Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2485: 2485 Witchcraft 2

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "But this matter also asks you to keep it secret. It is best not to talk to outsiders."

Wang Ping promised: "You can rest assured that we are a public family, and it is not convenient to spread this. Besides, this kind of thing... no one believes when I go out. Yes, Mr. Ye, what action do you have tonight? Nothing needs me to cooperate?"

Ye Shaoyang thought for a moment and felt that it was not good to leave them. To be honest, it was a bit cumbersome, so he said thank you, let them go back first, and call them if necessary. Yan Lei and Wang Ping were very polite. After asking for Ye Shaoyang, they took the hard-working boss, and left two police officers to stay at the small hotel, lest some people come to the store and disturbed Ye Shaoyang to do things.

"What do you do later, do you go straight in?" Xie Yuqing said, "I am afraid that it will not work. If you enter the door, you have to recognize it. If they don't accept outsiders, they will blow you out. You can't take everyone." Let's down."

Ye Shaoyang turned his head to Biqing Road: "When you work hard, I will go to the top of our building and observe the building. I asked the proprietress before, they will ask the goddess of the night to burn the paper in the yard." Worship, once the ceremony begins, you tell me, I immediately rushed over, and you all went to the room to watch, waiting for me to bring the shadow and come together."

Everyone nodded. Biqing is going to go out, Ye Shaoyang grabbed the phone from her hand. "I have to bring my mobile phone, if there is anything to find you."

Biqing strongly protested, and finally forced Ye Shaoyang to agree to buy a computer when she finished the matter.

"I will go with you." Xie Yuqing got up and went with Ye Shaoyang. Without waiting for Ye Shaoyang to refuse, Xie Yuqing added: "After all, there are many residents involved, it is easy to make a group event. If I am present, it is police enforcement. If you are one, if something happens, I will pursue it in the future. It is not easy to explain, and the local police are not good enough to explain."

Ye Shaoyang thought about it: "If there is anything unexpected, I am worried that I can't protect you."

Xie Yuqing took out the wrecked nail from his pocket and smiled: "I have it to protect the body, you don't care about me."

Ye Shaoyang had to promise, and then let Lao Guo go to the next door, leaving Xue Qi here, and the three people waited for Bi Qing to come back.

This process is a bit nervous.

Xue Qi suddenly asked Ye Shaoyang: "This white lotus, how do you plan to deal with it, really want to help her find a smelter, she is evil, not a good thing. Even if you want to find a helper, you should not change the principle."

Ye Shaoyang touched his nose a little embarrassed and said: "Actually, there are you, I really don't lack help... I think, if she let her go, she might decide what to do, stay with me. Maybe it can help her to change her evil spirits."

"Change the evils and return to it..." Xue Qi sneered. "This is not your style."

"Amount, once in a while, who called it, she came here from the Republic of China, it is also a fate."

Xie Yuqing heard this, one hand on the shoulder of Ye Shaoyang, said: "I said that you are not interested in people, she is good, not as big as the butt."

"Yeah yeah." Xue Qi nodded and looked smirk. As a result, Xie Yuqing followed a sentence: "You said that you are not a beautiful woman, that is, no matter which body is worse than her, oh, except snow. Qi, this airport, which is not a good body."

Xue Qi was still proud of it. After listening to Xie Yuqing’s words, she was too angry. She thanked Yu Qingqing and said: “I...”

"I am talking about things, what are you excited about."

Xue Qi is hurting.

Ye Shaoyang and Lao Guo looked at each other and both of them screamed hard.

Suddenly, Bi Qing floated in from the door and said, “They started to start. I saw a lot of people going to the yard!”

"Okay, the plan is unchanged, I am going."

Ye Shaoyang hurried out, Xie Yuqing followed. Ye Shaoyang looked back and saw that she was finishing the holster and wondered: "Can you carry a gun with you?"

"Of course not, this is a destructive gun. It is useless to bring a real gun to such a thing."

The two men went downstairs and greeted with Lei Lei and Wang Ping sitting in the hall on the first floor. The two immediately went to the next room to hide them, so as not to be accidentally injured.

Ye Shaoyang feels that they can stay and they are very courageous.

"Shaoyang..." When she went out from the hotel door, Xie Yuqing pulled the leaf corner of Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang looked back at her and said, "Oh?"

"Be careful!"

"You too." Ye Shaoyang nodded. "Protect yourself."

Going out from the small hotel, I can see many people walking in one direction along the way, and seeing Ye Shaoyang, they all cast doubts.

Xie Yuqing did not wear a police uniform. She took Ye Shaoyang’s shoulder forward and said very naturally: "Husband, let’s go to the supermarket."

Ye Shaoyang trembled in his heart and whispered in a low voice: "You will be spoiled..."

"Fake." Xie Yuqing grabbed the arm of his arm and slammed it.

The performance of the two looks like a pair of ordinary couples, which is not doubtful at all. Although the residents of this village are absorbed by the Holy Spirit, they know each other, but there are many people outside the road who will walk by, and there are many small hotels in the vicinity because there are stations, and there are also very outsiders. Normally, no one noticed their identity except that Xie Yuqing’s figure caused many people to peek.

The two walked slowly and deliberately let these people go first.

The event has been opened tonight, and these people are coming later. After this person is assigned, no one is there.

Ye Shaoyang said: "No one."

"What do you mean?"

"You don't have to pretend."

Xie Yuqing forced his arm and squinted at him. He said, "If someone stares at us, you are embarrassed. You are not satisfied with pretending to be a couple with me."

"No, I am afraid that you will play hard."

Xie Yuqing smiled and stopped grabbing his shoulders. Instead, he held hands with him, ten fingers clasped together, and swayed down to the downstairs of the branch of the Holy Spirit.

Some people are going in different directions, maybe because they are late, the pace is very rush, plus dark, no one noticed Ye Shaoyang.

"We should wear a mask or a scarf, wrapped up tightly, and no one noticed." Ye Shaoyang suddenly thought of this.

"Wrong, it turns out that it is more likely to attract people's attention."

"how do you know?"

"Because I am a policeman."

This answer Ye Shaoyang convinced.

The two touched the back of the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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