Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2508: 2508 seems to be the original person to come 2

Moreover, Ye Shaoyang also wants to see the real people with Daoyuan.

"That line, if you have nothing to do, let's set off tomorrow morning, otherwise two days will be New Year's Day, the ticket is not good to buy."

Ye Shaoyang promised to come down.

"Right, the sorcerer of the Taiyin Mountain, come to you?"

Ye Shaoyang shook his head. "I didn't see any sorcerer."

Lao Guodao: "Since Master reminds you, the news is definitely correct. In short, you should be careful."

Back in the store, Wu Jiawei was still cutting wood and casting a sword. Ye Shaoyang asked him not to go back with himself. Wu Jiawei said that he had to keep casting the sword. Ye Shaoyang had to be by him.

From the old Guo left here, Ye Shaoyang took a taxi home before Zhou Jingru sent a car to her and Yan Lengyu, but Ye Shaoyang did not have a driver's license, came back from the Republic of China, the car gave Lao Guo opened.

In the car, the phone rang, and Ye Shaoyang took it up and saw it. The name displayed on the screen was the word "father-in-law".

Master of a valley...

Because the parents of Yan Lengyu died, the brothers also hanged (become a sin, and then disappeared). She had only one master who was the closest, and Ye Shaoyang and the father were also good. He joked and saved his name. "Father-in-law", before all happened, Master Igu was coming to preside over his wedding with Yan Lengyu. As a result, he went to the Republic of China...

When he came back from the Republic of China, everything was late. He called the Master of the Valley and kept shutting down. He also listened to Lao Guo. After a few days of his disappearance, Master Igu came and heard. After the situation, I stayed in Shicheng for about a week. I didn't wait for my return, I went back to Hong Kong.

Suddenly, I received a call from Master Gu, and Ye Shaoyang was a little embarrassed. She took a deep breath, adjusted her mood, and then connected the phone.


Still familiar with the sound, just feeling a lot old.

"It's me, Master."

The phone was silent for a long time, and a master of the valley said: "I heard that you are back, how are you doing now?"

"I... pretty good, what about your old man?"

"I am like this, I am in Xiamen now, you can come over, I want to see you."

"Oh, is there any urgent matter?"

"There is no urgent matter, just want to see you, don't worry, wait until you finish the matter at hand and come back later. I still live in the previous place. Do you know the location?"

"Know, that Master..."

"Some words, let's talk about it, there is nothing important."

Master Yigu said a few words, it seems a little tired, not to say that Ye Shaoyang said more, he said goodbye.

Hanging up the phone, Ye Shaoyang holds the mobile phone and stays up. He has a flaw in his heart: he promised in front of the old man that he should take good care of the cold jade. As a result, he has not waited until he got married. lost.

In Ye Shaoyang's view, this is his own mistake anyway. Fortunately, he still has the opportunity to remedy.

Early the next morning, Lao Guo drove to pick up Ye Shaoyang to go to the station. On the road, Ye Shaoyang opened the WeChat group of the Ghost Alliance and said his trip, saying that he would return within two or three days.

The result Zhang Xiaorui immediately replied: Master, you have not taken me out for a long time, I am going!

There is also a face with a 40-meter machete.

Ye Shaoyang smiled and replied with a helpless expression from her, and then appeased a few words. Zhang Xiaorui knew that he was going to do business and didn’t make any trouble.

Ye Shaoyang and Lao Guo took this high-speed train from Shicheng to Yingtan for a total of four hours. When they got off the bus, it was already noon. After the two got off the bus, Drip called a special car and went straight to the scenic spot.

Last night, Lao Guo had contacted Zhang Wusheng and said that he had to go to the door. Therefore, Zhang Wusheng arranged two disciples to receive outside the scenic spot, but it may be due to the New Year’s Day. There were many tourists on the Longhu Mountain. After the twists and turns, I contacted the two disciples, and then I was led by the small road to the Zongmen of Houshan.

When I arrived at Shanmen, a young Taoist who claimed to be a close-knit disciple of Zhang Wusheng came and politely greeted them and personally led them to the main hall.

"My Master heard that Ye Zhangjiao and Guo Shishu are coming. I waited in the hall early in the morning. Please wait for a moment, then I will ask my master."

The disciple entered the partial hall for a long time, and did not see it. Ye Shaoyang and others were really bored. They simply walked through the partial hall and wanted to go in and see the movement. As a result, the disciple stood at the door with respect and respect, Zhang Wusheng sat on the futon. With both hands holding the phone, the eyes are still stunned. "Let them wait for a while, oh, it’s not the time, you give them tea, let them wait for a while, I finish this game..."

Actually playing a game...

The disciple said in a dilemma: "Master, they have come for a while, look at this... or I will play for you?"

"Your technique, the pit is going to die, wait a minute, the most in five minutes!"

"Cough." Ye Shaoyang cough twice.

Zhang Wusheng looked up and saw Ye Shaoyang, stunned, wanted to laugh and was embarrassed to laugh, his face was extremely embarrassing, got up and handed the phone to the disciple, and said with the ear: "If you lose money this month, you will be gone."

Xiaoyang Yang smiled and said: "Haha, Yezhang teaches, smiles and laughs, come, let's talk!"

"The uncle is good and elegant."

"Ah, I just played a game... I guessed that you could finish it before you came, and it took 40 minutes in one game..."

When he came to the main hall, Zhang Wusheng called a disciple to come over and re-apprease the tea. He and Ye Shaoyang both sneered a sentence, and Lao Guodao made the purpose of this trip.

"The Holy Spirit? Is that the organization you said last time?" Zhang Wusheng listened to them and realized that the situation was serious and his brows were wrinkled. "Let me show those things."

Ye Shaoyang took out the idols and shrines and headpieces collected in the Holy Spirit and showed them to Zhang Wusheng. Zhang Wusheng studied for a long time and could not recognize them. He said, "I still go to my uncle, I asked for it last night. He is willing. See you..." Turning head to Lao Guodao, "If you are, my uncle will only see Shaoyang."

Lao Guodao: "I understand."

Zhang Wusheng said: "Don't think too much, it's not status. My uncle has a strange temper recently. I don't usually see outsiders. Even I can't just go to him. He sees Shaoyang, but there are reasons."

Lao Guodao: "Let's do it, the trick is to fight pesticides here."

Zhang Wusheng came to the spirit and said: "You will?"

"My daughter taught, will be a little."

"Well, I also learned recently, come, let's double row..." Zhang Wusheng found a disciple to lead Ye Shaoyang to Houshan, and then he will return his mobile phone, and double-row pesticides with Lao Guo...

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