Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2505: The 2505th in my cloud, the Dapeng bird 1

"All the stops!" Liu Zhendao screamed, the scene was quiet, Liu Zhendao looked at Lin Sansheng, his look was even colder. "Army, is it really a little bit of love?"

"In front of the military law, what kind of feelings can you tell?" Lin Sansheng suddenly changed color, his finger Zhang Mingshan, "Give me a victory, if you resist, ask directly!"

Xiaoqing Xiaobai and others have long waited for this. Once they heard this, they immediately rushed over.

Zhang Mingshan sighed, and also greeted the disciples in front of the enemy.

"Disobeying the military commander, killing them together!" Lin Sansheng said awkwardly.

Brush the brush, Xiaoqing a few swords down, immediately kill a few disciples of Longhuamen. These disciples are ordinary disciples who are low and low. Where are Xiaoqing's opponents, but they also know how to measure and have no killings, and this group of people is fierce, and when they see the first few people killed, they are killed. I was scared at once, and I dare not go forward.

Xiaoqing Xiaobai is on both sides, and he looks at it, and Guagua and Buns go up to Zhang Mingshan.

Zhang Mingshan's strength is OK, but it is only compared with his disciples. When the melons come up, they will sacrifice the locusts, and with the psychedelic technique of the buns, they will be left behind.

"Like Lin, I see you dare"

After the words were not finished, Xiaoqing pulled the sword, and the sword was under the skull. After a few seconds, the soul flew out of the body, and was also smashed by Xiaoqing, and then he took the sword and retreated to the side. His face was cold. The whole process will not be made.


No one at the scene spoke. The disciples of Longhuamen and the people of Liu Zhendao looked at Lin Sansheng slyly and couldn’t say a word.

"The murderer Fuxi, you are all accomplices, you should have pleaded guilty, look at the respect of the teacher, avoid the punishment, and let go!" Lin Sansheng stood on the heights, hands behind his back, looking at the people below Said the year.

These disciples of Longhuamen face each other. Under the power of Lin Sansheng, no one dared to answer. Someone secretly looked at Liu Zhendao and asked him for help.

Liu Zhendao’s face was blue and red, and the beard was shaking. One word and one word: “Lin Daren, you are a big official...”

"Don't dare to fulfill the military order."

"Good, good one to fulfill the military order! Let's go!" After turning around, I looked at Lishan's old mother and others and looked at what I wanted to say.

"The Taoist does not have to say it." Pufa Tianzun said, "Since I have passed the resolution to elect him to take charge of the seal, everything naturally obeys him to decide."

Liu Zhendao nodded and said nothing, taking a disciple down the mountain.

Pufa Tianzun came over with a bitter smile and said to Lin Sansheng: "The hand of the military division, although hot, is also in the jurisprudence. If there is such an incident in the future, there is no need to inform us..."

Lin Sansheng said with a fist: "Hey, if they are really upset, I will not end well. After all, I am an outsider. I need several seniors to help me."

"That's good." Lishan's mother and Yan Yue came up to Lin Sansheng: "The military division does not need to think about it. You should kill people today. It is also true that it is not only the Qingqiu Mountain, but the future strength of Lishan Mountain is completely obeyed by the military commander. If you don't respect the military, you can do it without knowing what to do with me."

Lin Sansheng had a heart in his heart and did not wait for the opening. The other masters also expressed similar meanings.

Xiaoqing Xiaobai and other people are very proud of their faces. Only melons are frowning.

Lishan’s mother then said: “Exactly, the military division should move the big account, I will have something to do.”

Lin Sansheng nodded and told Xiaoqing Xiaobai that they left the guarded high ground and went down with them. Before the big account, Lishan’s mother would go in and turn around and see the melons coming up and said: “I talked with the military division, According to the rules of the military, you are still waiting outside."

Guagua looked at Lin Sansheng. Lin Sansheng hesitated and nodded at him. Guagua has stood still.

"The military division has a request." Lishan's mother is very polite.

Immediately after the account was placed, some people served the incense burner. Several people sat down on the futon, holding the incense burner and chilling with Lin Sansheng.

Lin Sansheng glanced at the first day of the Tianyue Zen Master of the Dongyue Temple Luohantang.

"Although the military division came to the airfield soon, but the seven battles and seven Czechs, the reputation is far-reaching, I am very admired." Lishan mother took the lead.

The Star Master took over the words and said: "The military sergeant in the Bo Yue Cave, the self-recommended, and many sects opposed it. Now it seems that the military sergeant is out of the mountain and is also the service of my airspace."

Lin Sansheng arched his hand: "Don't dare, thanks to the ancestors of the predecessors, I will be in charge of the printing of the handsome, and I will do what I want to do in my life and do my best!"

Pufa Tianzun sat next to Lin Sansheng, reached out and patted his shoulders intimately. He said: "The military teacher said so, now it seems that Lin Daoyou is a military division, but he is still a curator. Lin Daoyou can not only manage it, but also have the courage. If you have a plan, you will be a talented person."

Lin Sansheng’s heart was moving, and he said no.

Pufa Tianzun said: "We haven't met each other on the same day. Stars in the sea have a lot of offenses. If the military division has a heart, the poor road is here to pay for it."

Lin Sansheng hurriedly returned to the ceremony and said: "On the same day, it is also unavoidable. Nowadays, there is a difficult situation in the airspace, endangering the human world. When Zen is exhausted, it will be difficult to have any selfish thoughts."

Tianxing Zen Master said: "The military division is a great man, and the future is boundless."

Lin Sansheng perfunctory, waiting for their topic, and sure enough, after holding enough, the Zen Master suddenly opened his mouth and asked: "Military division, I heard that you are a squad of ghosts, all of them are life and death brothers, I don’t know. ?"

Lin Sansheng nodded: "Of course, most of them are Ye Shaoyang's doormen, and our brothers are both life and death."

The Star Master slowly nodded and said: "Excuse me, are you listening to Ye Shaoyang?"

Lin Sansheng thought for a moment and said: "You can't say that, we are all brothers. No matter who has something, they help each other. Shaoyang also helped me a lot."

Tianxing Zen Master said: "But the world is famous, only Ye Shaoyang is one person. The military masters are talented, long time people, is really sweet?"

Lin Sansheng frowned: "I don't know what the Zen master means."

Lishan’s old mother took the message and said: “I’ll just say, you’ve been famous in the airspace for a long time. We have the heart to let you be the head coach of the coalition and lead the three army, but Ye Shaoyang is a human master. Letting you command the commander is equal to handing over the military power to Ye Shaoyang... His lover, who is a reincarnated ghost boy, will hand over the empty power to his hand. Can I wait for it?"

Lin Sansheng listened to him and said with a smile: "This asks the Virgin to rest assured that Shaoyang does not understand the military affairs, and the military power cannot be handed over to him."

(End of this chapter)

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