Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2484: 2484 Witchcraft 1

Seeing Xue Qi, Ye Shaoyang thought of her performance before the boss, and couldn't help but sigh: "You were just different from usual, I was shocked."

Xue Qi squinted at him: "Whoever makes you dare to do it. This kind of person really has to let her suffer a bit."

Ye Shaoyang said: "I am not good at doing things. Our mage has rules. Like the police, if you need it in the process of law enforcement, you can kill evil things. But once people are shackled, they can no longer use their punishment. Otherwise, they will violate the law. law."

Xue Qi said with an eyebrow: "What is the law that you are talking about? What law do you still care about?"

"Not the same, it is still necessary to comply with it, but if you don't come, I am also planning to do it. Mom, she is too ugly."

Lao Guo was checking the formation. He heard Ye Shaoyang’s words and looked up at him. He said, “Little brother, I told me before, you are a step away from the fairy, but you don’t know enough, but now I don’t know where the difference is. Now I am understood."

Ye Shaoyang was stunned and asked: "What is it?"

"I don't know what it is, but I know where the difference is. When you can do it for others, you are not angry, it should be almost the same."

"But he is so embarrassed."

"It’s hard to hear, it’s just a curse, it’s not true. I don’t know anything else. At least when Master is being shackled, it’s not really angry, and the wind won’t.”

Ye Shaoyang’s heart moved and seriously thought about what Lao Guo said.

Xie Yuqing said: "I don't agree. If you are bullied, you should fight back. If you are beaten, you will slap it in the palm of your hand. This is correct. Anyway, I did this."

Ye Shaoyang was in a daze, and in the heart, there was a strange feeling floating in the faint.

This is... want to enlighten?

Ye Shaoyang did not think deeply about this issue and forced to stop his thoughts. This strange feeling was also suppressed, but it did not disappear, but turned into an invisible factor, which was stored in the heart...

Now is not the time for enlightenment. Once, when enlightenment, it is also the most vulnerable time. Ye Shaoyang is afraid of any accidents at this time. He can’t deal with it. He can only serve human fish. Second, it is also the most important. One point is that Ye Shaoyang wants to press it down. After he goes back, he will find the most peaceful environment, and he will be able to grasp the enlightenment and reach the limit.

It is the first time for him to forcibly suppress the feeling of enlightenment and turn it into a factor that can be stored (essentially a kind of thought), but at that moment, he realized without a teacher, can Do, then really succeeded. Through this, Ye Shaoyang feels that this enlightenment may be different from the past. As for what will come, it will only be known when I look back and feel it...

Ye Shaoyang suppressed the excitement and smiled on his face. He looked at a few people around him, and everyone was shocked and confused.

Xie Yuqing said: "Your eyebrows have just lighted up, what happened?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "I know when I go home."

"What?" Xie Yuqing did not understand.

"Now don't say this, let's get it done as soon as possible, then go home. What time is it?"

Xie Yuqing looked at the watch and said: "It is half past six and a half. The proprietress said that their evening activities started at eight o'clock. Let's go eat something and discuss how to do it."

Xie Yuqing asked Yan Lei and Wang Ping together. The two refused. They stayed in the small hotel and continued to look at the proprietress.

So Ye Shaoyang and his party left the small hotel. After they went out of the village, they found a small hotel on the side of the road. After entering the private room, they began to discuss.

工具 shang yang, the whistle is very hard, the samurai spirit is very firm, and it’s ok.

Xue Qi said: "She is already at the end of the strong, hard support, her belief is not firm, after all, only a few months, not everyone can insist on swearing under the confession."

Ye Shaoyang nodded thoughtfully.

Lao Guodao: "There is another point. They believe in the Holy Spirit. They mainly see those spells, believe in the truth, and then believe in the Holy Spirit. It is also a sustenance. In fact, the Holy Spirit will have no really appealing teachings. It is impossible to have Really convinced, but let's discuss what this does."

Ye Shaoyang said: "No, I was thinking, after the removal of the Holy Spirit, how should these believers be placed, and listen to what you say, then I will be more reassured. If they are all faithful believers, I am afraid of what group events. 230mbles

Xie Yuqing said: "This, I look back and find them, let them stare at the local, there should be no problem. Then we ourselves, what to do now, you want to go to the building to find the spirit mother Idol, now the statue is also found, what purpose?"

Ye Shaoyang quickly finished eating a bowl of rice, wiped his mouth and said: "Take out the shadow, try disposed of it."

"This... how do you lead it out?"

"Will they not have a rally later? If you go to a big fight, I don't believe that the movie will not be revealed."

When Xie Yuqing heard it, he frowned and said: "The Holy Spirit should have more than one movie charm. If there are other powerful people coming?"

Ye Shaoyang pointed out with the chopsticks that Bi Qing, who is playing mobile phones, and Xue Qi, who is carrying ice cream, "I don't have such powerful people. If you can't do it, who is afraid of it."

Biqing heard this and looked up and said to Ye Shaoyang: "You will help me to win the Xingyue slave. I don't have a smelter, and the strength can't be played."

Ye Shaoyang is speechless.

It was dark in the morning in winter, and it was dark after the meal. Xie Yuqing packed some meals and brought them to Lei Lei. Whether they ate or not, it was at least a wish.

After dark, the outside temperature cooled down. From the hotel, Ye Shaoyang and the three humans felt a bit cold. Xie Yuqing looked at Ye Shaoyang and said: "Have you ever had winter clothes?"

"Amount. It seems that there is one, Jingru last sent, forgot to wear, did not expect so cold today." Ye Shaoyang wrapped his shirt.

Xie Yuqing snorted and said: "Then I have to buy you one, tomorrow, I will take you to the mall tomorrow, I have to buy clothes myself."

Back to the small hotel, Xie Yuqing brought the food to Yan Lei and Wang Ping. Ye Shaoyang remembered the process of staying at the scene to see the ghost before, a little embarrassed, and apologized to the two.

"It's okay, it's a long time to see... It's not too scary, that is... a little subversive of the world view." Yan Lei said. The two have been a bit scared until now.

(End of this chapter)

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