Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2467: The 2469 Assassin's Comprehension 2

Ye Shaoyang said truthfully.

The four treasures are okay, just listening to the shock. Wu Jiawei clenched his fists and hated himself for going out to drink last night and missed the battle. After all, Ye Shaoyang was offended by the breeze and the bright moon.

"The road is also awesome." Four treasures erected a thumbs and said with emotion: "He killed all the disciples who were outside the array, and killed the moon, and replaced them with ordinary people. Even if they have this strength, they will never Dry, after all, that is the disciple of Wuzhuangguan, Yuandaxian, the boss of Wuzhuangguan, just knowing that this head is not covered."

"The temper of the wind, this is not a big deal for him, let alone the disciple of Zhenyuanzi, even if the town Yuanzi himself came, the road wind dare to be hard."

After Ye Shaoyang finished, he glanced at Wu Jiawei and found that he was frowning, his expression was a bit complicated, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Ye Shaoyang let them stay first, wash their faces and brush their teeth, and then go to clean up their clothes and intend to take them away. After all, Hangzhou is also a few hundred kilometers away from Shicheng. Today, I will definitely not be able to come back.

Packing up, the door of the bedroom was pushed open, and Ye Shaoyang looked back and Wu Jiawei walked in.

"What kind of expression do you have, how do you owe you hundreds of thousands of people?"

Wu Jiawei sat down at the edge of the bed and silently looked at the man who was stacking his clothes. "Shaoyang, do you think I am quite a waste?"

"What?" Ye Shaoyang stunned and stopped the action of folding clothes.

"I mean, my strength is really not good... you don't want to comfort me, I know."

Ye Shaoyang threw his clothes on the bed and said, "What are you talking about!"

"To be honest, if I am strong enough, before I was in the moon, I could fight them directly and let them pay the price, so you don't have to be in the first place!"

"Fuck, you are my brother, what am I going to do for you?"

"I know, but... As for me, I am not willing. Last night, I was pulling the treasure to drink, because I was not feeling well..."

Ye Shaoyang turned to face him, his hands on his shoulders, and looked into his eyes and said: "I know that you are strong, it is the kind of person who wants to face, but the strength is not a day, I Didn’t you say it yesterday, people have more time to practice than you, and it’s normal for you to beat him.”

"But you can play it." Wu Jiawei looked up slightly and looked at Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang stunned and said slowly: "We are brothers, you should not compare with me. According to you, the road is so much better than me. Am I still not alive?"

Wu Jiawei smiled and said very seriously: "You misunderstood me. This question, I thought about it for a long time last night. Although you are not as strong as the wind, you have your own characteristics, and your reaction ability is very strong. Fast, the ability to create opportunities and seize opportunities is very strong, but also good at using everything that you have in hand... those instruments can always exert the greatest power in your hands, in a word, even if the opponent is stronger than you, It's easy to follow your path. Once you let the opportunity seize, the other party is basically impossible to turn over again... Your ability in this area is still above the path, above all Masters."

After listening to such a large-scale award, Ye Shaoyang licked his hair and said, "You said that people are very ashamed."

"However, the advantage of the Taoist style is his obsession and imposing manner. He is ruining the world and killing the fruit. If it is to be compared, he is the emperor of the Master. He will always be high. In the face of any situation, there will be no hesitation. And there is a very high level of his practice, and all the rules are... you are just complementary to him."

Ye Shaoyang listened to his analysis, his expression gradually became serious and he nodded slowly.

Wu Jiawei went on to say: "Let's say Baoye, the characteristics of Baoye are single-minded. He will have few spells, but his Luohan gold body is soft and strong, and the defense is extremely strong. Every time the team fights, you can use this. Encourage us to win a lot of time and opportunity... Baoye is a meat shield, you are an all-around warrior, a military division is a think tank, a melon can fly, Meihua and an orange are invincible in the water, etc., everyone has characteristics, Only I don't."

Ye Shaoyang said: "You are an assassin."

"But I didn't do the duty of an assassin. I analyzed it. My specialty is that the speed of the move is faster. I can better understand the weakness of the other side, but I didn't do a sword and seal it like a real moment. ”

Ye Shaoyang said: "Actually, you have done a good job. I am not complimenting you."

After listening to Wu Jiawei's analysis of so many people, Ye Shaoyang's heart was also shocked. He did not expect that he usually looked like a white-browed man with a strong mind and a brain. In fact, he had such a careful mind.

"Not enough. We are a team of ghosts. It is only a team. Only when we have their own strengths and strengths. One plus one is greater than two. This is the last one. It is not enough now."

"what do you want to say in the end?"

"When I finished, from today, I have to deliberately cultivate according to my own talents, and try to maximize the advantages, so this incident last night also made me enlighten once..." Wu Jiawei rarely rushed Ye Shaoyang to laugh Laughter, "I have found the direction now, I feel very good, share it with you."

"Okay, good, good things." Ye Shaoyang nodded with a sigh of relief. In fact, Wu Jiawei said that he understood it, and he touched him a lot. What made him feel ashamed is that it is so detailed. A thorough analysis will actually come from the mouth of Wu Jiawei.

It seems that he really understands.

After finishing this, Wu Jiawei said that he had to think about the specific cultivation methods, not to go to Hangzhou, and then went to the next bedroom and locked the door from the inside.

Four treasures are going to find Wang Xuwen, and they will leave after a break.

Ye Shaoyang thought about what Wu Jiawei said before, and waited until Xie Yuqing came to pick himself up. He went down with Biqing, and actually saw Lao Guo and Xue Qi in the car of Xie Yuqing.

"I am here to lead the way, or you can't find that place." In the face of Ye Shaoyang's questioning, Lao Guo said. Then Xie Yuqing took over the words and told him that Xue Qi was she was looking for, because last time Ye Shaoyang had suffered a big loss in the battle with the shadow charm, Xie Yuqing was afraid of some, and decided to encounter the shadow again. Ye Shaoyang is no longer allowed to fight alone, so Xue Qi is also called.

"I don't need it, if I have met, I would like to meet him." Bi Qing said coldly, holding a mobile phone and watching TV dramas intently.

Xie Yuqing glanced at the screen curiously and saw that she was still stunned after seeing it was still in the Pearl. Ye Shaoyang had to explain it again. Xie Yuqing and Xue Qi are quite speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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