Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2500: 2500 Kendo 3

Qiu Ying looked at him and smiled and said: "Little handsome guy, I support you, but you can't do it with light swordsmanship. You also said that there must be corresponding spells. I will teach you a few tricks."

"Do you teach me?" Wu Jiawei looked at her, it seems that this discovered her existence, "You...who are you?"

Ye Shaoyang then introduced them.

Wu Jiawei and Sibao were shocked to learn about Qiu Ying's origins and congratulated Ye Shaoyang.

Qiu Ying said to Wu Jiawei: "The sword is a big branch of the magical world. You know that under the whole world, which school's sword-selling spell is the best? It's not that I am a little, you can only be a first-class sword. The best."

Wu Jiawei was busy asking: "Which school has the best swordsmanship, Maoshan?"

Ye Shaoyang quickly waved his hand. "My Maoshan is not good at this. My Longquan sword is not a sword."

Qiu Ying’s hands were behind her, and she walked over to Wu Jiawei. She said, “I want to know, call me a sister.”

"Sister." Wu Jiawei blurted out.

"Amount, how do you call it all at once, it's not fun." Qiuying spit out his tongue. "Well, I told you, the martial art that is best at swordsmanship is the empty mountain."

Ye Shaoyang listened to this, and his heart was also a move. Indeed, many of the Lishan disciples he had seen were strong players with swords. "However, Lishan's mother does not seem to need a sword?"

"The Virgin's sword is excellent, but if it is a light sword, there is a stronger one on Lishan than in her. I practiced the millennium on Lishan, and realized the essence of the sword. I created a lot of swordsmanship... Oh, this predecessor is You are very famous in the world, called Bai Suzhen, the millennium snake demon."

Bai Suzhen!

Ye Shaoyang immediately showed the appearance of Zhao Auntie and the first "Millennium and other ones" and said: "That was a coincidence. I was caught by Lishan's mother before I was on Lishan. When I was in custody, I found a note, Bai Suzhen. There are a lot of spiritual experiences in it, and there are indeed swordsmanships. I handed them to Xiaoqing Xiaobai. These two guys are snakes and demon, and they have the breeze and the moon sword. After taking notes, they will improve quickly."

Qiu Yingdao: "What you got is not a special description of swordsmanship. When the white maiden created a set of pear blossoms and rain swords, the Lishan's spells fit perfectly on the swordsmanship. Later, the Virgin ordered all the disciples to learn this set of swords. Lishan has become the first big school to hold swordsmanship..."

Ye Shaoyang was also the first to hear this allusion. Curiously asked: "Is it necessary to say that Bai Suzhen is better than Lishan's mother?"

Qiu Yingdao said: "It is not clear that they are masters and apprentices, and it is impossible to really compare, but it is possible to be blue."

Wu Jiawei’s face with a longing expression said: “Sister, you said before, you also know swordsmanship, is this set of swordsmanship?”

"Ah, actually, when I was just forming, the fish master and Shi Niang often studied and discussed spells under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree. Among them, there were swordsmanships. I have learned a little about it. If you want to learn, I can teach you. ”

Wu Jiawei was very excited and asked for advice immediately. However, because the venue was small and could not be opened, Qiuying was taken by Wu Jiawei to go outside to find a place to practice. Ye Shaoyang walked into the room without words and sighed: "It is a martial art."

Sibao took a semi-finished wooden sword and walked over and said, "I think white eyebrows are magical diseases. People have flesh, and they can't directly ride the wind and temper like a demon. How can they speed? How do you feel about these evils?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "I think that if he insists, let him try, maybe he can comprehend something."

Four treasures nodded and said: "It is also true that the true meaning of spiritual practice is to exert its own advantages. I also practiced indiscriminately at the beginning. Since I practiced the Roman body, I slowly discovered that I am suitable for being a meat shield. It is really sad enough."

"What is sorrow?"

"Meat shield, always beaten, and then watch you play all kinds of people happily."

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said, "The revolutionary division of labor is different."

"It doesn't matter, a team, there must always be someone who is a meat shield, and someone is an output." Sibao suddenly raised his spirit and said: "Yes, I have recently studied the heavens and thoughts, I can already think of Wei Haotian. ""

Finished, close your eyes, hands sealed, the aura glowed from the top of the head, forming a four-faced and eighteen-armed King Kong Lohan.

"Where is this Wei Weitian, isn't Jin Han Luo?" Ye Shaoyang said.

Sibao smiled and said: "Look carefully."

With a hand movement, the golden body Rohan turned his head and turned the face behind him to Ye Shaoyang, but it was not the appearance of the other three faces, but a wide-eyed nightshade, with a fierce face and a powerful face. There was also a long long scorpion, which was chilly.

Wei Haotian!

Ye Shaoyang was suddenly stunned. After a few seconds, he realized what was going on. Simply put: Wei Haotian’s image replaced one of the faces of the four-faced Buddha, and even the instruments in his hands changed.

Ye Shaoyang couldn't help but reach out and tried to touch the long beggar in the hands of Wei Xiaotian. Four treasures moved, Wei Haotian swept in his hands, naturally will not attack Ye Shaoyang, but a tyrannical force spread from the long scorpion, pushing Ye Shaoyang's arm away.

"Oh..." The four treasures received the Fa, and snorted and touched his head and said, "No, I have just completed this method. I am still a little reluctant, but I still have to practice."

Ye Shaoyang returned to God and thought about it: "What is this way?"

Sibao snorted two times. "I can't think of it. Before, I have been pondering the magic of the heavens. I finally thought of Wei Weitian, and the power is quite big. I didn't know what happened that day. Imagine, if you can combine the heavens and the minds with the Luohan Jin body, you will have better defenses and the effect will be better. Then I will start to ponder... Hey, I really encouraged me to succeed."

Combine the gods of heaven and the body of Luo Hanjin...

"I am going to go, but I can think of it. When did you start practicing, I have never heard of it?"

"That recently, I didn't say it before. I was afraid that if you couldn't make it, you would make fun of me." Sibao scratched his bare head and said, "But it was also because of the coincidence that he was lucky enough to succeed. I am currently thinking about Emperor. Shi Tian, ​​if it succeeds, combined with the four-faced Buddha of Luo Hanjin, you think about the goat. If I replace the four-faced Buddha with the illusion of the gods and gods of the heavens, this is how to pull the wind, attack I dare not say that anyway, for the sake of defense, no one in the world can kill me."

Ye Shaoyang didn't know how to evaluate it, but he also determined that the four treasures were not self-confident expansion: originally, Luo Hanjin was a defensive spell, and with the help of the heavens, it really became a solution.

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