Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2478: 2478 does not want to get married 1

"Amount, let's do it." Ye Shaoyang said.

"But the anti-vice is all night, this point is not yellow, and then it is not my site after all, I need to arrange it."

After that, Xie Yuqing made a phone call and asked the gang to find the phone number of the criminal police team. He called and told the police detective that he was chasing a fugitive. He suspected that he was hiding in this small hotel. He hoped that the local police would Can cooperate, a search in the hotel, but in order to prevent the grass from stunned, you need to find an excuse.

The police detective who answered the phone said that he would communicate with the superior and then hang up the phone.

“Can you do it?” Ye Shaoyang asked indefinitely.

"I can do it. This is our practice. They will cooperate." Xie Yuqing sat down on the bed and said, "What should I do now?"

"Wait for Brother Guo, they came over and arranged here. It was almost night at the time. I used to see what they were drumming and then I said."

Xie Yuqing thought for a moment and asked: "Will the shadow of Fang Yue be the shadow that we encountered before?"

"It should be, but I went to the building before and did not meet."

After the two sat on the bed, discussing the clues heard before Fang Yue, this aspect is Xie Yuqing's strengths, a little thought and said: "What high and old, should be the first brainwashed, then the Holy Spirit will Using his wealth, I found a place here, began to preach, and tempted more people to join the Holy Spirit. This high-ranking second should be the same as the general manager of Shicheng’s branch. To put it plainly, it is a big head."

Ye Shaoyang nodded slowly.

"I thought before, they were a cult organization, the purpose is to expand, let more people join the Holy Spirit... but now it seems that their purpose is far from simple."

Ye Shaoyang listened to Xie Yuqing’s speculation and said, “Why do you say that?”

"Isn't Fang Yue said before, the Holy Spirit will not preach to the outside after the occupation of this Holy Spirit. The town was also the only one. Only the residents of the town believed in the Holy Spirit. The believers would not incite outsiders to join. Worried about the general cult..."

Ye Shaoyang nodded slowly and said: "Maybe, the Holy Spirit will do this, and does not want to expand the influence. Otherwise, if there are too many people, it is difficult to control. With regard to their existence, it is easy to be known by the outside world..."

"But they clearly have more than one club, and they are in many cities, indicating that they still want to develop believers."

Speaking of this, Xie Yuqing thought for a moment and said: "I feel that no matter what the purpose of the Holy Spirit will be, they actually want to expand and want more people to become believers. However, they are very careful not to be together. The area has too much impact, so only one area is selected, and there is a natural division, such as a town, a village in the city, and if there are other places, I think there may be places like schools and enterprises.

From the perspective of criminal investigation, such a group of people belong to a circle, and it is easier to maintain privacy. In this way, the Holy Spirit must be a well-designed, well-organized gang..."

Ye Shaoyang listened to her Barabala analysis so much, but also felt a sense of heart, said: "I am actually the most annoying thing is to deal with such human events, it is better to deal directly with evil things, simple and rude, people's conspiracy, often more powerful than evil things. More, let alone the conspiracy of this incident, and the powerful evils."

Xie Yuqing said: "I don't know what the purpose of the Holy Spirit will be."

"The spiritual mother who they are offering must be the key to the problem. In any case, I must find a statue of a spiritual mother."

The two are discussing, Lao Guo called and said that everything is ready, and ask where Ye Shaoyang is.

Ye Shaoyang told him the address of the small hotel, and Lao Guo said that this was over.

Xie Yuqing looked at the time of the watch and said: "From their place, it takes an hour. In the middle of the time, we are waiting here?"

"You can play the game, I have to sleep for a while, it's too early in the morning."

Ye Shaoyang took off his coat and shook the quilt into it. He suddenly remembered something and got up and said to Xie Yuqing: "There is only one bed here, or I will get up, will you sleep for a while?"

Xie Yuqing smiled and said: "You don't have to get up, sleep together." Then he squatted directly against Ye Shaoyang.

"Right, that Fang Yue, can you see our every move in the bottle?"

"Of course not, the bottle was spelled by me, and the inside and outside spaces were isolated, and nothing could be heard in it."

"Oh, that's fine." Xie Yuqing stuck to him and put a hand on him.

"Dry this is." Ye Shaoyang smelled a faint scent from her body.

"Sleep! What do you want to do!" Xie Yuqing screwed his arm.

Both of them got up very early in the morning, and they stayed for a long time. They were very tired. It didn't take long for them to lie down. Ye Shaoyang fell asleep, but soon he was awakened by a strange movement.

Ye Shaoyang listened to the ear, actually it was... Someone is next door!

Because the sound insulation is too bad, the sound is almost like it is made in this room, and the girl is very loud, a wave is higher than a wave, and the sound is in the ear. Ye Shaoyang is not calm at once, and the heart is terrible, and Well, with Xie Yuqing spitting, pretending to fall asleep.

This kind of small hotel is really such a use.

The voice next door kept ringing, and I couldn't sleep at all. Even if I didn't want to listen, it didn't work... Ye Shaoyang was firm, and suddenly I felt that the breathing of Xie Yuqing became so rushed, my heart was shocked, I turned my face, Xie Yuqing wrinkled Frowning, a very uncomfortable look.

"You... what?"

Xie Yuqing was shocked, opened his eyes and glanced at him: "Listen to this voice, you can sleep!"

"The amount, that's no way."

Xie Yuqing said: "You go knocking on the door and let them finish soon."

Ye Shaoyang smiled and waved: "No, you still go, I don't have such a thick face."

"I am a girl, how can I go about this kind of thing!" But Xie Yuqing still did not force him. The two of them were lying there, and they insisted for half an hour. Xie Yuqing was about to collapse. He said: "How is it not over yet!"

"The people are physically strong."

Xie Yuqing heard this and couldn’t help but smile. "It must be better than you."

Ye Shaoyang said, "That's not necessarily, don't you believe that you try?" After saying that this is a bit of a Menglang, fortunately, the other party is Xie Yuqing, did not care, grinning said: "You are a little virgin, not that I look down on you, It’s good to be able to stick to five minutes."

(End of this chapter)

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