Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2453: 2455 沧 sea cross flow 1

Ye Shaoyang nodded and looked at Lin Sansheng's shoulder and said: "The military division, your talents, I don't doubt, but you have to be careful..." Speaking of this, Ye Shaoyang looked around and lowered his voice, saying in his ear: "You carefully explain and Buddhism, before we kill each other, they may retaliate against you."

"I know, you can rest assured that when I arrived in the army, I immediately transferred Xiaoqing Xiaobai to them and acted with me. I also needed a group of powerful helpers. They are here, everyone is together. It’s just right, no one dares to bully us.”

"That's the case, but you only have it now, there are no soldiers... After I went back to the mountain, I told him to go, and the strength of Qingqiu Mountain was handed over to you." Xiao Jiu said.

I didn't wait for Lin Sansheng to take a look, and the voice of the double spirit ghost king rang behind him. "I sneaked into the mountains, and I also obeyed the instructions. I came to give the face of Fox King. Second, I rushed to say what you said before. I believe you! Brothers. Be sure to show your talents in front of the two facades..."

The Double Ghost King deliberately amplified the voice and said: "If anyone dares to bully you, no matter what martial art, I will not agree with Ghost Mountain!"

"I am a second mine!" A long black-like monster came to say. There are two horns on the head, and the nose is very big.

I didn’t have a chance to know before, but when I was in the “meeting”, the cow demon had been rushing to Yang Shaoyang and they laughed, so that Ye Shaoyang felt that she should be close to the Qingqiu Mountain.

"This is Niu Erzhenjun of Jilei Mountain, these few..."

"The Fox King doesn't need to introduce it. I have heard it. I have been waiting for a long time. You can call me Niu Er." Niu Erzhen is as bold as the Double Ghost King.

"It’s a cow." Ye Shaoyang is curious.

"The cow of the Yin Shi is my eldest brother. I am the second child."

The cow of the yin... It’s natural to say that it’s a general. Ye Shaoyang three people live. "The general of the cattle... is it also out of the mountain?"

"No, no, we were all in the world. My brother got the first thing and ordered me. Then he went to the Yin Shi." After I got the job, because of my brother, it was inconvenient to stay in the human world. With a dry bull cow calf to the Jilei Mountain, it is also a mountain gate. For many years, thanks to the Fox King, everyone is their own, but they have never had a chance to meet before. Today is a good time!"

Niu Erzhen is very hearty, and Ye Shaoyang immediately called his brother.

Ye Shaoyang thought of his mountain gate and suddenly thought of something. He said: "You are in Jilei Mountain, you are... you have a son, you will use three real fires..."

"No, my son is a lot, the cultivation is all black magic, and the three fires are not true. How about brothers?"

"Nothing, nothing."

After chatting for a while, Niu Er and Shuangling Ghost King knew that Ye Shaoyang had something to say, so they made a good speech first, and they gave a sincere and warm invitation to them before leaving.

Ye Shaoyang watched them go out and muttered: "Demon, sometimes it is easier to get along with humans."

"Yezhang teaches you, you."

Ye Shaoyang turned around and watched Zhen Yuanzi stand up and hurriedly marched forward.

"The poor roads leave, go back to the mountains and wait for you to drive..."

Ye Shaoyang and others also said a few words of politeness. After Zhenyuan Daxian passed, the breeze followed, and said nothing. After a few steps, Ming Yue looked back at Ye Shaoyang with a smile on his lips.

Ye Shaoyang did not pay attention.

Lin Sansheng said: "Shaoyang, this guy will certainly retaliate against you, beware."

"Just let him come." Ye Shaoyang did not think much.

It’s not the world, it’s not the habit of gathering after the meeting (these masters don’t have to eat), but the ghost-faced mother-in-law is still prepared to show that she has opened a garden on the top of the mountain, improving many flower species and letting them You can live in the air, and now it has formed a scale, please visit.

Some have gone, and some have followed.

Lishan's old mother hangs, and they don't say hello to Ye Shaoyang. They leave in the crowd and go to see flowers together.

"Ye Shaoyang, I ask you, when my brother left, did you leave any words?" Su Mo let them go first, and they went to Ye Shaoyang, although they were asking for him, the tone was still cold, and it sounded like Like questioning.

"I am not here, I know, but it seems that there is nothing... Oh, yes, he left his vajra to my brother."

"King Kong! Leave it to the wind? How is this possible?"

Su Mo was excited at once. "I have nothing to do with the wind and the wind. How can my brother do this! You must have stolen the vajra,"

Ye Shaoyang and his party also went out. When they arrived outside the cave, everyone was leaving in groups. Lin Sansheng was just about to open his mouth. Suddenly he saw a person coming over, Chen Daxian.

"Ye Tianshi, I haven't seen you for a long time." Chen Daxian's tone sounded very unfriendly.

"Yes, have we seen it? I don't remember." Ye Shaoyang scratched his head and looked at Chen Daxian. "Oh, it's you!"

"Oh, it’s really expensive for you."

"No, no, no, I mainly didn't buy pork recently. Sorry, I can't remember what you look like."

"Buy pork?" Chen Daxian jumped up.

"Yeah, you... aren't you the Zheng Tu who killed the pig at the door of my community? Are you looking at it?"

"Yes, it is him." White brow also pretended to observe for a while, said with a certain tone.

"I said Zheng boss, how come you came here?" Ye Shaoyang arched his hand. "You are a real person, and you are disrespectful."

"Ye Shaoyang, you!"

Chen Daxian violently thundered.

Lin Sansheng stared at Chen Daxian: "Shaoyang, made a mistake, this is not a Zheng butcher, looks different." Then he added a knife: "But it looks too much, you are his brother."

"Deceive too much!" Chen Daxian was so angry that he was going to vomit blood, and his face rushed toward Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang pressed one hand on the Qixing Longquan sword and was about to pull the sword. The opposite Chen Daxian suddenly did not move, and his two eyes stared behind him. Ye Shaoyang looked back and Xiaojiu was looking at Chen Daxian. The expression was nothing, but behind her, the nine tails were already open behind them and danced in the air.

Regardless of the anger, Chen Daxian did not dare to be angry when he saw Xiao Jiu.

Although he took over the Northern Martha Manchurian, he was also the master of the teaching. However, both strength and status were inconsistent with Xiao Jiu, the lord of the Wan Yao. At the moment, he looked at Ye Shaoyang and hated and said: "Ye Shaoyang, you have been standing. Behind the woman, you can rest assured that I dare not touch you!"

Ye Shaoyang said: "Don't say it's useless. If you want to play anytime, you can pick one-on-one."

(End of this chapter)

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