Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2489: The 2490th hit a hundred 2

This may also be there.

Ye Shaoyang thought a little, and immediately thought of some possibility before it was still unclear how this smog came. Through this lord, Ye Shaoyang suddenly thought of something. These are general communicators, and the religious teaching is only a few months, even if Every day, diligent practice, it is estimated that even the enlightenment has not been done, and at most there will be some spells like the soul, which is impossible.

Moreover, the female boss of the previous hotel is just a soul. These general communicators may not even have this. What kind of motivation can such ordinary people provide for the formation?

Ye Shaoyang suddenly thought of a point: willingness!

Yes, it must be this.

In the same way, Ye Shaoyang suddenly felt open.

It must be the law of protection. In order to prevent someone from doing things, the two masters and the leaders were led in advance to practice a kind of formation. This method has no requirements for everyone. As long as they devoutly recite the spell, after the launch of the formation, they will transform their power of faith in the spirit of the mother into the spiritual source of the maintenance of the law.

Therefore, the incense burner will be used. In this battle, the incense burner acts as a "transit device", and the willingness of these people will be filled into the smoke emitted by the flame, which can directly attack.

Willingness is the most vain power, no wonder that it can't sense its existence.

In connection with this, Ye Shaoyang stunned himself and was completely suppressed by the smoke. He violently pulled out the Tianfeng Thunderfire flag from his backpack and recited the spell. He threw the Tianfeng Thunderfire flag to the front, a flame, wrapped in the hurricane. Next, blow past the opposite side.

The smoke was instantly opened with a gap.

The smug-minded female lord, who thought that the winner was in the grip, stood in front of the railing and looked at Ye Shaoyang with a sardonic smile. The next second, Ye Shaoyang suddenly passed through the blockade of smoke and appeared in front of her.


"You have so much words." Ye Shaoyang grabbed her arm and lifted it upstairs and threw it to the incense burner.

Under the shouting of this girl, the following people came back and took her up, but because there was a fifth floor on the floor, the girl squatted like a cannonball and stumbled the following people. Death must not die, and several people fell to the ground together, and the injuries were not light.

Ye Shaoyang turned and looked at it, and the smoke had re-agglomerated and rushed toward himself.

Ye Shaoyang's hands were printed, and the Tianfeng Thunderfire flag was manipulated. The hurricane was swept away. The hurricane was invisible. The invisible offensive against smoke was just right. This is what Ye Shaoyang suddenly thought of. Once it was sacrificed, it was immediately It works.

However, the hurricane in the Tianfeng Thunderfire flag only resisted the smoke and formed a resistance.

Too much smoke, from all directions, Ye Shaoyang had no choice but to jump into the hurricane, and the smoke immediately came from all directions, surrounded by hurricanes, consuming each other...

The Tianfeng Thunderfire flag rotates overhead, and under the control of Ye Shaoyang, the hurricane is constantly released. Ye Shaoyang leaned over and looked down, the believers downstairs, one by one still closed their eyes and kept thinking about the spell.

If someone looks at it from afar, you can see a very shocking scene:

Hundreds of people, consuming their own minds, from the bottom up, gathered together into one place, was resisted by Ye Shaoyang alone. With a pair of hundred, Ye Shaoyang became more and more struggling.

If it is a real fight, let alone one hundred, even if there are a few hundred, Ye Shaoyang is not afraid, but these people use the willingness... Ye Shaoyang is the first time to fight this form of power, even if he is in his body There is plenty of gas, and I can't afford to consume it.

Ye Shaoyang’s heart is a little anxious, and he is envisioning the method of getting out of the way. What suddenly he sees in the corner of his eye, looking at it, is a shadow!

His own shadow, under the illumination of the fire, swayed on the wall behind him.

No shadows before?

Just thinking, the shadow suddenly did not move.

Shadow charm!

He really shot.

This thought just flashed from my mind, and suddenly I felt a strong suction, which came out of the shadow, and the suffocation in my body was pulled out by this force and went out...

Ye Shaoyang hurriedly cursed resistance. But because most of the energy is used to counter the smog generated by the willingness, I can't extract more energy. The body's suffocation is immediately extracted a little. Under his hard work, there is only a little resistance. Helium is still lost out of control...

This is really a sign.

Ye Shaoyang complained in his heart, but he couldn’t think of any way to get out of trouble.

"Don't dare to bully the door, disturbing my Holy Spirit, you are so bold!"

The thick voice sounded in my ear.

Ye Shaoyang struggled and couldn't tell the spirit to respond to this provocation. At this moment, even if they convene the melons through the soul seal, they are coming to protect them. It is estimated that it is too late...

On the occasion of this millennium, Ye Shaoyang suddenly heard a loud bang, and from the downstairs, he turned his head and looked at it. One person fell softly. Opposite him, stood with a man with a pair of guns.

Xie Yuqing!

When she first started, let her run away, this product did not run!

Xie Yuqing has actually gone. Before everyone else’s eyes fell on Ye Shaoyang, no one noticed her. In order not to delay Ye Shaoyang’s hind legs, she had already ran out of the door and silently observed the situation outside and found that Ye Shaoyang was in trouble. She looked in her eyes and rushed back with a bite.

Although she did not understand the law, but through the situation in front of her, it was also faint to see that Ye Shaoyang was alone in confronting these people, so he did not hesitate to find out the gun, and hit a man in front of him...

The man did not fall, but something was knocked out of his body.

Xie Yuqing did not have time to look at it, and pointed the gun at the second person.

With a bang, the cinnabar bomb hit the chest of the man, and the impact was not very strong. Originally, this smashing gun was aimed at evil spirits. For the living person, the bullet did not have any powerful impact.

But...the body of this man has nothing to do, but the soul in his body feels a huge impact. Under one shot, the soul is suddenly shaken out of the body, flying far away, and then the soul is not at all. Knowing what happened, standing in the distance, looking at his body in a stern look.

"go to hell!"

Xie Yuqing can ignore this, the muzzle is immediately aimed at other people, and it is a shot.

(People are in the field, sorry for the late arrival, thank you for waiting.)

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