Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2456: 2458th Lunar New Year 2

Ye Shaoyang thought about it for a while, when the melon came back, how to ask him about it. Then I sat on the bed and spit it up. At the end of a Sunday, Ye Shaoyang got up and took a look at the window, and he saw nothing.

Ye Shaoyang stunned, opened the window, looked out, and there were thick fog everywhere, rolling from all around, and the visibility was not even three meters.

It's getting foggy?

Ye Shaoyang’s heart was shocked. According to the saying, it’s almost New Year’s Day. It’s normal to have fog in the big winter, but the fog in front of it... It’s too turbulent, like a spray, you can see the building on the opposite side, and the result is When Ye Shaoyang squatted on the window sill, the dense fog coming from all directions blocked the last line of sight. And... the fog was so strange that it spread so fast outside the window, but after the window was opened, it didn't spread to the room at all.

Ye Shaoyang immediately alerted him, took out the cinnabar pen and a blank charm from his belt, and quickly drew a few strokes on it and threw it out.

The magical character flew into the thick fog, and immediately burst into a white smoke, burning instantly, but from the place where the magic symbol burned, a powerful spiritual force fluctuated.

Sure enough... this is an attack.

Who is the comer?

Ye Shaoyang suddenly thought of the shadow that he had encountered before (the one suspected to be the brother of Xingyue slave), but what he is currently experiencing is obviously an enchantment surrounded by the use of magic. Can the enchantment also cast spells?

No matter who they are, they have to fight one another.

Ye Shaoyang calmed down and took out the yin and yang disk from the belt. He wanted to break the position of the other party. After pressing the star plate a few times, the star plate twirled. After the stop, the middle pointer was turned non-stop. .

This is called a floating needle in the terminology. There are only two possibilities for this situation. One is that the other party keeps turning and the pointer is followed, or the other party uses the magic to interfere with the magnetic field of the yin and yang disk, so that the pointer cannot be determined. Orientation.

"It's amazing." Ye Shaoyang put away the yin and yang disk and turned to face the window, opened the eyes of the sky and scanned the past.

A huge network of spiritual power, shrouded in the window, blocking the space.

Ye Shaoyang snorted, and quickly slammed into the opposite balcony, looking out, and saw the net of spiritual power.

In other words, the home of the spiritual network has been blocked from front to back, left and right, and is isolated from the inside and outside. This is to trap yourself and catch it.

"A big handwriting." Ye Shaoyang looked out the window and gave a loud voice.

This is definitely not a human spell.

"Since it is here, I will see you at first sight. Anyway, I will fight sooner or later." Ye Shaoyang shouted at the outside and waited for a while. He suddenly heard the sound of opening the door, so he rushed back to the living room and fixed his eyes. The door of the bathroom was opened.


Ye Shaoyang remembered that Biqing was at home, and immediately walked two steps. He saw it from the open door and saw Biqing, or the deity. A lotus flower floated in the water of the bathtub, a thick blue light. Rotate around the lotus.

The lotus flower has a flower-shaped shape and has been trying to open it, but every time it is just opened, the golden light will immediately tighten and lock the lotus...

Is this fighting?

Ye Shaoyang immediately pulled out the Qixing Longquan sword and tried to rush over. Suddenly, a very strong hurricane blew in and smothered Ye Shaoyang from all sides. Ye Shaoyang was awkward, almost unable to stand, hurriedly meditating on the meditation curse, which fixed the figure, but the hurricane became more and more fierce, soothing from the skin, it could always blow into the bones, as if to smash him The air blows away.

"He forced him to be strong, and the breeze was on the hills; he was crossed by him, and the moon was shining on the river..."

A sudden sound came from the ear.

Where did it seem to have been heard?

Ye Shaoyang is recalling, suddenly, a white light shines from the top of the head, and the eyes are bright. Ye Shaoyang looks up and sees that there is a bright moon hanging in the sky, but only a beam of moonlight, sprinkled on himself. Ye Shaoyang still didn't understand what was going on, and immediately felt a strong burning. This kind of burning was not the same as the fire, but a kind of penetration from top to bottom, as if in a steamer, with the hurricane blowing, the heat One wave and one wave to himself.

Ye Shaoyang is going to be on the spot. Fortunately, his hands can move, Ye Shaoyang endured this kind of severe pain, hands sealed, arranged an enchantment, barely protect himself, after all, you must first stand still, in order to ponder how to counterattack.

With his close to the cultivation of the immortal, the enchantment arranged can only barely block the hurricane and the moonlight, and it may break at any time. However, Ye Shaoyang finally took a breath and looked around. In addition to the invisible hurricane, and the bright moon above the head, it was dark and seemed to fall into the void.

Who is the opponent?

Ye Shaoyang was shocked and recalled the voice before. "Qingfeng 拂山岗...Mingyue Zhaojiang..."

Two names suddenly flashed in my mind: breeze, bright moon!

It turned out to be them?

Revenge is coming, is this?

This is how much hatred and grievances, actually running the world to block themselves. I thought it was a man of the spell guild. I didn't expect these two pieces. Ye Shaoyang was also angry when he was on the road.

"Senior brother, this Ye Shaoyang has a few sons." A clear voice drifted into Ye Shaoyang's ear. "We joined forces to attack, but we couldn't take him at once."

"Well, after all, it is Maoshan's teaching, but I also want to contain this lotus demon. I can't attack it all the time. You can do it with all your strength, and you can break his enchantment! He will only be awkward."

The moon did not make a sound. In the next second, Ye Shaoyang suddenly felt that the power of "moonlight" had increased several times. In the hurricane, the power increased by a few points. His own enchantment couldn't help but slammed.

The moonlight formed a sword and squatted down his head. Ye Shaoyang also prepared for a long time, and then he rolled away to avoid it. The lightsaber fell into the air and immediately chased it.

Ye Shaoyang turned over and the Taiyi whisk was already caught in the hand, and the curse was in the mouth, and the light sword was stretched over.

"The world is endless, and it is too empty!"

The moment the lightsaber stabbed on the dust of Taiyi, the dust tails of Taiyi's dust and dust began to unfold, and countless roots, as if living creatures grow, follow the lightsaber and climb up, while dissolving the power of lightsaber, etc. When climbing to the hilt, the spiritual power was also exhausted. Ye Shaoyang shook with force and the dust tail shrank, breaking the lightsaber.

Ordinary people, in the end of a round of offense and defense, always take a break to catch their breath, but Ye Shaoyang does not, because he knows that the opponent must organize a new offensive, it will take a little time, taking advantage of the light sword is crushed, Ye Shaoyang bite the tip of the tongue A spurt of blood on the Taiyi whisk, the mouth in the curse, Taiyi whisk against the wind, the volley wrote a "敕" word, pushed out to the outside.

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