Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2468: The 2468 Assassin's Comprehension 1

Guagua went on to say: "We are locusts, born under trees, grow on trees, eat on trees, and finally die on trees. We can spend all our lives on trees. For the understanding of trees, we can say It is there in the bones.

If I have not cultivated into fine, I have to live in the tree, drink sap every day... Who knows more about the tree? Let's say that those trees are common trees in the ghost domain. I can see what the tree is at a glance. This point is absolutely unthinkable even after the Qing. ”

Ye Shaoyang slammed his face and looked at the melon, but he could not refute it.

"This is too coincidental?" Ye Shaoyang shook his head and asked himself to answer. "But sometimes, it is such a coincidence, maybe it is God's will, give me some advice to save the cold jade. Guagua, you are awesome, this thing You are the head of the work! For the melons, go out from the dark forest, the road to the heavens, and the place where the cold jade is being held, do you remember?"

Guagua Road: "I remember this. But... the cave has a blessing, and most people can't open it. Only Houqing and his cronies can open."

"What about external forces?"

Guagua shook his head. "I saw it. It is not an ordinary rock. It is estimated that it is difficult to open."

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "I have a way to do this. Just look for Master Guo."

"What can he do with his two sons?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "You don't understand this, martial arts are high and afraid of kitchen knives, Shimen is more secure, and afraid of explosives... oh, it's quite pleasing."

"Is this...can you do it?" Guagua said. "That is the empty world. It is different from ours. Can the explosives in the world not be used there?"

Ye Shaoyang thinks about it too, but it is not a big problem compared to how to cross the dark forest.

This is really a road to nowhere. I thought it was an almost impossible task, and now I see the chance of success. The excitement in Ye Shaoyang’s heart is hard to suppress, and I can’t wait to set off immediately.

The next morning, Ye Shaoyang was woken up by Xie Yuqing’s phone and told him to find clues about the Holy Spirit: the branch of the Holy Spirit Society of the city was Ye Shaoyang and Xie Yuqing who went to the scene, and then sent someone to the past. The investigation was held in the vicinity of the small building for several days. As a result, there was no one in the first place. When I went into the investigation, I found out that I had already gone to the building.

This is what Ye Shaoyang can guess. Although this Holy Spirit has the existence of a powerful evil thing that is suspected of shadow, but it does not want to find trouble, causing the attention of the magical world. Since it was discovered by Ye Shaoyang, most of it was withdrawn from Shicheng. At least, I have to change places. Xie Yuqing is awkward and is only a routine investigation. What she wants to tell Ye Shaoyang is not this.

The really useful clues are still provided to her by Lao Guo: After Lao Guo went back, he used his relationship in the folk magical circles to visit everywhere. Finally, he found out the exact location of another branch: about three hundred miles away from Shicheng. Hangzhou. This is to call Ye Shaoyang and ask him to investigate together.

Since listening to Gua Gua’s story about the dark forest last night, Ye Shaoyang’s brain is full of this, and he has no interest in anything else, but according to previous speculation, this Holy Spirit is likely to be related to the spell guild, anyway. At the moment, I have to wait for the signals of Lin Sansheng and Xiaojiu. After all, nothing happens. Ye Shaoyang promised to come down.

Xie Yuqing said that he would drive to pick him up.

Ye Shaoyang gets up and washes, then comes to the living room and sees Biqing in the small coffee table in the living room. He is still watching TV with his mobile phone. The phone is connected to the charger and is charging. Guagua is watching TV on the sidelines, a consistent anti-war film.

"You two are really TV duo, so I like watching TV. I said, how long have you been watching." Ye Shaoyang went to Biqing and said.

Biqing said that she had watched it for one night. Later, the phone was out of power. Guagua told her how to charge, and then continued to watch...

Ye Shaoyang is also served.

"What TV series makes you so fascinated." Ye Shaoyang curiously walked over and looked at the screen, suddenly stunned: the screen turned out to be tormenting the little swallows.

"This old woman, really **** it!" Bi Qing grinned and groaned. Looking back, Ye Shaoyang looked at himself with a stunned voice and said, "What's wrong with you, don't I say it right?"

"The right thing is right. This TV is what I watched when I was a child. It hasn't been thirty years or twenty years. How do you... watch such an old TV series?"

"Yes, I think it's very good. It's much better than the current TV series." Bi Qing snorted and continued to concentrate on it. Ye Shaoyang thought about it too. At that time, TV dramas such as Zhugege were also very popular. I watched it with Master three times. After that, the TV series has developed for so many years. Now I look back at it and think it is an antique, but Biqing I have never experienced that era, and for the first time, I naturally feel attractive.

Bi Qing is looking excited, one hand stretched out from behind and snatched the phone.

Bi Qing stunned and looked back at Ye Shaoyang’s evil smile and angered: “Return my mobile phone to me!”

"This is my mobile phone, I have to go out, you can't help me to use the mobile phone." Ye Shaoyang put the phone into his trouser pocket and said, "Okay, I am leaving, you are staying at home."

"No, give me the phone!" Bi Qing went up with him and learned that he was going to Hangzhou. He immediately expressed his willingness to go with him. If he encountered any situation, he would be willing to deal with it, not for anything else. Only ask Ye Shaoyang to show her mobile phone on the road.

Ye Shaoyang was speechless. In the end, she couldn't grind her. She had to promise it. Then she called the melon and asked him to go to the empty world to find Lin Sansheng. He told him what he said last night to see what Lin Sansheng had.

Before going to bed last night, Ye Shaoyang thought about the passing of the melon and melon. Although it was a coincidence that he remembered the road through the dark forest, Ye Shaoyang always felt that something was wrong here... It seems that it is smooth. Got too far?

Ye Shaoyang wanted to go and didn't know where the problem was, or he had to ask Lin Sansheng, the dog-headed division. After Guagua won the order, he said that after reading this episode, he left.

Ye Shaoyang simply cleaned up and was tidying up. Someone outside opened the door. The four treasures and Wu Jiawei came in.

"You two, didn't come back all night?" Seeing them, Ye Shaoyang just remembered that they went out together last night and didn't come back all night.

"I ate too late, I just didn't come back, I found a hotel and just slept." Sibao said, smacking his nose and smelling it, he felt it again, and was surprised to find that he was aware of the existence of evil. Ask Ye Shaoyang what happened.

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