Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2498: 2498 Kendo 1

Ye Shaoyang had calculated that he had already had a dozen doormen. When he first came down the mountain, he was alone, nothing, but half a year, this change was really fast enough.

Lao Guodao: "Little teacher, you didn't get the statue of Lingmao before, just take it out and see."

Ye Shaoyang took out the statue of Ling's mother-in-law and placed it on the coffee table in the middle. Everyone immediately surrounded them. Even Biqing put down the mobile phone and watched it together.

The statue is colored, the face is full of life, and Ye Shaoyang has checked it once before, and did not find any clues.

"This woman is not bad, the statue is so correct, the real person must be more beautiful." Lao Guo touched the statue and murmured.

Ye Shaoyang glanced at him and said, "Are you looking for an object?"

"Cough." Lao Guo coughed twice and continued to observe. He said: "This is not a Taoist god."


"No, I don't mean this. I mean, it is not a Taoist god. I don't know where it is." Lao Guo was entrusted to his chin and looked at the statue for a moment. He said: "The younger brother, this man’s dress, it seems to be the Song Dynasty. People, I am not very sure..."

Everyone studied for a long time and there was nothing to gain. Ye Shaoyang took out the base of the gods and the long horns with the ears that were worn on the heads of the two churches before, for everyone to study.

"This, I seem to have seen it..." Lao Guo looked at the headgear with the tassels and said immediately, and then racked his brains to recall. "It's a book... It seems to be a Taoist priest in the Qing Dynasty, the origin of Chinese sorcerer's education... There is a picture inside, similar to this, I don't know if this book is still there."

Lao Guo took the headdress away. As for the base on which the strange symbols were drawn, no one understood it and was taken by Lao Guo.

Ye Shaoyang tells about his experience in the yard, especially those who believe that the power can be absorbed by the gods... This phenomenon is contrary to conventional spells, which makes everyone singular, but can’t say why, everything Only after Lao Guo went back to find the classics and then discussed.

Lao Guo’s takeaway called barbecue and two-cylinder beer, and he ate with Ye Shaoyang. Bi Qing went to the mobile phone to watch the drama. Xue Qi went to meditate and vomited. Qiu Ying had nothing to do, and he watched the drama together next to Bi Qing.

"To Qiu Ying, you will not be invisible, what other means?" Ye Shaoyang remembered this matter and asked while eating.

Qiu Ying thought about it with a sigh of relief: "I am a disciple of the fish master. She taught me a lot of Dafa, but I am lazy, and I have not practiced it without the tools of the hand."

When Ye Shaoyang listened, he frowned and asked: "The fish is a master, and it is not easy for you to get a implement in the yin. Why not?"

Qiu Yingdao: "You don't know, the Taoist master practice the Tao, the origin is the human spell, I am naturally the same, the tools used for the ghosts, I use it is not comfortable, but where do I go? Get it, even if it is a fish master, it is not convenient to find your mage, and if it is not an eight-segment light, it does not mean anything to me, and it has been empty."

A demon in the ghost field, actually need to use the human instrument, Ye Shaoyang thinks and feels very fun, pick up the wine glass to find Lao Guo drink, found that Lao Guo frowned, thoughtful, so asked what he was thinking .

Lao Guo ignored him and asked Qiu Ying: "I said the old ten, what form of the instrument is more suitable for you? Dust? Road sword?"

"I don't like it. I like the more varied instruments. It is more in line with the characteristics of my ring incarnation. I don't know how to do it. But this depends on the chance. How can I choose it?"

Lao Guo listened to her, and Yang Shaoyang smiled and said to Qiu Ying: "This is indeed a matter of chance, but the chance is in front of you, it depends on your boss."

Ye Shaoyang was shocked: "I mean, do you want to send Longquan sword to her?"

"Longquan sword is your exclusive, this can't be done... Little brother, you don't have a best implement, it's not used for the time being."

The best instrument...

Ye Shaoyang did not understand what he meant.

"Thousands of aircraft umbrellas, before you grabbed from the old man's hand, you are not always useless, Jiu Duanguang, Chen Hao's ancestors pass, not much worse than your Longquan sword, it depends on your reluctance. ”

Ye Shaoyang stunned, this only remembered this baby, although he has never used it, but to say that you can give away, it must be reluctant, after all, this thousand aircraft umbrella can be regarded as a treasure of the town in any martial art. of. However, Qiu Ying is his own doorman. Although he has not been together for a long time, Shen Jing recognizes the Lord because it is based on absolute trust and is the most stable relationship. Besides, she still saved herself and saved herself. Ye Shaoyang really didn't want anything to her. She promised to go back and take the umbrella out to let her see it. If she used it, she would give it to her.

Qiu Ying agreed to come down very happily.

After the two finished eating and drinking, Xie Yuqing came back when he was going to go to sleep. When he entered the house to see Ye Shaoyang and Lao Guo, he immediately said a message: "The old man is dead."


"Higher second, that is, the behind-the-scenes fundraising for the Holy Spirit, where they set up the club, the nightclub owner."

When Ye Shaoyang heard it, he immediately thought of something and said: "When is the matter."

"That is tonight, before, when Wang Ping learned about the existence of Gao Lao Er, he tried to contact him. He called his secretary and said that he was taking a bath in the sauna. About an hour ago, Wang Ping called again. However, I heard that I was dead. The police station sent people to investigate in the past. I followed. The man died in the bath and drank more water. The forensic doctor speculated that he was drinking too much and was bathed. The hot water stimulated, and the person was in a coma. At that time, he was the only one in the bath. It was only half an hour after he died."

After Xie Yuqing finished, he looked at Ye Shaoyang.

“Why is the bathhouse alone?” Lao Guodao.

"The sauna was opened by himself. It was late. He wanted to take a shower and he was suspended. Only he was alone."

"Is there a camera?"

Xie Yuqing turned his eyes and said: "You can install a camera in your bath."

Ye Shaoyang said: "There is no need to investigate the cause of death. Eighty percent of them are the guild guilds. They started killing people."

Xie Yuqing said: "I think so too, otherwise how could it be so clever, we just got rid of the scene of the Holy Spirit, and this evening, the high and the second will die. But... the high and the second are the big brothers here, the forces Very big, so easy to do it?"

(End of this chapter)

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