Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2501: 2501 promotion 1

"Oh, I suddenly found out that you have had a breakthrough recently. The military division has shown its talents in the airspace. The white eyebrows have also found the direction of practice. You have also achieved great success recently. You are all good."

"There is a great achievement..." Four treasures touched their heads. "How do I listen to this word so awkward, as if I have heard it..."

"I know that this is the undefeated East in the "Swordsman", the sunflower collection!" Biqing was playing a mobile phone, suddenly raised his head and said such a sentence.

Ye Shaoyang and the four treasures were shocked. "How come you know Swordsman?"

"Look, I just watched this recently. I found that these martial arts dramas are much better than that of love." Bi Qing was serious, and then went on watching the mobile phone.

Ye Shaoyang and the four treasures are speechless.

Sibao sighed: "Speaking of the military division, I don't know how he is in the air."

Ye Shaoyang smiled slightly: "I believe that with his ability to command war, he will definitely show his talents in the air."

The two chatted for a while, and a strange feeling rose from Ye Shaoyang's knowledge of the sea, and seemed to break through the sea. Ye Shaoyang suddenly realized what he was, and hurriedly said: "All go out, the monk is outside to protect the law for me!"

"Guarding the law? Hey?"

"I want to enter!" I can't explain to them. Ye Shaoyang took a pillow from the bed, padded it on the floor, and sat up on his knees. The four treasures gave Bi Qing a look, and the two went out without a word, and closed the door from the outside. Sibao stood back against the door, paying attention to Lin listening to the surrounding movements. The so-called protection method is to stay nearby and provide him with an absolutely safe environment to avoid being disturbed by any information.

Just sitting on the futon, the breath in the body immediately rushed out of the sea and spread out in the body. This is a subtle power that cannot be said. Ye Shaoyang immediately settled, and the gods entered a world of nothingness, as if flying higher and higher, and soon I could not feel my body. Even the soul and the gods could not feel it. Only some thoughts were left in my mind. It is presented in the middle of it.

This opportunity was to listen to the debate between Lao Guo and Xie Yuqing in a small hotel in Hangzhou.

What should be the person who cultivated the Tao?

There is no desire, no desire, nothing to fight, nothing to do, as Lao Guo said, throughout the ages, countless sages, mages, and pursuits are all realms, let the Master, if you want to prove Whether it is the corpse of three corpses, the quiet road, the inaction, or the sacred law of Buddhism, etc., it is nothing more than making people six clean, not welcoming things without sorrow...

Further, even if you want to let go of hatred, let go of your obsession, and fight with the world, to achieve this kind of heart, you can surpass the world, and have the opportunity to prove that the mixed yuan has no greatness.

Ye Shaoyang believes in this.

However, I have never been able to do it.

A few times before I realized that I finally strengthened my heart and decided that there is a truth: the place where the Tao is, although thousands of people are squatting. This is his heart. However, this kind of self-satisfaction, resentment and sorrowful ambition is contrary to the theory of the avenue. In the end, how to choose, Ye Shaoyang has not thought about this problem (the various events also make him have no time to think), but in In the subconscious, it is indeed hesitant and contradictory.

This kind of contradiction has put him at the stage of bottlenecks, and he has never been able to find the threshold for promotion to the immortal.

Xie Yuqing’s casual words made him suddenly open. When he thought about it at the moment, he realized what his own way was... He could never reach the realm of no desire and no desire. If so, give up and strengthen oneself. Dao Xin: There are clear grievances and hatred.

This is the way for you.

In fact, Ye Shaoyang has already realized this point, but he is only a little hesitant because he is influenced by universal values.

Today, this hesitation is cleaned up.

Ye Shaoyang seems to have seen his own heart, crystal clear in front of himself.


There is something in the body that seems to be broken. A strange touch is filled in the body, and the whole body and body are shuddering. Ye Shaoyang feels that his **** has flew up, rushing to the sky, and the sky is like a wash, tomorrow is empty. The sun shines on the body, warm and dry, this feeling is extremely comfortable, just drifting for a while, the consciousness falls on the ground.

In front of it, it is the desert of Huangsha Wanli, a dry riverbed, passing by in the desert. Ye Shaoyang stands on the edge of the riverbed, watching the sun rise from the horizon, at the end of the riverbed, there is water flowing over and gradually filling the riverbed. Formed a large river, the river water moistened the surrounding land, and the young crops were born and broke, and gradually grew.

There are flowers, grass, and trees.

Before the desert, the blink of an eye became a beautiful scenery of the spring, the breath of breath, but also the fragrance of soil and plants, Ye Shaoyang consciousness floated forward, looking at it, although there is no special scenery, but the whole picture It’s wonderful... there are two adults, with a child, coming from a distance, playing in the grass...

In this beautiful environment, Ye Shaoyang gave birth to countless pictures.

He saw the water flowing a little bit to moisten the land, saw the seeds bred life under the soil, saw the spores unfolding a little, grew into mushrooms, and saw that the child gradually grew into an adult under the pull of his parents...

All of this is so beautiful and full of vitality.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew through, I don’t know where the yellow sand was blowing, the sky was yellow sand, and the line of sight was covered. When the yellow sand fell, the sky was already dark, the moon was hanging in the sky, and the dead light was released. Ye Shaoyang looked at it. , saw a terrible scene:

Trees, flowers and plants have already withered, the river has dried up, a ruinous scene of ruin, and even more shocking things. The previous family of three is no longer alive. There are three skeletons lying on the ground, buried in the loess.

The feeling of comfort before disappeared instantly, and the mood sank to the bottom. Ye Shaoyang stared at this scene. Although he was used to life and death, the scene in front of him gave him a feeling of being extremely uncomfortable...he Thinking of the escape, I turned around, behind a pond, on the yellow land on the pond, one after another, and a large pile of bodies piled on the edge of the pond.

Some of the bodies are rotten, the locusts are rampant, the blood flows down from above, into the pond, in the middle of the pond full of blood, is a huge whirlpool, blood and water continue to flow, countless bubbles to the white and swollen hands, Stretching out of the water, waving to yourself, as if to greet yourself.

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