Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2455: The 2457th month of the month

When Ye Shaoyang heard it, he immediately understood it and smiled: "Dare to love you is trapped by love."

"I have been with Xiaowen these days, and my relationship has developed very well..."

"Did you sleep?"

"This... I am saying something, thank you."

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said, "I will ask you if you have slept."

"No! How is this person so dirty, I am telling you something right!" The four treasures picked up.

"Yeah, you said." Ye Shaoyang continued to drink soup.

"Ah, where did I say..."

"You are already asleep."

"Yes, we have...sleeped your sister!"

Ye Shaoyang pointed his chopsticks at him. "You want to sleep with my sister, go directly to Xiaomeng, and ask for personal opinions."

Wu Jiawei, who didn’t like to laugh, heard this and laughed.

"The trough!" The four treasures picked up the miscellaneous soup in front of them, and said with anger: "I am specially waiting for you to come back and discuss your emotional problems with you. If you don't believe me, I will put the soup on you."

"Good, say. You said that you have developed very smoothly."

Sibao put down the soup and sat directly on the floor. "Yes, we have developed very smoothly. According to the average person, we should go to see the parents, but I am... oh, think about it, if Wenwen’s parents Seeing that she brought a monk to her home, will she go directly to me?"

"will not."


"People are directly mad." Ye Shaoyang said.

"Yeah, people must be mad at first, oh, so I am very embarrassed."

Ye Shaoyang said: "Are you stupid or fake? You have to change clothes and wear a hat... You can't buy a wig and put it on. Just do it."

"Yes, I can do it once, twice. The problem is... I am a monk myself. I discussed this with Wenwen. If I am together, I must be vulgar. She can't marry a monk. ”

"The monk can't get married." Ye Shaoyang finished the rest of the soup in the bowl. The stomach was hot and very comfortable. Ye Shaoyang wiped his mouth and looked at the four treasures. He said, "Poly, you are a flower monk." No problem, falling in love, even going to the big sword, can be, but if you get married, this is a bit shocking, and then cohabitation later, people are always with a monk, and there is also a shadow in my heart."

The four treasures nodded slowly.

Wu Jiawei said: "There is nothing to do with you, what is the relationship?"

"I thought about it, but this is contrary to my heart. I am practicing Buddhist magic. I am open-minded and open-minded. The color is empty. It is no problem to drink and eat meat. But if the identity of the monk is gone, the heart will immediately It will break the road of cultivation, and it will stop here."

Ye Shaoyang finally realized the seriousness of the problem, no longer joking, seriously thought about it, and said to Sibao: "You mean, either get married or continue to practice, you can only choose one, is that what you mean?"

Four treasures nodded.

Wu Jiawei said: "If I am, I definitely choose to practice, I just want to improve my strength. I am not interested in feelings, women, but you are different from me."

"Yeah, yeah, so don't say it's useless, hurry up and shut up." The four treasures were a little impatient. They were all brothers, and they came together with blood and hurricanes. They were not polite to each other.

Wu Jiawei spit out his tongue.

Ye Shaoyang thought for a while and said: "This, don't ask us, ask yourself... you want to be clear, then just do it, just don't regret it in the future. But I still advise you to think clearly. Look at it for a while, in case someone changes their mind first, you say yes, then you don't have these troubles."

Sibao gave him a look. "You don't want to talk about it. Xiaowen is very good. She won't change her heart."

"I mean this. Anyway, I still recommend that you stay for a while. Anyway, you are not in a hurry to get married now."

The three men discussed for a long time, and finally they could only listen to what Ye Shaoyang said, continue to get along, and watch the day.

"Right, Biqing?" Ye Shaoyang, he remembered that Biqing was at home before, how can he disappear now?

Ye Shaoyang got up and saw it in several rooms. No, he suddenly saw the lights in the bathroom and asked who was inside the four treasures.

"I don't know, I haven't been to the toilet since I came." Four treasures went to the refrigerator and took two bottles of beer to drink with Wu Jiawei.

"Biqing?" Ye Shaoyang said, knocking at the door of the bathroom.

No one responded inside.

Ye Shaoyang pushed the door open and saw it inside. He was afraid of what Biqing was taking in the bath. If he saw what he should not see (although he was slightly expecting), there was no one in the bathroom.

But a powerful demon came over. Ye Shaoyang suddenly got nervous, and one hand touched the belt and pushed the door open.

There is no bathroom, but there is water in the bathtub. The red light is shining inside, and the demon is emitted from the bathtub.

Ye Shaoyang came to the front with a suspicious look. When he saw it, he suddenly stopped, and the bathtub was filled with water. There was a green lotus leaf floating on it, and the lotus flower bloomed on it. It was beautiful. Under the water, there are several white and tender couplings.

"Go out!"

Without waiting for Ye Shaoyang to return to the gods, this lotus flower suddenly screamed, it was the voice of Bi Qing.

Ye Shaoyang stunned and smiled: "It turns out that you are showing the deity. What are you doing here? It is so mysterious."

"I am breathing, I am alive, in the water, the harvest will be even bigger. You still can't go out!" Bi Qing shouted.

"Uh-huh, let's go."

Before leaving, Ye Shaoyang suddenly wanted to come up with a child's heart. He wanted to make a joke with her. He reached into the water and held the few white lotuses. He said, "This is so beautiful, I took it to the fried festival."

"You touched my leg!" Bi Qing was mad and mad, with an embarrassment in his tone.

No wonder so white and tender...

Ye Shaoyang spit out his tongue and quickly released and slipped out.

Four treasures drank a can of beer, but they were not addicted. They had to take Ye Shaoyang and went out to drink. Ye Shaoyang didn’t have the mood and let Wu Jiawei go with him. I went back to the room, lying on the bed, and quietly thinking about what Lin Sansheng said to himself. Guagua... I really know how the dark forest enters, but for some reason I don’t tell myself?

What is the reason?

By the way, why haven’t you come back to me?

Ye Shaoyang was a bit uneasy. The thumb was activated on the soul print of Guagua, and it took less than a few seconds to receive feedback. One long and one short.

This is the secret code that he and the melons have made. One long and one short means nothing. Ye Shaoyang was relieved, and he gave back the same signal, saying that he was fine here, just greeting.

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