Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2451: 2453 main book 1

(Before I made a mistake, Zhenyuan Daxian is the owner of Wuzhuang.... Well, Qingzi admits the mistake and corrects it here. The teaching of Lingtai Fangshan is to pounce on your mother, and Zhenyuanzi is the master of Wuzhuang.)

"Okay." Shake the fairy and smiled.

Xiao Jiu feared that they would quarrel and interjected and said: "This is your private venge. If there is such a day in the future, everyone will do their best. What is discussed today is the safety of the entire airspace. How about temporarily putting down personal grievances?"

Grimace mother-in-law and other people also came out to play round. Shake the fairy is not good to say anything, shut up.

Grimace mother-in-law immediately spoke, please analyze the situation. Pufa Tianzun refused to let him go to the middle, one-handedly, and the volley wiped a piece of air. The nearby air seemed to be solidified into a plane. Pufa Tianzun held the dust and swept it over it. A simple topographic map made up of aura was painted. There are bounded rivers in the middle, Yunshan, and some little stars. Pufa Tianzun introduced those sects hidden behind Yunshan.

"You can use spiritual power to build such a map and maintain its existence. This is a good mana." Ye Shaoyang muttered.

"On the day of the Stars Sea battle, he also shot, but you are in the valley, did not see. He is one of the best in teaching." Xiao Jiu explained. "In addition, he is very thoughtful and very strategic. This time he has taught the strengths of several major sects. He is leading the battle."

"Great." Ye Shaoyang glanced at Lin Sansheng, deliberately ridiculed: "Learn."

Lin Sansheng was too lazy to care for him and listened to the current situation.

"Now, the corpse is gathering troops on the east line, and it is bound to forcibly break through Yunshan. Once it succeeds, it will become a horse. It will be like a broken bamboo, sweeping several big mountain gates..."

These situations are similar to those analyzed before Lin Sansheng, but now he looks at this map, but stares at one of them and looks at it for a long time.

"If you want to cross Yunshan, there are three roads. The corpse will definitely choose one of them. At any cost, the problem is that they will choose which way to go..."

After the law was thrown out by the law, everyone thought about it.

"Three roads are possible. We can divide the three roads and ambush each other on every road, so that no matter which road they come to, we can all deal with it." One Ye Shaoyang did not know.

Pufa Tianzun shook his head and said: "I have estimated our strength. If we do this, the strength is not enough. After all, this time, the two corpses of the winning hook and the son-in-law are leading the army. The three canyons are separated by tens of miles. After the war, the other two roads did not have enough time to come to the rescue."

Everyone listened to him saying that he nodded, but he couldn’t think of a good way at the moment.

These are more than the individual, and they can pull out one of them. They can slap most of the Masters in the world. They are also in the air, but from the perspective of war, they are all laymen. After all, war has rules of war. The role of the individual is too limited, so these masters, although they understand the situation, can't think of any way to deal with it.

"The corpse, is it possible that the soldiers are divided into three ways, and the three roads seek a breakthrough together?" Shake the fairy proposed an idea. When everyone heard it, many people felt that there was such a possibility and they nodded.

Pufa Tianzun said: "There is indeed this possibility. Therefore, this is the most troublesome place."

The big guy immediately wanted to understand the meaning behind this sentence:

If the Alliance is divided into three roads, and the corpse is concentrated, attacking one place, it is naturally unstoppable... But if you concentrate on the troops, you will stick to a road... I don’t know which one to attack, and if the mistake is made, the outcome is not to be said. Yu.

This is the crux of the current situation.

"This doesn't work either, it won't work, then gamble on it!" Shouted the ghost king.

Pufa Tianzun glanced at him, and some unhappy said: "Ghost king is really easy to talk, gambling? I am a world leader in the empty world, is it gambling?"

The double spirit ghost king immediately did not say anything.

Grimace mother-in-law said: "So, if you think about it, the corpse can't afford it either."

When this statement came out, everyone was stunned. Someone echoed: "Yes, the corpse must be as difficult as us."

Without waiting for the opening of the law, Lin Sansheng couldn't help himself, rushing and saying: "The corpse can't afford to gamble, but they don't have to gamble."

As soon as he spoke, he immediately attracted the attention of everyone. Before Ye Shaoyang came in, he was three people. Lin Sansheng did not appear. Although he later saw him, he also knew that he must be hiding in Ye Shaoyang’s possession. This is not surprising. It was just that it was not introduced before. There were few people who had seen it before the Lishan old mother, and no one knew who he was.

Grimace mother looked at him and said: "This is..."

"In the lower yin and yang master book, Lin Sansheng, Da Ming Hongwu years, after the worship of the Emperor Guangzong Tianshi." Lin Sansheng arched his hand and introduced himself.

When he heard that he was the official of the yin, there were a few people who were on the scene and immediately showed a slight resentment. The ghost face said: "It turned out to be a yin god. However, my empty world and the yin have always been each other, and there has been no incident in the big event. Since this Taoist friend is an official in the Yin Shi, it is good to listen."

Lin Sansheng said in a hurry: "I am not here to represent the Yin Shi. I am with Shaoyang. I just said my opinion. You can listen to it or not."

"But it's fine." said Pufa Tianzun. Although he had been played with Ye Shaoyang before, there were disciples who died in the hands of the ghost-caught alliance. He didn't like anyone who was related to Ye Shaoyang, but now the overall situation is heavy. Since he has opinions, he has nothing to listen to.

Lin Sansheng said: "Before, ghosts... Wang Wei said that the corpse can't afford to gamble, this is true, but... they don't have to gamble at all, because they are offensive, this problem is what they throw, we can only Since the ancient times, the two armies have fought, and most of the pressure is on the side of defense. From now on, the corpse can completely abandon this action at the last minute, and then find other opportunities, there is no loss to them, but we will Be on the lookout and be prepared."

A word is justified, and although everyone does not want to see him, the heart is still recognized.

Pufa Tianzun nodded slowly and asked involuntarily: "In your opinion, will they choose that canyon as the main attack?"

Lin Sansheng walked to the map and looked at it for a moment, saying: "Which road is not chosen."

"What?" Pufa Tianzun stunned, and the big guys were also stunned.

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