Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2504: 2504 Li Wei 2

"You pay attention to the white man!" Lin Sansheng reminded everyone, "Go back and help me to investigate and see what is coming."

Meihua Dao: "I am going, I am taking the water, looking for an opportunity to look closely."

"Then you are careful."

Meihua nodded and left.

Lin Sansheng is not too worried about her. They are the strengths of the members of the Ghost Alliance. They are also strong in the empty world. Under normal circumstances, they can still get back.

When Meihua went down the mountain, a group of people were going up the mountain, and the head of the generals glanced at the long legs under the Meihua cheongsam, and did not say hello, went straight up the mountain.

"Army, I heard that you sent someone to look for me?" This will lead to Lin Sansheng's first stop, standing on his hips, with a disdainful smile on his lips.

Lin Sansheng glanced at him and said: "I let them go to take you, not to ask you, you made a mistake." After that, his eyes turned to the people behind him and said: "I will not hear you before. ?"

The few people were a little embarrassed, and one of the generals said, "The military division, we are both acquaintances with General Zhang... This is not very good."

Lin Sansheng looked at him and walked a few steps forward. His eyes swept over the faces of the generals and said: "I was entrusted by several great masters, and I was in charge of the military account. I made it necessary, Zhang Mingshan, and I asked you. I asked you to lead five hundred alchemists, from the flanks, joint spellcasting, disrupting their positions, but you are charging from the front, why?"

Zhang Mingshan sighed: "The poor road is to kill the enemy. When it is charged from the front, killing the enemy, can you be sneaky, have the style of losing the Tao? Brothers, are you saying?"

A group of people behind him followed suit.

On the side of the Ghost Federation, several people couldn't help it. Lin Sansheng reached out and stopped. He walked slowly to the face of Zhang Mingshan and smiled. He said: "Daotong? This is the battlefield. You told me the system? This is not your mountain gate! Do you know what a military command is like a mountain? If everyone is like you, why don’t you use it?"

When the front turned, he said to several people behind him: "You have listened to a few of them. There are no acquaintances here. If you want to find an acquaintance, you can go back to the mountain gate. If you come to the battlefield, you should obey the military order. Otherwise, I will ruthlessly ruthless me!"

"You are ruthless? How can you be ruthless?" Zhang Mingshan smiled with his arms up, and took a step forward. He stood in front of Lin Sansheng and said slowly: "The truth tells you, they originally advised me, I am I want to come to you to recognize a mistake. If you talk about this, then I will ask you, what are you, the ghost of your life, here is what you are going to do, here is the empty world, Taking advantage of your relationship with Ye Shaoyang and Fox King, playing here is the prestige? Take root chicken feathers as an arrow, I really think you are a military division, I told you, I am the first one to disobey!"

After he finished speaking, a few people behind him were a little embarrassed. These were Lin Sansheng sent to escorted him. He was not a martial art with him, but those people behind Zhang Mingshan were his disciples of Longhuamen, and he came with him. It’s just to come to the scene to do things. When I heard Zhang Mingshan say this, I immediately got emotionally high, all kinds of cynicism and saying everything.

On the side of the Ghost Federation, several people also had to be blown up on the spot, and they were murdered by Lin Sansheng. "Linlin, you go to the big account and ask the Virgins to come over."

Li Linlin immediately went with her.

When Zhang Mingshan saw Lin Sansheng going to call people, he reached out and made a gesture to calm down the fellow disciples behind him. He looked at Lin Sansheng in a hazy manner and said, "What is it, I have no ability, I want to ask someone to deal with me?" ”

"You will know later."

Lin Sansheng looked at Zhang Mingshan and said slowly: "First, I tell you, Ye Shaoyang is not my master, he is my confidant friend, and..." He took out a shiny sign with a printed plaque from his pocket, slap The size is engraved with the words "Shenwei".

"You are optimistic, this is the United Army's handsome seal, the four kings and twelve doors of the lord passed the resolution a few days ago, awarded to me, make a mountain, irresistible, do you recognize this handsome print?"

When everyone looked at the handsome prints, they looked at each other and their heads hang down. Shuai Yin represents an authority, and this kind of authority is something that these people absolutely dare not trample on.

Zhang Mingshan saw Shuai Yin also stunned, and then gritted his teeth and said: "What is the meaning of Lin Shu, you take this handsome seal, do you want to use it to suppress me?"

Lin Sansheng looked at him with a look of unfathomable expression on his face. Said: "Zhang Tianming, you are the first deacon of Longhuamen Discipline, in the Longhuamen, is the second-class person, there are hundreds of disciples."

Zhang Mingshan smiled and said: "You know it. I am behind them. It is the disciple I carefully selected. You want to use the military order to deal with the poor road. Well, let us deal with it together?"

He said this, the people behind him immediately stood tall and looked like a hero who had a hard time.

At this time, Li Linlin came up from the foot of the mountain, followed by five or six people, Lin Sansheng swept away, are the masters of several major sects, Pufa Tianzun and Lishan old mother are also among them.

"Zhang Mingshan, what did your kid make wrong, and he did not admit his mistake to the military!"

An old man with a goatee screamed and walked over and said to Lin Sansheng: "The poor road is the abbot of Longhuamen, Liu Mingdao, Zhang Mingshan is my disciple, I heard that he had committed in the army, and he should be guilty. Ask the military division to look at the face of the poor road and spare him once."

After that, I rushed to Zhang Mingshan and blinked. "I still don't want to plead guilty to the military division, and come back to the mountain to take the penalty!"

Zhang Mingshan stalked his neck and was a little dissatisfied. Zhang Mingshan gave a look to the disciples on the side. Several people framed him and went down the mountain.

"Come back!" Lin Sansheng burst into tears and everyone was stunned.

Liu Zhendao, a glimpse of his eyes, looked at Lin Sansheng and said: "The military teacher is annoyed, the old Daoist is asking for a love, this time it will be."

Lin Sansheng walked over and said, "The predecessor, not that I don't talk about feelings... He is not offending me personally. The military order is like a mountain. If you don't dispose of it today, how do you order the three armed forces in the future?"

Liu Zhendao’s look was a little unpleasant, and he sighed and said: “Why should I be guilty of the military sect?”

"The law of the three armies, inciting military orders, making good claims, causing defeat, leading the way to ask questions!"

“Ask you?” Liu Zhendao said.

"Ha ha!" Zhang Mingshan laughed. "You are going to kill me. It is best to kill us!"

Those people behind him also started to pick up.

A few big cockroaches standing behind each other glanced at each other and did not say anything. They did not understand the meaning of Lin Sansheng looking for them, waiting to see how he handled it.

(The goat has finally been upgraded and sprinkled)

(End of this chapter)

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