Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2477: 2477 Poor Master 4

Fang Yuedao: "I heard that this building was bought by a boss. The boss is named Cai, who is a mahogany furniture business. It is also very famous in Hangzhou."

"Is there a name?" Xie Yuqing asked.

"Everyone calls him a tall second, and I don't know the name."

Xie Yuqing recorded it and said: "You go on."

Fang Yue continued to tell what he knew. According to his investigation, this Holy Spirit will have been here for about three months. At the beginning, it was a free spiritual and yoga class that attracted the residents of this area to participate. The people who live in the villages in the city are basically young people who work in nearby factories or hotels. Because they are free, they also give gifts, and more and more people have begun to preach, let them worship what kind of mother-in-law, and now the residents of the village in the city are believers of the Holy Spirit.

"But according to my investigation, I found a suspicious sign that all believers in the Holy Spirit will be very vigilant to outsiders and it is very difficult to talk about anything from their mouths."

"It was originally an ulterior motive, and naturally I didn't want to be known as a secret." Ye Shaoyang said casually.

Fang Yuedao: "No, I mean, they will use some small benefits at first to attract people. At this time, they have not preached... After that they will continue to brainwash and let these people believe in their spiritual mother-in-law. After the believers, they no longer make any propaganda, but pass by word of mouth, gradually eroding the entire village, and then drive out those who do not believe or do not."

"Come out?" Ye Shaoyang was shocked.

"Yes. All the landlords here are also faithful believers, and they are the first batch. They will choose the tenants. Anyone who does not believe in the Holy Spirit will, or who is not convinced, will find an excuse to drive away... now the village in the city, Everyone who lives for a long time believes in the Holy Spirit, but after this step, they no longer develop nearby people, and their whereabouts are very secretive and there are fewer activities. Now, it is usually the people who worship at home. The image of the mother-in-law, went to the branch once in three days, and received baptism."

"Baptism, what is that?"

"It's a kind of ritual. I don't know it. I just investigated it. I want to go to the scene to see it. This is the result of trade. The result... Hey, this Taoist friend, you must be careful. It’s not as good as we are now, then you go to the various gates to worship the mountain, please come over and discuss the countermeasures. This is the only way.”

"Thank you, my brother, I reminded me of this sentiment. You just said that each of them is offering a spiritual mother-in-law?"

Fang Yue nodded.

Ye Shaoyang turned to Xie Yuqing and said: "I always wanted to see what this Lingmu is like. Before I thought about going to the Holy Spirit, I forgot. Many people are enshrined at home."

"Before the village, I sent people to visit and investigate, but every household is tight-lipped about this matter, and we can't force them into the home, and find an excuse to go in a few times, and they have not found it."

Fang Yueyi listened and said, "The image of the spirit mother-in-law needs to be enshrined in a small space in a small room, but the door and window must be closed, and the morning and evening, a fragrant, three-headed, so only. It is generally not easy to be People found it. However, if you want to see it, the owner of this hotel will provide one, in the innermost room on the first floor, you can find a way to see."

When Ye Shaoyang heard it, he immediately came to the spirit and took out the yin and yang mirror. The other side said: "Then you go here advanced, here is a closed space, and you will not lose your soul. The rest of the things, just give it to me."

Fang Yue looked at him and knew that there was no way to convince him. He reminded him to be careful and the situation was not right. Ye Shaoyang promised to come down. Fang Yuegang wants to get in, Xie Yuqing suddenly cried: "Oh, no, this is not a military wife in the mirror. It is not convenient for him to go in!"

Almost forgot!

Ye Shaoyang hurriedly took back the yin and yang mirror. Some of them slammed Fang Yuexiao and smiled. Let him wait a moment, then thought about it. He took a porcelain bottle from his backpack and stuffed it with a wooden stopper, letting Fang Yue get in and plug it back into the wood. Plug, draw a character with cinnabar strokes, stick to the seal, so that this porcelain bottle becomes a narrow space where yin and yang are isolated, and the ghost can avoid being burnt by the human breath.

Put the porcelain bottle close to the body, Ye Shaoyang greeted Xie Yuqing to go out together, re-lock the door, return to his room and discuss it.

Ye Shaoyang is going to the room that Fang Yue said to see the statue of the mother-in-law, but since the room is for worship, it is certainly not as easy to open as the next room. Ye Shaoyang is definitely a god, and I have a look in the past. Sitting down on the bed, Ye Shaoyang immediately went out of the window and flew out of the window. He looked at the small hotel and determined where the room Fang Yue said, and then flew directly.

First came to the back window, and as Fang Fang said, the window of this room has been sealed from the inside with a black cloth, and the light is not transparent.

Ye Shaoyang tried to float directly into the wall, and as a result... hit the wall.

Ye Shaoyang was scared on the spot.

I am now a spiritual god, how can I hit the wall?

Is it something that is attached to this room to prevent the spirit from breaking into?

This may still be great. Ye Shaoyang tried to go in from the room next door, and did not feel anything, and went straight through the wall.

This is a room with doors and windows closed, air conditioning inside, a girl in her pajamas lying on the bed, playing with a mobile phone.

Poor body, bad reviews, Ye Shaoyang did not look much, directly through the opposite wall, so that came to the corridor of the small hotel.

Ye Shaoyang came to the door of the room where the spiritual mother-in-law was enshrined. She reached out and touched the wall. There was a smooth barrier. It was obviously a kind of force that could act on the spirit, and the room was blocked.

Ye Shaoyang tried to use the power of the gods to move forward, but failed to succeed. In the end, he could only give up and return to his body in the upstairs. He told the situation with Xie Yuqing.

"How is this so troublesome, what should I do now?" Xie Yuqing frowned.

Ye Shaoyang said: "The head doesn't know what power it has, seal the room, but people can go in, or... you can call a few policemen, find an excuse, open the door?"

Xie Yuqing thought for a moment and said: "This is fine. If you want to say an excuse, then it is only an anti-vice. This kind of small hotel should be the key object of anti-vice. This reason can also make the store owner not doubt."

(End of this chapter)

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