Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2459: Book 2461 3

The moon suddenly smiled again. "Unfortunately, you missed the opportunity, I can't give you another chance."

Ye Shaoyang said: "If I were you, I would not say so much nonsense."

"Oh, before, I did not expect you to be so insidious, did not make a real means, Shanhai Yin I don't want it, I am today... want your life!"

After that, the left hand pulled out a thing from the sleeve of the right hand, and a long one spread out in his hand.

This is... a scroll?

Ye Shaoyang looked at it carefully, only to see that this is a pair of bamboo slips, all of which are black brush characters.

In the moon, one hand touched the bamboo slip, one hand was sealed, and the curse was constantly sung in the mouth, and then the bamboo slip was thrown away from Ye Shaoyang.

The bamboo slips unfolded in the air, and the brush on the top suddenly flashed a layer of golden light, and then part of it broke away from the bamboo slip and flew around Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang looks at it clearly. These eight words are "the heavens, the earth, the moon, the wind, the thunder and the fire", which form a long one, like a snake, and rotate around itself.

Ye Shaoyang didn't know what the spell was. He tried to seal the past and broke one or two words, but the spirit was not scattered, he quickly regrouped, rotated around himself for a week, and then fell to the ground. , turned into a flame of different colors.

"The fire in the heavens and the earth, ambush on all sides!"

In the bright moon, another bamboo slip, and a line of words flying from above, did not wait for Ye Shaoyang to see what it was, this line of words fell in the eight groups of flames, just like fuel, after the flame was injected, the fire suddenly burned up and formed. Eight fire pillars.

Ye Shaoyang tried to rush out of the flame, but the flame just landed to form an extremely powerful enchantment, which sealed him in the middle, much more powerful than the previous day.

This cannot be the mana of the moon. It’s the bamboo slip!

Ye Shaoyang got this judgment in an instant, but it didn't help the reality.

"There is nothing in the earth, no time!"

As the Ming Dynasty chanted again, suddenly, the eight flames turned into snakes, and they came from Ye Yangyang in different directions.

"Eight points in the world, leaving the fire, and turning around the world! I am in a hurry as a law!" Ye Shaoyang held a hook in the mouth, showing a trick in the gossip of the gossip, dancing out of the water, blocking the flame attack from all sides, hard hit a few After the next, the numbness of the tiger's mouth is almost exhausted.

"This land is overwhelming, even if the gods go in, don't think about it, Ye Shaoyang, you are a human master, I will see when you can resist it!"

The moon touched the bamboo slips, and after the curse, he did not forget to sneer at Ye Shaoyang. In his opinion, he is already winning.

"Land book! Ye Shaoyang, this is the land book!"

Biqing, who was fighting the breeze, suddenly said.

"What?" Ye Shaoyang stunned.

"The treasure of the town of Wuzhuang, the book of the film of the earth! Everything is a spell! This flame is the fire of the earth outside the three flames! The burning is extraordinary, can not be defeated!"

Ye Shaoyang was shocked. Although this land book was the first time he heard it, Biqing knew that he wanted to come and it was a very powerful instrument. He asked when he was dodging: "What should I do?"

"I do not know."

do not know……

Ye Shaoyang is speechless.

"You think of it yourself, I can only drag this one for you, you can find a way to get out of trouble!"

The strong meet, as long as the strength is not particularly different, and there is no special instrumental blessing, it can be played for a long time and can not be divided, Biqing wants to help Ye Shaoyang, but also has powerlessness.

"It's not working, you will abandon the flesh, drill into the yin and yang mirror, and keep the soul."

Discard the flesh... I am a human master. If you don't want to be physically, it is dead. Of course, Ye Shaoyang does not want to die, nor can he die. Bi Qing’s approach is almost the last resort.

Since hard work can not be done, Ye Shaoyang can only dodge, cast a volley of Maoshan, shuttle in the flame. Space is very limited, Ye Shaoyang is fast, and there is no way to avoid the attack of eight flames. It is inevitable that the body is a few times. Fortunately, this is an illusion created by a spell. It is not a real flame. It is harmless to the flesh, but every impact. Will consume a part of the body's hernia, Ye Shaoyang is also repaired deep, this only caught a bit.

In the process of evading, Ye Shaoyang also observed the direction of the eight flames, and gradually found that their attacks were regular. Ye Shaoyang paid a little attention and immediately found out that the law was the result of the Eight Diagrams, eight eight sixty-four. All kinds of changes are in it, but the eight poles are retreating, there must be raw grams, so in the gap between the eight flame attacks, there is always a position that is safe, but this safe position is constantly changing with the change of the image. .

After figuring out this law, Ye Shaoyang constantly promoted the phenomenon in his heart. When the elephants change, they can always find a safe place. Although they look very dangerous, they are moving around in the middle of the fire, but the flame is always Did not hurt him.

Seeing this scene in the bright moon, I was not surprised. Instead, I had a feeling of watching a movie. She smiled and said: "Do you think that the power of this book is like this?" Continue to swear, hands clasped together, the **** of both hands bends, right The land book is shot with the index finger, and the little finger is hooked again. The mouth reads: "The world is back to the Yuan! The earth is clear! Disease!"

After a while, the land book suddenly unfolded. The original bamboo slip was only unfolded in general, and half of it was rolled up. Now it is fully unfolded. Ye Shaoyang looked up and looked at the half of the book. The above handwriting was much smaller than the previous one. It was all a small head, and it glowed golden light. Then they left the bamboo slips one by one and flew into the battlefield, injecting eight flames. Among them.

The power of the flame suddenly strengthened a lot. Even if it passed by, it made Ye Shaoyang feel a strong burning... If this is a slap, Ye Shaoyang knows that he is completely out of the key, not the killing of this, but he is hit hard. The footwork will definitely be chaotic. When it is time to adjust, it will be late. I will follow it later, and I will not get up when I lie down.

Ye Shaoyang tried not to be distracted, continued to move and evade attacks, which was easy to say, but Ye Shaoyang had already exerted his own reaction to the limit, and then barely managed to escape the attack. As those runes floated into the battle, the flames flew. The speed and the transformation of the imagery are also getting faster and faster.

In this way, he will eventually lose. After all, I am a human being, and there is a limit to speed. It is impossible to compare with the nothingness of spiritual power. Ye Shaoyang concentrates on avoiding while thinking about the method of cracking in the subconscious.

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