Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2510: The 2510th God's End 2

Ye Shaoyang sighed and said: "It’s a wonderful feeling. For me, it’s just coming back from the past. They have been through their lives for a lifetime. Even you are so old. I don’t mean anything else. I feel it. a bit."

Daoyuan Zhen Humanity: "I also had the same thoughts as you at first, but then I want to understand that you have only crossed the time, but for us, they have each experienced their own lives."

"I understand that we are not on the same timeline."

"However, after all, I once met each other." Daoyuan real people looked at his eyes, but also revealed a trace of complexity. "In your case, if you want to treat me as a brother, you can't miss it."

Ye Shaoyang stunned, and smiled and said: "I can't dare this. Right, what happened to Mao Xiaofang, why I have never heard of him before, I mean real people, except for film and television dramas."

Daoyuan Zhen Humanity: "He took the law number afterwards, and did not use the real name to show people. Your law is called the Pingzhi Taoist."

"He is the ruler of the rule?" Ye Shaoyang stunned, the rule of the Taoist, but it was famous, a strange person in the Republic of China, the strength is great, but the loner, there is no teacher (not impossible, but never said to people) It has left a lot of legendary deeds. It is said that he has lived to liberation and later retired. There has been no news since then.

When Ye Shaoyang was a child, he also read a lot of stories about the people of Pingzhi in the classics. They all looked at the novels in the boring practice life. I didn’t expect it to be Mao Xiaofang...

Ye Shaoyang only came back to God and said: "Why should he do this, why can he hide his name? What is the reason?"

Daoyuan is humane: "I also asked, his descendants said that because he married a girl, he did not want to be pointed, so he was buried in the name, even the sect was not mentioned. He said, the girl, you know. ”

"I?" Ye Shaoyang stunned. "How can I know?"

The brain snapped a bit and then a name jumped out: Cuiyun! The girl who was rescued by Mao Xiaofang from the hands of Wutong God, should be a teacher of Mao Xiaofang!

At that time, I felt that they had a play. Mao Xiaofang was too shy to admit that it turned out to be... really.

Thinking of Cuiyun, Ye Shaoyang immediately understood everything: Cuiyun was once ruined, although this incident is secret, but it is impossible for no one to know, Mao Xiaofang is with her, if the world is famous, in case of being It’s a huge injury to both of them in this closed era. Not only that, but when Mao’s sects are smeared with stains.

Probably because of this reason, Mao Xiaofang was anonymous and unwilling to reveal his identity.

"I didn't expect these two guys to be really together." Ye Shaoyang shook his head helplessly, deep inside, still very happy for them, Mao Xiaofang is a real man...

Ye Shaoyang asked Daoyuan to contact Mao Xiaofang's descendants. When he thought about turning back, he could contact him and ask more about Mao Xiaofang. By the way, he went to Ma Xiaofang's grave to worship. Daoyuan real person gave him a mobile phone number, and Ye Shaoyang wrote it down.

"Old ancestors, why did you remember some experiences with me before, but then forgot?" Ye Shaoyang remembered what he said before the real people, and asked inexplicably.

Dao Yuanzhen looked at the distance and said slowly: "I thought for a long time. The most likely thing is that I lost my memory when I was young, so I changed my memory with me..."

"This... seems to be possible! I am also a doorman, and Xiao Yiyun of the Temple of Heaven, they have forgotten to know me in the past."

"Oh, that's right, probably the Republic of China, I don't want to leave a memory about you, so as not to affect it later. It's also true to do so."

Ye Shaoyang scratched his head and said: "I asked my master last time. He said that you have forgotten the water, so I forgot all the memories related to me. Well, I guess you are drinking too."

"Forget the water..." Daoyuan really nodded slowly. "It turns out that I know this thing. I want to forget the water is too secular. The name of the yin is called the sinful wine. Under one drink, I forget the feelings."

Ye Shaoyang listened with fascination and said, "How have I not heard of this thing?"

"Do you think everyone is qualified to drink? You have to get Cui Tianzi to approve the documents and find Meng Po. There are still many formalities. I don't know. It seems that Xiao Langjun asked Cui Tianzi to help. It became this thing."

This is no wonder. Ye Shaoyang’s heart is stunned.

"Where did you come to me today, what is it for?" After Daoyuan remembered his youth, he asked Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang also set the gods, took out a few things, and gave the father a look at the situation, while telling about the situation of the Holy Spirit. "You are very knowledgeable, help you see, what are these origins?"

The Daoyuan real people saw several things in succession, and the face showed a dignified color. Ye Shaoyang waited quietly.

Tao Yuanzhen finally held the base of the god, carefully observed the rune above, frowning said: "This is not a rune of the Central Plains, nor is it a Lingnan witch... I seem to have seen it, but I can't remember it for a while... ..."

"Guo brothers read the classics and said that it may be Simon's Eti, have you heard it?"

"Ite?" Daoyuan's eyelids twitched and suddenly looked up at Ye Shaoyang, saying: "Simon shaman?"

"I don't know, I have never heard of it."

"Italian! Actually reappeared in the world?" Daoyuan's real expression suddenly sharpened, his chest violently ups and downs, as if remembering something unusual.

Ye Shaoyang stayed aside and waited quietly.

Daoyuan real people said nothing, suddenly got up, turned and hurriedly walked into the Linglong Tower, Ye Shaoyang did not know what he was doing, had to wait.

At this time, a small priest came from outside the forest, holding a heat preservation bucket in his hand and came to the Linglong Tower. Ye Shaoyang recognized that he had seen it before in the main hall. It should be Zhang Busheng’s rumored disciple, and he did not know what to call. Nodded politely.

"Yejia teaches well." The little Taoist greeted him with respect and respect, and glanced at the tower of Linglong, saying: "What about Yezhang, the ancestors?"

"Into the tower."

"Hey, then I put his food here, and I will remember to remind my ancestors to eat. There are Masters who go to Long Yunge’s pickles, and the ancestors love to eat."

Ye Shaoyang promised to come down, the disciple put down the lunch box and turned away.

Waiting for a few more minutes, Daoyuan came out, and came with a yellow book in his hand.

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