Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2458: Book 2460 2

"Ha ha, Ye Shaoyang, my five Zhuang view has been extinct for many years. The world has long forgotten the Taoist magical power of Wuzhuangguan. You are also lucky. Today, I saw my five-year-old stunts, and I will not be able to do it!"

Sun and Moon

This name Ye Shaoyang has never heard of it, but he has heard from Qing Yunzi that the best magical skill of the five Zhuangguans in the past was the seal of the world, and it was the best in the world today.

The key is that you are not watching the bustle, the one that is trapped. Seeing that the air of the order under the body was submerged to the waist, Ye Shaoyang backed the water and smashed his fingertips. He held the hilt of the Seven Star Longquan Sword and gathered the whole body on the Jianfeng.

"Lang Lang, the moon and the moon, the glory protects my golden body, the four evil spirits, and instantly turns into a light dust! Seven stars return, Longquan kills the enemy!

Throw the Longquan sword through the gap of the beam...

Because the energy was placed on this move, and it was no longer possible to maintain resistance to the void in the air, Ye Shaoyang's figure quickly fell, and the figure was completely submerged in the void. The emptiness of the air immediately began to devour the helium in his body.

Old man, look at you!

After a few seconds, the emptiness of the whole body suddenly retreated, and the beam disappeared. Ye Shaoyang looked down and stood still on the floor. Looking up, his seven-star Longquan sword was just shocked and inserted on the floor.

The moon smashed two steps, and the people stood firm, and they cast an incredulous look toward Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang’s counterattack in this hand was completely beyond his expectations.

Fang Cai, Ye Shaoyang also gambled:

What is the day and month of the shackles, after all, is also the attack means formed by the Mingyue spells, if it can interfere with his practice, it will certainly be able to pay at the bottom, breaking his seal.

But this is only theoretical in theory. In the fight, the battle situation changes rapidly, and anything may happen. If the moon has blocked the Seven Star Longquan sword, or just keep it for a few seconds, the body's suffocation will be drained, and then the hand will smash... win and defeat, Often between that thought, Ye Shaoyang never hesitated when the opportunity appeared.

He is a man who dares to gamble.

“How do you feel?” Ye Shaoyang asked, putting his hands on his hips and posing a gesture to talk to him.

Mingyue involuntarily relaxed his vigilance and hated and said: "You..."

The result only said this word, Ye Shaoyang suddenly rolled over, pulled up the seven-star Longquan sword from the ground, and chopped it over the moon.

Mingyue stunned, the backhand lifted, the ball of light in the hand smashed out, but due to the rush of the shot, failed to make more mana, the seven-star Longquan sword was cut, the light ball was broken, the moon was not moving, the body straight back Two or three meters away, just to counterattack, suddenly a burning magical flies, hurriedly stretched out and bounced, the spirit of the sign, behind the magic symbol, is a purple sword.


The moon screamed, the ball of light flew away, and formed an "eight" in front of the body. As a result, the seven-star Longquan sword was cut on it and immediately shattered. The aura returned to the hands of the moon again. This time, he quit several steps. , barely standing, Ye Shaoyang posted like a shadow, the moon just wants to counterattack, suddenly found his feet entangled, looked down, is the hands of Ye Shaoyang in the hands of Taiyi, I do not know when he hooked his feet, hurriedly The ball of light smashed in the past, forcing back the dust, and as soon as he looked up, two of the five emperors with flashing aura had already flown to the front...

Any living being is not just a human being. As long as you cast a spell, you need to raise your gas. It takes time to raise your gas. In theory, the deeper you cultivate, the less time you need to raise your gas.

Ye Shaoyang had a shot before, although he couldn't hurt the moon, but it also made him breathless. He had nothing to do with it. Just adjust it. According to Ye Shaoyang's estimate, the time for adjusting the breath in the moon is probably a second or two. Then, he Crazy shot, a move followed by a trick, grabbed the two seconds of time, do not give him any adjustment time.

This is easy to say. Actually, people need to make subtle judgments on the situation in a very short period of time, and use the most appropriate instruments at the right time... To be straightforward, to create opportunities and seize opportunities. Ability, if the passing score is six points, most of the strong players are seven or eight points, but Ye Shaoyang alone, infinitely close to very...

The bright moon is also a strong man who has been repaired as a top. In the face of Ye Shaoyang’s mad attack, he has never been knocked down, but he has not been able to slow down in one breath. He can’t cope with the attack. This accumulate is getting bigger and bigger, and several rounds are coming down. Finally, Ye Shaoyang seized the opportunity, hitting the soul and hitting him on the shoulder. The fan flew out, hit the wall, and bounced again. Wow spit out a blood.

Ye Shaoyang did not relax, but followed a sword and stabbed him.

The moon's mana is broken, and the truth is not lifted. In the face of this must-have, I know that there is nowhere to hide. I suddenly blinked: "Ye Shaoyang, I admit defeat!"

Ye Shaoyang smiled slightly, but the sword in his hand did not stop.

At the beginning of the fighting, Ye Shaoyang went all out and could kill and kill, otherwise he would wait for the other party to slow down and lose himself.

As for the honor of the Ming Dynasty, there is a big support behind him, killing him will kill a big disaster, and so on, completely not considering Ye Shaoyang. He has never been afraid of offending people, and the other party is actively looking for a door to try to win the murder. With Ye Shaoyang's character, it is impossible to keep hands.

The sword is straight up.

Jianfeng has touched the eyebrows of Mingyue, and he can get into his head with just one click. Ye Shaoyang clenches his teeth and stabs a sword...

At this moment, a hurricane swept from the left side, hit the tip of the sword, and let the sword edge a little. The sword front did not pierce the eyebrows, but rubbed the temple of the moon, tied to the wall, in him. There was a scar on his face.

The bright moon suddenly returned to God, and one jumped out.

"Ye Shaoyang, you are too poisonous." The sound of the breeze came from behind, and at the same time a strong hurricane hit, Ye Shaoyang hurriedly turned around, pinched to arrange an enchantment to block, fixed eyes, the breeze has already appeared, Standing at the door of the bathroom, looking at myself coldly.

Suddenly, a golden glow glowed from behind him, illuminating the room.

It was the deity of the lotus flower in the bathtub. When the breeze had to share the energy to save the moon, and when it was slightly oppressed by Biqing, Biqing finally took a breath and broke through the bondage, lotus bloom, golden brilliance. It broke out in an instant and flew toward the breeze.

The breeze had to turn back and use the hurricane to block the offensive of Biqing. The two men fought together...

The moon was bailed by the breeze to help him block this. Finally, he adjusted his infuriating spirit and looked at Ye Shaoyang. He looked at him with unbelievable eyes and muttered: "You just... want to kill me?"

(End of this chapter)

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