Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2454: The 2456th sea crossing 2

"Okay, good, come to Japan, and stay with you!"

Chen Daxian slammed his feet and turned away.

Everyone has been scattered, Ye Shaoyang and others left the "Thousand Island Lake" range, just flew out of the island where Bo Yuedong is located, Lin Sansheng drilled into the Yin Yang mirror, called Li Linlin, and said the situation to her in a few words, to Ye Shaoyang Road "Let's go back. I went to Pfeiffer Tianzun and went to the front line with him. The words of my nephew... She also wants to stay alone in the mirror of Yin and Yang. In the future, when we find Shanhaiyin, I will pick her up again."

Ye Shaoyang said: "She is here with me, you can rest assured, go quickly, but you didn't say anything to tell me before?"

Lin Sansheng looked like a word and said, "Maybe I think more, forget it."

"My grass, what do you hide with me!"

Lin Sansheng hesitated and looked at Wu Jiawei and Xiao Jiu.

Wu Jiawei said: "You don't want us to avoid it."

"Don't pull!" Ye Shaoyang glanced at him and yelled at Lin Sansheng: "You hurry."

"This... Shaoyang, about passing through the dark forest... among us, there is actually someone who has been there."

Ye Shaoyang took a moment and said: "You mean, melon?"

"He was taken in by the late Qing, not only through the dark forest, he even went to the cave where the queen used to hide the cold jade. Then he was sent out by the queen. If you can't find the dark forest. The way, then you can only find melons."

Ye Shaoyang was discouraged as soon as he heard it. "Why is it useful to find him? I have asked him how many times. He has not been able to see the way out of the dark forest."

Lin Sansheng stared at him and did not say anything.

Ye Shaoyang said: "You look like this."

"Shaoyang, if you say that melons are going in, I don’t know where to go, there is no way to remember, but I am still excusable, but this kid is a little ghost, very smart. When he leaves Tianzhushan, it is impossible. If you don’t remember the road, you can’t remember it at all. I don’t believe it.”

"Hey. You won't doubt him!" Ye Shaoyang waved. "I thought about it before you said it, so I asked him, but he didn't remember anything. I believe him. I can't doubt my own. brothers."

Wu Jiawei also nodded.

Lin Sansheng looked at the two people with disdain and said: "What do you mean, you treat him as a brother, don't I, ah, I mean, he doesn't say, he must have his difficulties..."

Ye Shaoyang stunned and stared at him and asked, "How do you know that Guagua knows?"

"At first, I didn't doubt it, but he was the only one who had been to Tianshan. After all, I tried to remind him of the situation at the time, so he could collect clues, but he said that he didn't remember anything. This is not logical, and His look... made me think that he seemed to be hiding something, so I knocked on the side, and then I decided that he must have any information that was not said. I originally planned to continue to ask him these days, but I am leaving now... ..."

Lin Sansheng frowned, and said to Ye Shaoyang: "Shaoyang, I was still hesitant to tell you, because he didn't want to say... that must be something that cannot be said. I don't want you to ask him."

Ye Shaoyang nodded slowly, frowning and muttered: "The question is, what can he do?"

"Maybe, I don't want you to die."

Ye Shaoyang suddenly realized, "Yes, he said that before... this kid, ok, I know, I will go back and find a way to ask him."

Lin Sansheng said: "He may not know how to pass the dark forest, but he will certainly provide some clues, but he can't be too hasty. OK, I will go first, then I will contact you."

Ye Shaoyang three people told him to leave. Lin Sansheng took Li Linlin together and turned around and went to the moon hole to find the Pufa Tianzun.

"The military division is a great talent, but unfortunately it was wrong with the owner." Xiao Jiu slowly said, "The history of the world, I also know some. In the beginning of the difficult battle, he followed the Jianwen Emperor, but at that time the Jianwen Emperor had exhausted. Even if you are a big talent, you can't go back to heaven."

Wu Jiawei said: "At that time, he was wrong with his master. But now he has not followed his brother. If he goes, I believe he will definitely do something big."

"When this is going, it is the cross-flow of the sea, and the true character of the hero." Xiao Ji looked at the figure of Lin Sansheng, and suddenly remembered the sentence that I did not know where I saw it, and slowly said it.

Lin Sansheng flew in half, looked back and found that they were still watching themselves, smiled and arched.

After Lin Sansheng left, Xiao Jiu also said goodbye. Now that the war is coming, she must go back to Qingqiu Mountain to sit in the town, supervise the war situation, and pass orders to obey Lin Sansheng's dispatch. She stayed in the air and played a bigger role than following Ye Shaoyang.

Both of them were not good at speaking, and they confessed a few words. Then Xiao Jiuyang and Wu Jiawei opened the void crack and let them leave... In the empty world, they want to go from one place to another, only I can honestly rush over, but it is very easy to go back to the world. Just open the void and you can leave, and before Ye Shaoyang came here, he ordered a long lamp at home and put a piece of five emperor money in the light. Once in the void, Ye Shaoyang immediately practiced and perceive the existence of the five emperors. He took Wu Jiawei together and flew over to the light. In an instant, he had returned to the world.

Still in my own home.

However, if you want to return to the original moon and return to the Bo Yue Cave, you will need someone to accept it, or you will only be attracted to the boundary river by the emptiness.

Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath and suddenly felt a little hungry. He remembered that there was still a miscellaneous soup in the kitchen, so he came to the living room, but suddenly found a figure in the corner of the living room, white and bright, seeing it, Ye Shaoyang I thought it was a sinful thing, and I was shocked. I reached out and touched the device. When I looked carefully, it was actually a four treasure!

What shines is his bald head.

"Where, you are scared to death, when are you coming?"

"One hour, where have you been?"

Ye Shaoyang explained, while walking over, sitting on the sofa opposite him, looking down at him, watching him feel a little wilful, can not help but curious. "You are embarrassed, and you are here with a little bit of a daughter-in-law."

Four treasures sighed, just about to open, Ye Shaoyang got up and said: "You wait and say, I will go to the hot sheep soup, I am hungry."

Going to the hot soup with Wu Jiawei, divided the three bowls and greeted the four treasures to come and eat together.

The four treasures moved over, but they did not look at the miscellaneous soup. In the face of the questioning of the two people, they suddenly said: "You said, can the monk get married?"

(End of this chapter)

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