Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2502: 2502 promotion 2

Ye Shaoyang flew over and came to the top of the vortex. Looking down, the middle of the vortex was a void of red light. There was no sound, but he heard the mourning and crying, as if he saw a person. Powerlessly waiting for death...

Ye Shaoyang was afraid and wanted to escape, but it created an irresistible suction from the whirlpool and sucked him a little.

There is no room for resistance.

At the moment of being inhaled by the vortex, Ye Shaoyang jerked a twitch and woke up. He was still in the room, looking at his body, his clothes were all sweaty...

Ye Shaoyang gasped for a long time, and he only came back to God. He recalled the previous experience... It’s strange to say that there was nothing special about the wild grass wildflowers before. In retrospect, the feeling is very warm and beautiful. And then the weird scene, in fact, is not too terrible... There is no such thing as a corpse of water, but as soon as I think of that picture, Ye Shaoyang feels a layer of fear from the inside out, can not help but hug Arms, don't dare to think about it anymore.

Why do you have such two kinds of pictures in your mind when you enter your own perception?

Ye Shaoyang, who calmed down, began to think about this problem, but these two pictures were too abstract and there were no other clues. For a long time, I couldn’t figure out the clue. Ye Shaoyang had to stand up. Just took a step and immediately stood still.

The feeling of flowing in the body seems to be not the same as usual!

Ye Shaoyang squatted for a few seconds and tried luck. This really felt the change... Ye Shaoyang’s mouth was pumped a bit, and I couldn’t believe it. The strength of the body’s suffocation was at least 20% higher than before! The odd eight-pulse and the big acupoints are not the same as before, and the speed of raising the air... has also improved a lot.

In a word, in short, your strength has become stronger! And it is a big cut.

It’s a real world!

On the fairy! This is the Shangxian tablet!

Dreaming of it.

When it really arrived, Ye Shaoyang was not so excited. He stood up for a while, then found a magical symbol, and he burned it in his palm.

Ye Shaoyang feels the strength of spiritual power, and the simplest spells can best reflect the gap in strength. Indeed, about 30% more mana than before!

I was originally a spiritual fairy, just like the upgrade in the game is almost at its peak, let alone 30%, it is difficult to upgrade a little property. 30% ah... Ye Shaoyang squats on the ground, his face is sluggish, and he squats out of his mouth with two words: "Cushing!"

The smile on the sluggish face was a little bit open, and finally it became a big laugh. It was almost like the meaning of crying.

When the door opened, Sibao walked in with a suspicious look and asked, "Are you doing a spring dream?"

"Upgraded the trough!" Ye Shaoyang grabbed him. At this time, the feeling of excitement really came up. He grabbed the hands of Sibao and shook it like a scoop. "Monk, I upgraded!"

The four treasures were paralyzed on the spot, staring at him in a dull manner, half a sigh of returning to the gods, trembled: "On the fairy?"

"Yes, right!"

Sibao’s face was twitched and said: “Really, how do you know that this is an upgrade?”

"Before upgrading, I can't imagine what it feels like, really upgraded, naturally I understand, can't be wrong." Ye Shaoyang clenched his fists, went to the window, looked at the sky, clenched his teeth, and snarled in the sky. Then it was a mad laugh... It was almost mad.

The four treasures looked at him for a while and walked over to him. They frowned and said, "Are you mistaken, you feel it carefully, is it really upgraded?"

"Of course, you don't believe it."

"No, if I am a fairy, I have heard that it is already the limit of the world, the limit of the human master... I heard that Master has said that it is the place where the gods and the sages are at the top of the world. Not to mention the crane hair and children's face, at least it is also the sacred wind bones, indifferent to fame and fortune, you have done so well, there is no style at all, so I seriously doubt ..."

"I doubt your sister..." Ye Shaoyang knocked a boiled chestnut on his head. "I am different from those people. My heart is different. If I am like you said, I will not be able to rise in my life." Anyway, I really upgraded, really!"

Ye Shaoyang held his neck and swayed.

"Yeah, upgraded, but... is your spirit normal?"

"Roll!" Ye Shaoyang pushed him away, his hands on the window sill, and his teeth grinned for a while, and his mood slowly calmed down. He thought that he had been walking from Maoshan at the age of five, and he walked all the way. ... became a fairy.

I never thought about it before.

"I don't think I have it today..." Ye Shaoyang looked out of the window, took a deep breath, smiled slightly, and felt wirelessly in his heart. At this moment, his first thought in his mind was his parents... The mother’s soul has been reborn. The father is still in the yin, I don’t know if I have been paying attention to myself. If he knows that he has actually become a legendary singer, he will certainly feel gratified.

"I said, don't pretend to force it, come and tell me, how good is the immortal?" Four treasures waited for him to go crazy for a long time, finally could not help, asked.

"There is no problem, the mana is about 30% stronger than before."

"Three percent is still called no, you are forced to install." Four treasures have wide eyes, "But to say, what is the concept of 30%?"

Ye Shaoyang thought for a moment and said: "If you force a blow, it is estimated that you can easily kill a heavenly master."

Spike the strength of the Heavenly Master... Four treasures twitched a few times, of course he knew that Ye Shaoyang was not bragging, just... If this was heard by the general Master, it is estimated that the spot will be paralyzed, Tianshi, in the eyes of ordinary Masters It is already the same as the highest-level authority. It can kill the heavenly master... What kind of concept is this?

"You are promoted to the immortal?" Bi Qing also pushed the door in, looking at Ye Shaoyang with a look of shock.

Ye Shaoyang nodded.

"How can this be!"

"I don't think it is possible either." Ye Shaoyang scratched his head. "Thinking carefully, I don't seem to be doing anything, so I accidentally became a fairy..."

Biqing looked at him and his eyes were extremely complicated.

"For you, this is normal. You... are you at the age of sixteen or fifteen, and you are not promoted to the celestial division. It is the most talented person in your history of Maoshan. It may be in the whole magical world. Can be ranked in the top three, repaired into the immortal, there is nothing unexpected."

Bi Qing looked at Ye Shaoyang's eyes is still very complicated, it seems to be pondering something. Sibao suddenly took a look at her shoulder, looked at her, and looked at Ye Shaoyang, saying: "Who are you two now?"

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