Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2486: 2486 Willingness 1

This answer Ye Shaoyang convinced.

The two touched the back of the crowd.

Not too spacious, the yard is full of people, but no one is whispering, the order is very good. Ye Shaoyang stood at the end, there was no light in the yard, and everyone was looking ahead, no one paid attention to them.

Ye Shaoyang secretly took out the yin and yang disk and tested it. In the building directly opposite, there is a very strong magnetic field. I don't know what it is, but it is definitely not evil.

Is the shadow charm not?

After a few moments, several pairs of men and women came out of the building and called a few people. They went into several rooms on the first floor with them. After a while, everyone held a bunch of yuanbao candles and they came out. In the middle of the open space.

Then a young man, a man and a woman, dressed in colorful clothes, smeared with a big flower face, appeared on the corridor in the fifth floor, and the opening tells how the mother-in-law saved the world.

Xie Yuqing looked at the two men, frowned, and spit in the ear of Ye Shaoyang: "How can it be like crying and mourning?"

"This is a tradition of witchcraft, in order to add mystery."

"What are these two achievements?"

"Yeah." Ye Shaoyang should have a voice, carefully look at the dress of these two people, this person is wearing two things like ears and horns on the head, of course, not a bunny girl. There are silver filaments on the corners that hang down from both sides.

Ye Shaoyang stared at the two horns, and lost some of his heart.

In the magical world, witchcraft belongs to a special martial art. There are many factions, including Miao Wu, Yun Wu, Nanyang, and there are also martyrdom in the north, Bon in the west, and disciples in the northeast. In addition to Bon, it is passed down by an ancestor (even if it is Bon, it has a lot of similarities with other places), especially rituals and dresses, like wearing masks or painting on the face. , making a very exaggerated image.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the images of these wizards are similar, and it is difficult to distinguish the factions, but Ye Shaoyang knows that each faction's dress has a significant difference with other places.

From the two men, Ye Shaoyang was looking for such characteristics that represented his own religion. Finally, he found it, the two long horns with silver spikes on his head.

However, Ye Shaoyang's understanding of these witches is not too deep. He can only see that there is a problem with this long horn with a tassel, but he can't think of the witch from which school he wants to know.

If it is not afraid of exposure, Ye Shaoyang would like to take a photo and take it back to find someone to identify. At the moment, I have to keep the two people's dress in my mind.

"The strength of these two people is not very good." Ye Shaoyang felt the strength of the suffocation on both of them, said to Xie Yuqing.

"What is it like?"

"If you use the Taoist system to analogize, it is almost a real player."

Xie Yuqing said: "Guo Lao is not a real person, and it was only recently promoted. These two people are so young with him and they should be a good one."

Ye Shaoyang turned his eyes and said: "Guo’s specialty is not in strength. You think about it, they are so easy to get up with this club, and they are so mysterious. Naturally, they attach great importance to why they send two young people who are not so good. Sitting in the church?"

Xie Yuqing said: "Relationship?"

"Boss, you think this is your voice, but also related."

Xie Yuqing is also smart. I thought about it: "There is only one reason... there are not enough people."

Ye Shaoyang nodded, just want to say something, a man on the side glanced at them, Ye Shaoyang knew that they were not paying attention, the voice was louder, and they quickly closed their mouths and stopped talking.

At this time, the two churches on the upper floor began to preach the chapter of the Holy Spirit, which is the doctrine.

Do not kill, do not allow rumors, do not refrain from respecting parents and elders...

Xie Yuqing listened all the way and muttered in Ye Shaoyang’s ear: "It’s quite good."

Ye Shaoyang does not say anything.

The last one is not allowed to give any disrespect to the mother-in-law.

After preaching the doctrine, the pair of church owners began to use a long space to tell how the Lingmao is good. When it is worshipped and worshipped, it should be kept pure and sincere.

This paragraph is very long for Ye Shaoyang and Xie Yuqing. It is said that there are twenty minutes. Both of them are tired. They look at these people, but they are the expressions of Su Ronglin’s face, and they look I heard it very well.

Ye Shaoyang looked at the crowd and looked like what kind of people there were. Many of them were wearing various kinds of overalls. At first glance, they were waiters like hotels. They should have just arrived from work and did not change. They also came over. The body is strong, the shape is fierce, and there are tattoos on the shoulders. Actually, I listened honestly.

It seems a little unbelievable, but when you think about it, these social people are actually the most superstitious, because they always have to do something dangerous. Faith can make them feel guilty and eliminate fear.

These people are either not religious, and once they believe, they tend to believe very thoroughly and extremely.

When Ye Shaoyang observed these people, the pair of upstairs was finally finished, so they began the worship ceremony: someone lifted a black iron incense burner into the yard, and then the two owners turned into the house, and they would be a spiritual mother. The gods are hugged in their arms, slowly descending the stairs, placed on the shrine behind the incense burner, so that the people present can see.

"Take a beggar to the mother-in-law!"

With the command of the male lord, everyone brushed their knees on one knee, folded their hands, put them on their knees, and looked at them all in the same position.

"What do you do?" Xie Yuqing whispered, but also followed, but no embarrassment.

Ye Shaoyang is also very embarrassed. He grows so big. Apart from the graves of his parents and grandparents, the only living person who has survived is Qingyunzi. Although it is forced by the situation, he really does not want to kneel down on this spiritual mother-in-law.

Xie Yuqing violently pulled him and lowered his voice: "You are awkward, what are you afraid of!"

"That must also find a head."

"That should be for my mother."

"Let's do it, then I should give it to my mom."

The two kept up with the rhythm of everyone, learning how they looked, kneeling on one knee, and then the two churchlors commanded everyone to face the goddess of the goddess, Ye Shaoyang and Xie Yuqing had to follow, but the eyes did not look at the statue, imagine It’s a slap in the face of a relative who has died for himself.

After the dagger, the two churches said that the blessing ceremony began. At this time, the two believers standing in front of each other ignited a fragrant incense, inserted into the incense burner, followed by him, and everyone went forward and held I took a piece of paper money and stuffed it into the incense burner...

(Last year, there are a lot of things, today is a little more chapter, thank you for your understanding. After all, I write all the time in the end, and occasionally want to rest.)

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