Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2503: 2503 Li Wei 1

Bi Qing Chong Ye Shaoyang said with a glance: "What about the immortal, if I have a smelter in hand, you are not my opponent."

Ye Shaoyang shrugged and did not express his position.

Sibao suddenly thought of something and said: "For the goat, have you ever played the level of Lishan's old mother shaking the fairy?"

"Don't dream!" Bi Qing replied replied. "On the immortal, at most, it is invincible in the world, teaching Jinxian, all of them are top-notch, how can you beat it."

Ye Shaoyang touched his nose and said: "It is not the case. The immortality of the world is definitely a battle with them. However, the immortal is not the same as the immortal. I just just promoted and still have to practice for a while. When is the peak strength of Shangxian, you can definitely get them."

Four treasures: "How long is it?"

"I don't know, look at the creation, but what is certain is that Lishan's old mother can't kill me now, but it's okay to fight."

After that, Ye Shaoyang suddenly sighed and shook his head and said: "It is still too weak."

The four treasures vomited blood: "Do you know if this is the word, how many wizards will want to hack you."

Ye Shaoyang said: "No, I mean, my opponents are too strong. I say Houqing, I don't know when I can beat him."

The four treasures came to his mind and came forward. One hand was placed on his shoulder and said: "After the Qing is strong, it is not invincible. You are now promoted to the immortal. Which step can you take in the future? No one knows, killing him sooner or later."

Ye Shaoyang nodded, but in fact he was also under the spit.

Promoting Shangxian is also a great event for Ye Shaoyang. Although he did not feel anything, Sibao insisted that he should celebrate, immediately booked a hotel, and then informed Lao Guo that they would go to dinner together at night.

In the evening, there are still a few hours, Ye Shaoyang in the room for a few weeks, in order to make the atmosphere more stable. When I was vomiting, I felt the change of the meridians and acupoints more clearly. This kind of improvement is not the hard power, but the foundation. Just as if the silkworm grows to a certain extent, it has to be suede, and once it has no skin, the upper limit of the body size that can grow will be raised one stage, and the realm of practice is the same.

Ye Shaoyang was just promoted to the immortal. The suffocating moments accumulated in the realm of Lingxian, broke out in an instant, and the strength was suddenly increased by 30%. However, this is only the beginning... This physical change makes Ye Shaoyang the future. And a little more confidence.

The only thing that puzzled him was the illusion that he had seen before enlightenment, from birth to death... What does this mean? Ye Shaoyang believes that this is definitely not just a illusion.

In the empty world, the boundary between the boundary river and the Tianzhu Mountain, on the empty and vast plains, a battle has just ended, and the corpses are everywhere. Most of them are zombies, and the corpses of various colors flow out, dye the ground. Red, among them, there are quite a few fairies on the side of the Air Alliance. As for the ghosts and evil spirits, they became fine after death. They danced for a while and finally returned to their camps and landed on the tower. .

Among the military camps, the most conspicuous is the tower. It is actually not a tower, but a huge nine-layered cymbal. It is a shelf made of cypress wood with a white cloth hanging on it. The whole shape looks like a tower, hence the name.

The coffin has the effect of gathering souls, and these white cloths are united by the masters of several major sects. They write a lot of spells, a dense layer, and have great spiritual power to attract the fines and raise them here. Interest, can reduce the time of resurrection, but still need more than a hundred years. Therefore, this is only a psychological comfort to the soldiers who killed the enemy.

Those who are not dead, each holding an apricot yellow flag, inserted in the distance, is a unique way of the air war: because the two sides of the war are not human, after the siege, it is impossible to build a fortification like human beings. If the corpse wins this battle, the zombie tooth of the same kind of dead will be buried underground.

Zombie teeth are the places where the corpse of zombies accumulate the most. A large number of zombie teeth are buried in a line in the ground. The powerful corpse can make the enemy dare not approach. If it is won by the Air Alliance, it is inserted underground. The apricot yellow flag, which was written with runes, is also along the newly occupied land, forming a powerful array.

Both sides use this method to defend their own land. If the other side attacks, the corpse or the battle can play a big role, putting pressure on the offensive side.

Therefore, although the form is different, but here is also the same as the human world, the defensive side always has to take some of the cheap.

No matter where, no matter what era, the essence of war is the same.

On a high mountain near the battlefield, there is still a battle going on, a dozen flying stiff, and almost the same number of figures on the top of the mountain are in a fierce battle.

Soon after, the flying stagnations were killed one by one, and a few escaped. They couldn’t escape. They took their own heads and shattered the gods, and they would not leave a living mouth to catch each other.

The battle is over and the ground is full of corpses.

Guagua took a breath and walked to Lin Sansheng and said: "You are really a god-like teacher, how do you know that they want to attack?"

Lin Sansheng said with a smile: "I have observed the position in advance. This battlefield is within ten miles. Only this position is the most prominent. They want to attack me. This is the best place..." Speaking of this, Lin Sansheng IV Looking down, Shen Shen said: "However, the other party can think of setting up here, and wait until the end of the battle, when our army is most relaxed, it is obviously well thought out... among the corpses, there is such a wise man?"

Xiaoqing wiped the blood on the Qingfeng sword and said: "These zombies are not the kind of low-level zombies that are not brains, and they are very smart."

Lin Sansheng shook his head gently and said: "This person is deeply martyrdom, not a normal zombie..."

The gaze was searched in the valley across the plain.

In a black and crushed figure, Lin Sansheng saw a white shadow, standing in the enemy camp, motionless, looking at the face seems to be looking at his side.

There is no basis for it. Lin Sansheng relies on intuition and thinks for a moment that this must be the opposite military division!

Lin Sansheng is destined to look at the past. Two people are separated by a few miles. For those who can fly in the air, it is actually the distance that blinks, but if they do, they will immediately be confronted by a group of strong people. The siege is basically going to have no return.

(End of this chapter)

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