Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2509: The 2509th God's End 1

Ye Shaoyang took things, refused the guidance of the disciple, and walked alone into the forbidden land along the back mountain. From a distance, he saw the towering tower of the exquisite pagoda, exuding the awe-inspiring spirit that only the mage could feel.

Ye Shaoyang’s mood is somewhat complicated when he wants to be able to see Daoyuan’s real people.

All the way to the bottom of the pagoda, Ye Shaoyang swept over and did not see the figure of Daoyuan real person, so he stood outside the tower and coughed twice. He said, "Yu Shaoyang’s disciple Ye Shaoyang visited Daoyuan."

"Yezhang teaches, why must we have more gifts." The voice came from the side, and Ye Shaoyang turned his head and looked at it. A figure came out of the woods on the edge, and it was the real person of Daoyuan.

The beard and the white eyebrows are all white, wearing a loose robe, looking old and old, only the back is straight, full of wrinkled face, engraved with traces of long years.

Through these wrinkles, Ye Shaoyang carefully recognized his appearance. In the past, Ye Shaoyang saw him when he was a child. It seems that he is so old. He has not changed for so many years. Although he knows that he used to be young, he does not consciously think that he It has always been so old, but the experience of the Republic of China, let Ye Shaoyang really know the old man in front of him, know that he is also young...

From these wrinkles, Ye Shaoyang faintly found his young shadow, and the young version of Daoyuan real people emerged in front of him... For more than 90 years, the vicissitudes of the years, this change of the same person, let Ye Shaoyang really feel the terrible time. .

The young man who once had a good mood and wanted to make a big difference in the magic world...

“Why are you in a daze?” Dao Yuanzhen asked as he walked over.

Ye Shaoyang returned to God, took a breath, gently shook his head and said: "Nothing."

Daoyuan's eyes are still very clear, falling on Ye Shaoyang's face, and glanced up and down and said: "Do you think of me when I was young?"

Ye Shaoyang suddenly stunned, half awkward, very excited to say: "Old ances, do you remember what happened that year?"

"do not remember."

"Ah?" Ye Shaoyang stunned.

Daoyuan real person pointed to a stone table on the edge, surrounded by a stone bench, and greeted Ye Shaoyang to sit down. After Ye Shaoyang sat down, he pointed to the surface of the stone table and said, "Do you remember, when we were here? A game of chess, you won me..."

"Forehead, fortunately." In front of the predecessors, still have to be modest.

Daoyuan real people shook their heads: "From that time on, I decided that you must be a robbery person, and secretly helped you a lot. Even if you shovel the view of the sky, the mountains and the stars, I still have no Doubt your character."

Ye Shaoyang listened quietly.

Daoyuan real person went on to say: "But at that time, I didn't have much contact with you. I am a person from an old age. You shouldn't have too much intersection with you, but you have returned to the Republic of China. You see When I was young, I..."

Ye Shaoyang was excited again. "You really remember!"

"I said, I don't remember."

"Old ancestors, don't make a joke."

Daoyuan Zhen Humanity: "When you came back from the Republic of China, I didn't realize anything, but soon after, there was no time to come to me, tell me to see you, ask me if I want to ask you about my dreams. The thing... I was shocked at the time, because I completely forgot about it. After I asked him, I knew that I had told him that I had dreamed of my childhood for several nights, dreaming. I am with you, it seems that there are other people..."

Speaking of this, he turned his face and looked at Ye Shaoyang and said slowly: "But I later forgot myself, you said, why is this?"

Ye Shaoyang slowly shook his head.

"Have you met me in the Republic of China?"

Ye Shaoyang hesitated and said: "I don't meet, I am going to see you, because in that world, I don't have any acquaintances, I can only go to you... The reason is that I need help at the time..." Ye Shaoyang simply I told them through the process of knowing them.

After listening to the Taoist real person, his eyes flickered and looked deep into the distance, seeming to evoke something. "For more than ninety years... I have forgotten what I was like when I was young. At that time, I am handsome?"

Unprepared. Ye Shaoyang stunned and nodded: "Shuai, handsomer than me."

Daoyuan real people laughed very rarely.

Ye Shaoyang also briefly talked about the process of their actions together. After the Tao Yuanzhen finished, he said: "So, young, I am very good with you?"

"Although they have been together for more than a month, they have experienced a lot together. It is not an exaggeration to say a brother."

"Brother..." Daoyuan really looked at him with a squint.

Ye Shaoyang hurriedly waved his hand. "I don't mean anything else. Old ancestor, you are you. He is him. Although he is a person, the relationship is still clear."

Dao Yuanzhen did not express his position, still looking into the distance, thinking about something.

Ye Shaoyang said: "For the ancestors, have you not forgotten everything? Then how do you know that we knew me before?"

Dao Yuanzhen’s left hand reached into the sleeve of his right hand and touched out something to see Ye Shaoyang.

A copper coin.

It’s not the ordinary copper money. After Ye Shaoyang touched it, he suddenly stopped and then looked at both sides carefully. He said: “This is not my big mother’s money!”

Daoyuan is humane: "Not bad."

Ye Shaoyang touched out his mother's money, a total of three, one for many, and stunned, suddenly slammed his head and asked: "Where is this ancestor?"

"A surname was born after the surname Mao."

The surname Mao... Sure enough!

"Mao Xiaofang's descendants!" Ye Shaoyang nodded. "This is not wrong. This big money was given to Mao Xiaofang when I was in the Republic of China. Let him pass it on to future generations. Wait until this time, if you have any difficulties, you can come. Me! But why did he come to you and didn't go to me?"

"You are not on the Maoshan, where people are looking for you, and the place where the descendants live is not far from the Dragon and Tiger Mountain, so they come."

"Do you have any trouble with the descendants of Mao Xiaofang?"

Dao Yuanzhen shook his head and said: "When I was born, I only said that his grandfather left a sentence before his death, let this copper money be handed over to you on New Year's Day this year... If you can't find you, come Looking for me, we must hand it over to one of our two people, and then tell us a word: In his life, I am very grateful to meet you and my two brothers. After his life, he also realized his ideals. In the future, if there is a fate in the reincarnation, I will always see you again."

In some words, Ye Shaoyang was suddenly brought to the Republic of China...

Mao Xiaofang, the Tao Yuan at that time, Qiao Yunjie, and Wu Tong and a friend...

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