Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2488: 2488 willingness 3

Ye Shaoyang shook his head gently, planning his own thoughts, retracting his mind, and re-observing the spiritual mother-in-law who was placed in the gods. This image still absorbs the willingness of everyone's sacrifices... Ye Shaoyang suddenly thought, will It is not the purpose of the Holy Spirit to establish a branch here. Just like the wizards in Southeast Asia, do you want to rely on the will of these people to create a evil spirit?

If it is true, then they have really created a new means of evil, an anti-tradition, and the most fashionable way to create evil spirits... However, Ye Shaoyang opened the eyes and examined this statue, although the light is shining, like the spring breeze, Explain that it claims a powerful energy body, just... Ye Shaoyang can conclude that this unconscious energy body does not produce intelligence.

If you let this Holy Spirit run for a while, the consequences are really unimaginable...

"I want to start, you will not follow me later, remember to go out and hide outside..." Ye Shaoyang lowered his voice and said this to Xie Yuqing.

Xie Yuqing snorted and said: "What do you want to do."

"The thief first smashes the king, only in this way can lead the guy behind the scenes."

Not waiting for Xie Yuqing to open again, Ye Shaoyang began to practice with his hands, and quietly drew a charm to fight in the air.

The spirits flew against the wind, ignoring the wind direction, and the speed was extremely fast. The Holy Spirit in the presence of the believers all bowed their heads and read the scriptures. They did not notice the existence of this charm. Only the pair of church owners were guiding their eyes. Everyone chanted, suddenly felt something, opened his eyes, looked at the charm, and stopped for a while.

"Bold!" In the end, the man returned to the gods, shouted, and both hands clasped together, and the seal went to the spiritual point.

Ye Shaoyang's mouth floated a touch of helpless smile, these people, really... not self-reliant.


The rune on the magical character flashed past and turned into a golden light, and the male lord suddenly flew out, and the remaining momentum was not reduced, and it was directly attached to the head of the god-in-law.

The female churchlor was shocked and stepped forward to support the male lord. The two men glanced at the statue that was affixed to the spirit symbol.

"There are demon people! Where are the demon people?" The female churchlor shouted, awakened the people who were chanting, and saw that the statue was affixed with a charm, both shocked and angry.

"Here, I saw him before, and he was very good. It must be a demon!" A man near Ye Shaoyang pointed at him and yelled.

All eyes looked over in a flash and fell on Ye Shaoyang's face.

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said without hesitation: "Uncle, you have to have evidence to speak, I am the most devout believer, you see, I let the spirit mother show her spirit, she immediately shows her spirit, do not believe you see..."

Ye Shaoyang pointed to the image of the mother-in-law.

The crowd immediately turned to look.

Ye Shaoyang made a snap and said: "The wife is bright!"

The magic symbol suddenly burned up, as if there were inexhaustible materials, and it seemed that it could not be destroyed for a while, and the gods were constantly baked.

It is said that this statue is porcelain, the flame is not burned, but... Under the constant burning of the spirit, the statue is blackened and turned into a big flower face, and the white eyes are constantly emerging in both eyes. The flames are burning and burning.

Ye Shaoyang laughed.

"I said, I didn't lie to you. Once your spirited mother met me, my face would be black immediately."

All the believers around, seeing this scene, were shocked at first, and then they turned from shock to anger. Faith is a strong anger that is embarrassed.

The most angry is the two church owners, who first came back to God and ordered everyone to catch the demon.

Everyone is rushing.

Ye Shaoyang was not anxious or slow. At the moment when the two men rushed over, they slammed their feet and jumped forward, stepping on the shoulder of the person in front and borrowing. These are ordinary people. When I have seen this means, I almost watched Ye Shaoyang rushing to the front of the small building. Then I pulled my arm up and slammed it out. I hooked the hook on the second floor and pulled it hard. The man immediately swayed up and landed on the second floor.

Untied the soul, Ye Shaoyang flew up the stairs, rushed to the fifth floor, just out of the stairs, suddenly two palms rushed to face, is a man and a woman, two owners, early preparation, advance practice, one Hit, I am going to pull the cowardly guy of this market.

"The world is boundless, roll your mother!"

Ye Shaoyang separated his hands and simply made a seal and patted the past. Both hands were tied with the palms of the two masters.


Two screams, the two directly flew out and slammed into the railing. The woman who had not stood still, almost turned out from the railing, hurriedly grabbed the railing, fixed her figure, and looked at Ye Shaoyang silly.

"You, who are you! How dare you go to this point!"

Ye Shaoyang ignored him and walked toward them. Suddenly his feet went down and looked down. He looked like a sly thing, tied his right foot, and then continually bounced up and bounced while releasing a The cold breath of the stock absorbs the suffocation in the body.

The two owners quickly stabilized their bodies and sweared together.

The blood-red cockroaches were immediately connected end to end, forming a ring on Ye Shaoyang's thigh, tightening hard, and seemed to want to leap into Ye Shaoyang's body.

What a ghost thing.

Ye Shaoyang possessed this cold and slippery thing, and did not use any other means, just pinch it, then pour the suffocating gas into his fingertips and pull it hard.

The sound of "啪" sounded, and this thing was immediately torn by Ye Shaoyang, thrown on the ground, really like a cockroach, bouncing on the ground, flowing out of a large pool of green blood, and quickly twitched.

"This...nothing, I have sacrificed a long-lasting guardianship!" The male lord called out with distress.

“How long is it for a long time?” Ye Shaoyang was originally a troublemaker, and he did not bother to clean up and slowly walked over. Facing the front of the church, it is not the enemy of Ye Shaoyang, but... it is really unsightly for these two people.

Before, at the following time, he saw the two men clearly. It was a half-way monk. Maybe it was a chance that someone was helping, and the practice was fairly fast, but... he was a genius from childhood to adulthood. If you are a professional, then if you are a professional, then they should not be amateur, even if the level of the fans is not.

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