled and looked around. He said: "My two disciples are full of anger, stirring up the situation, and the poor road apologizes. You still talk about business."

Everyone is also very polite.

This episode is finally over...

Ye Shaoyang glanced at the breeze and the bright moon, and found that the two men also looked at him with grievances. However, he did not know what the two people had in mind.

Grimace mother-in-law also took a deep breath, thank you for not playing, otherwise their host is also very embarrassing.

Clearing up the scorpion, the ghost-faced mother-in-law just wanted to open the discussion, and Lishan’s mother suddenly said, “Please wait a moment, I have something to ask this leaf teacher.”

Grimace mother-in-law had a very dark face and it was darker. The grievance between Lishan’s old mother and Ye Shaoyang, she also heard about it. In case she was looking for trouble again, the storm just ended, and the result was again...

Without waiting for her to speak, Lishan’s mother turned to look at Ye Shaoyang and said, “I want to ask you, where is Fuxi Fairy now?”

I thought she was going to ask what was aggressive. The result was this problem. Ye Shaoyang said the truth: "In my house."

On the edge, Su Mo's eyebrows were picked, and his eyes were cold.

"What is your relationship with her?"

"It doesn't matter." Ye Shaoyang shrugged. "Before I dealt with the spell guild, but there are also common enemies. She doesn't bird me."

Lishan’s old mother paused and said: “Go back and tell her, if you want to deal with Su Mo, you have to pass me.”

"Right. Your grudges don't matter to me."

"Then I will ask you again, where is the wind now?"

It turned out that she has been thinking about finding revenge for the wind.

"I don't know." Ye Shaoyang answered honestly.

Shake the fairy to grab the words and said: "Ye Shaoyang, you come to the meeting today, you must want to repair the previous things, our sisters are not aimed at you, but the wind is so stunned, killing many disciples under our door, this pen Blood debts are not seen! I want to cooperate with us and let the wind come first to sin!"

"Don't dream." Ye Shaoyang shrugged and said only one sentence.

Shaking the fairy sneer, "He and I killed him with the Valley of the Wind, you are bound to help?"

"This, I am coming to peace talks today. I really don't want to tell the truth, but I don't want to lie to you... He is my brother, I don't help him, can you help me?"

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