Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2452: 2454 main book 2

Everyone has echoed.

Lin Sansheng was not in a hurry, and the monk smiled and said: "And after listening to me, if the three corpses are smart enough, they will not choose these three canyons, but..." Lin Sansheng stretched his finger to the map. On the other end, "West Line! Their main force must be on the Western Front!"

The words came out and the audience was shocked.

"Nothing!" Someone retorted on the spot, but was stopped by the Pufa Tianzun, frowned, staring at the position of Lin Sansheng's finger, and said: "There is no swamp, but a swamp, for most zombies. In fact, it is almost insurmountable. Even if they come from the water, it will take a considerable amount of time. Our guards there can also find out in time, and they can immediately increase their troops and kill them."

Many people nodded with each other, and blamed Lin Sansheng for gibberish.

"The military division has to force it." Lin Sansheng whispered in the small nine ears.

Xiaoji frowned and said: "I can't think of how he should reverse."

"I can't think of it. But you can see his expression, and it's the same every time you load it."

Lin Sansheng smiled and looked at the Pufa Tianzun. He said slowly: "Tianzun... Our soldiers are all on the east line, defending the three canyons, hundreds of miles away from the west line swamp. I ask, how did the army support the past? !"

"The trough!" Ye Shaoyang shot the thigh and suddenly thought of this.

The audience was silent, and they all stared at Lin Sansheng with their eyes wide open, and even the Pufa Tianzun was stunned.

This feeling made Lin Sansheng feel very cool and said slowly: "It is not complicated to say that the tiger is off the mountain, but if it is disguised, there will always be people who are fooled."

Pufa Tianzun took a deep breath and suddenly arched his hand to Lin Sansheng. "It’s a real thing to wake up the dreamer, thank you!"

"Wait a minute!" Lishan's mother suddenly spoke up and said: "If they will count, they will lie to us to place the troops on the west line, but attack the east line?"

"Of course, this is possible. It depends on the wrestling of both sides. I have not said that they will definitely attack the Western Front. It is only possible that they are also observing. In the end, the position of the offensive will be determined. The situation will change rapidly and will not change. In particular, this kind of battle in which the game is determined, mainly determines the outcome of the game. It is the wisdom of both sides... Lin is not talented, and is willing to temporarily serve as the military division of the coalition forces to command this war. Do you know if you promised?"

No one is open, but no one really thinks about it. They just think that... this kid may be crazy and will make such unrealistic demands.

"Ha ha ha!" Shake the fairy to laugh, "Lin Sansheng, than repair, you are repaired, not in front of any of us, not more than position... you are just a yin and yang master book, or Ye Shaoyang Help you ask, don't say it is you, even if it is a master, our sisters are not in the eye!"

I spoke out everyone’s voice and nodded together.

Lin Sansheng turned to look at her and nodded. "This, I know, the chief of the parade, Si Niang, is under the Lishan Gate. When I see the Virgin, I have to kneel down. But... now it is war, with personal strength. What is the relationship with status? If you can win this battle with your masters, what are you still discussing here?"

"You!" Shake the fairy, furious, slamming his sleeves and starting to say: "With these people, we can't win, you can do it. Your tips are good, but how can you prove that you have the ability to lead? ?Pufa Tianzun once read the military books, can't it compare you to this sour show?"

Lin Sansheng said: "First, I am not a sour talent. Secondly, I have read the military books. But if you can read the military books, you can win the battle. Everyone is always a general. The gods are not against you. "You must understand this truth."

Pufa Tianzun can only nod and admit, asked: "Have you been a military division?"

"I was a high school student in Hongwu during the Hongwu period. I was edited by the Hanlin Academy. Afterwards, I was transferred to the frontline army and served as the main book. I did two duties. For the war, I dare not compare myself with Kaiping Wang and Zhongshan Wang. But definitely understand everyone, the airspace is connected with the human world. Although you don't know me, you don't have to doubt my intentions. I can't be a traitor sent by the corpse..."

The words were justified, the first Ghost King expressed support, and one or two ghosts and demon leaders also followed suit, but the people who explained and Buddhism had never made a sound.

Lishan’s mother said: “This matter has to be considered from a long-term perspective. However, since Mr. Lin is willing to contribute to the air sector, it is excellent. You can go to the military to continue to serve as the main book. After you are familiar with the war situation, consider it again. What do you think?"

Everyone nodded. Lishan’s old mother said with a hot iron: “If this is the case, there is no need to discuss this matter.”

After fighting for a long time, I won a master book. Although Ye Shaoyang didn't know what the official book was, he also knew that the "Chief of Staff" requested by Lin Sansheng was a lot worse. He looked at his face and knew that he stood up and thought. To speak, he was pulled down by Xiao Jiu. "Shaoyang, the speed is not up, the military division an outsider wants to stand firm in the military, can not do it at once, this thing, you can slowly operate..."

Ye Shaoyang had to listen to him.

Later, Pufa Tianzun presided over and continued to discuss the war. Lin Sansheng was approved to do the main book and participated in the discussion. He put forward a lot of opinions on defense. This "military conference" opened for almost an hour, and it was over.

Regarding the layout of the defense, I have not been able to discuss the results, but the Pufa Tianzun also absorbed the opinions of Lin Sansheng, and it is necessary to maintain the observation of the corpse in the later period of time before finally drawing a conclusion.

In order to prevent the sudden attack of the corpse, Lin Sansheng also put forward a few very good plans for the suspects, imaginary and real, so that the corpse can not determine where their alliance is hiding the main force, and dare not rashly attack.

At the end of the meeting, Pufa Tianzun invited Lin Sansheng to go to the army with himself and arrange the situation. Lin Sansheng readily agreed, first go to Ye Shaoyang's Yin Yang mirror, call Li Linlin out, and then say goodbye to Ye Shaoyang.

"I know what you are thinking, but I can be a master book. I am satisfied. After all, this is just the beginning. I am an honest man. When he really understands my skills, I will use it more."

"Brothers cheer, I believe you!" Wu Jiawei was very excited and happy for Lin Sansheng.

Lin Sansheng smiled and said: "If you go back, you will be prepared... The war will start when it will happen. Before that, I will inform you that I will wait for you here, and then I will say it."

(Hand q reading is selecting the most popular **** of the year, I am fortunate to be selected, I hope that the friends of the Green Gang will help me vote, enter the reading from the mobile phone qq, there are corresponding topics on the banner, drop down to find the Qingzi vote can be. Reader group, and My own qq signature has an address, you can find it from here, it is not possible to see the update of the wx public number tomorrow, will put the address out, the green brothers and sisters, it is time to see the strength of everyone! My master, He Fear of a fight!)

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