Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2499: 2499 Kendo 2

Lao Guo smiled and said: "Speaking, big bosses like this, especially those who are born in gangsters, are generally superstitious. They will ask for some amulets, or worship the gods. Some of them will be assisted by high-ranking people, but ordinary evils can’t help, but listen to you. That being said, what kind of illusion can't even be beaten by a younger brother, it is still very easy to kill an ordinary person."

Ye Shaoyang said: "But there is a problem here. You think about it... the most powerful movie, I can’t help but single-handedly, but think about it... We first assume that the Holy Spirit will definitely not stop. This is a strong person, their overall strength should be more than any martial art in the magic world, what do you think?"

Everyone nodded.

"But despite this, they are still so cautious, do not hesitate to kill people, what are they worried about?"

Everyone who talks is musing.

"There must be a secret that cannot be known." Xie Yuqing concluded.

"The key is this." Ye Shaoyang nodded.

After this discussion, they have grasped the root of the problem, but what is the core of this secret, but for the time being, there is no way to know.

In the evening, I slept in the hotel. In the morning, Xie Yuqing went to the local police station to help them deal with the follow-up. After returning to the hotel, she woke up Ye Shaoyang and went to Shicheng by train.

After returning, Lao Guo went straight home and went to the cabinet to find his book. Xie Yuqing was going to deal with the official business and took Xue Qi away. Ye Shaoyang returned home with two sisters.

As soon as he entered the door, Ye Shaoyang was shocked by the scene in the living room: the coffee table had been moved to the side. The ground was full of bamboo rafts and various kinds of wood. Wu Jiawei and Sibao were sitting in the wood pile, one was sorting, and the other was sorting. One is cutting wood with a knife.

"You are doing this!" Ye Shaoyang cried. Before calling, I knew that the two of them were waiting for themselves at home, but they did not expect that they were doing this.

The four treasures wiped the sweat on the smeared head and pointed it to Wu Jiawei with a saw in his hand: "Ask him!"

Wu Jiawei is holding a measuring tape in his hand and is measuring the length of the piece of wood in his hand.

"Dry, don't you become a mage, change to be a carpenter?"

Wu Jiawei was very involved in drumming the wooden strips in his hand and said: "I am casting a sword."

"Cow the sword?"

Sibao said in a mocking tone: "Yes, he has to change to be a swordsman."

"It is the swordsman in the Master." Wu Jiawei corrected.

Ye Shaoyang squatted in front of him and looked at everything in front of him. There were several knives with different functions. They were used to cut wood, have rulers, and scissors.

"Do you really want to cast a sword?" Ye Shaoyang asked sillyly.

Wu Jiawei nodded. "I want to cast different swords and then start from the basics."

Ye Shaoyang grabbed a semi-finished wooden sword from his hand and asked: "Don't get it, tell me clearly, what are you doing, nothing to cast a sword, you are not without a device."

Wu Jiawei simply sat down on the ground and grabbed the wooden sword from Ye Shaoyang. He squatted in his hand and said, "Goat, do you know how many basic swords are there?"

“Shu slashing and stabbing and smearing?” Ye Shaoyang said it without thinking.

Wu Jiawei nodded and said: "You are using a sword. You still know these things. How long have you been practicing swordsmanship?"

"Two or three years."

"Do you know, is there any difference in weight between the wooden sword and the iron sword and the bronze sword?"

"This... I don't know. I said, what is the use of this?"

Wu Jiawei measured the wooden sword in his hand and said: "This sword is mahogany. The standard length is three or three. If it is a bamboo sword, the same size, weighing six or seven, the iron sword is even heavier..."

Ye Shaoyang looked at him silly. "What about that?"

Four treasures: "He is already a magician, don't tell him."

Wu Jiawei ignored him, and said: "The weight of the sword is not the same. The strength and speed of the move are not the same. The sword is too light and the move is fast, but the strength is small, the sword is too heavy, the strength is big, but the move is slow. How can we achieve balance? It is the swordsman who has been working hard since ancient times, but there is no certain standard..."

"You wait! Wait!" Ye Shaoyang waved his hand to stop his endless speech. "I see you are a real demon. We are a mage, not a swordsman. What are you doing this?"

Wu Jiawei said: "Because I use swords, I didn't tell you before. I want to use my strengths. That is speed. Martial arts and spells have something in common. The speed of evil things is much faster than ours." So, when it’s one-on-one, it’s hard to deal with. If you can suppress them at speed, you can get the first chance... What do you think?”

Ye Shaoyang stunned for a long while and said: "This is not realistic. You are quick to shoot, but it is impossible to be faster than evil. Especially the demon. The advantage of others is speed. Our advantage is spells... you can't take your own short board. Fight with the strengths of others."

Wu Jiawei said: "Everyone said so, so if I succeed, I will be able to break through the bottleneck, which is much more powerful than now."

"This... I won't say that you are unrealistic, but I don't think it's realistic. And, what do you think of this theory, what is the relationship with your sword? Do you want to use a wooden sword for speed?"

Wu Jiawei shook his head: "I want to build some wooden swords, to practice swords, and carefully understand the different differences between the different swords when making a move, so that when I use the Tibetan front, it will be more precise, speed and efficiency. Will improve, I have been practicing swords since I was a child, and I also have a good understanding with Tibetan front, but I feel that it has not yet reached the limit.

When I grasp the sword to the extreme, I will repair the spell and better match my sword. Even if you don't support it, I will try my best. I believe I will succeed! ”

He said so, but from the warm eyes he looked at, Ye Shaoyang still felt the meaning of his seeking encouragement, so he smiled: "Okay, let's try it, although I am here for you. The theory is not very well understood, but maybe you are right."

Wu Jiawei shook his head and said: "There is no right or wrong, goats, all roads lead to Rome, you have your strengths, and to the extreme, I just take a path that suits me."

Ye Shaoyang put a hand on his shoulder and said, "Okay, then you can try it, but... I said that you can change a place. I am not a wooden workshop here. You have so much wood in this drumstick. How do I live?"

"Oh..." Wu Jiawei scratched his head and looked very cute.

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