Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2511: 2511 Valley God 1

"Someone gave you a meal, what special pickles." Ye Shaoyang pointed to the inner insulation barrel on the stone table.

Daoyuan real person took a glance and ignored it. Sitting down opposite Ye Shaoyang and opening the book, this is actually a notebook. The whole part is written by a brush, and there are pictures and pictures. Because of the age, there are many mildew spots on it. The handwriting is also blurred.

"this is……"

"In the past, before I guarded the Linglong Tower, I traveled to the world. In the Simon area, I participated in an action in the magical world. At that time, together with several northern shaman wizards, I went to eradicate a evil faction. There are many evil means. It also took a lot of trouble, and then we eliminated the evil faction, but also left a lot of unsolved mysteries...

In the secret room of their altar, we found some gods and instruments, but not shamanism. It seems to be inherited from the Central Plains magical world. I was very curious at that time. I recorded the runes on the gods and planned to come back to study. ...you look at the runes above, is it very similar to the gods you brought? ”

Ye Shaoyang took out the gods and compared them. "You have blurred your notes, you can't see clearly... I will study first, you should eat first."

Ye Shaoyang squatted at the stone table, and Dao Yuanzhen opened the insulated bucket and took the same thing as he ate.

Ye Shaoyang smelled the scent of millet porridge and turned his head and glanced at it. He saw a bowl of porridge, two steamed buns and a plate of pickles. It was a four-plate dish containing four small plates of different pickles.

"Zu Shi, do you eat this every day?"

"I have been vegetarian for many years. This is the pickle dish that Long Yunge did. Under the fine product, it is also a kind of enjoyment." Daoyuan lived down and started to eat.

"It seems to be the same rune, ancestor, what does this rune mean?"

"I have studied, this is a set of ancient charms." Daoyuan really chewed the pickles and said, "The core is how to use the will."

Sure enough, it is willingness!

Daoyuan real person further explained: "The magic of the role of this set of spells is amazing. It can absorb the willing force generated in the worship into the objects, and then gather together to absorb the refining and refining for the master."

what! Ye Shaoyang took a moment and said: "Is there such a magical spell?"

"This is the technique of heavenly teaching. It is said that Xuanyuan God invented it, but later felt that this law was too overbearing and easy to use for the evil thoughts. Therefore, it was recovered and the specific method of casting the law was broken in the human world..."

Xuanyuan God... Ye Shaoyang frowned, turned his head and looked at Daoyuan, and said: "The ancestors put the millet porridge on the beard."

"Oh." Daoyuan really looked down, his hands pulling the beard and getting behind his head. This is a simple movement. Suddenly, his hands trembled violently, his eyes wide and shouted: "No. wonderful!"

I hurriedly sat down and tried to meditate. The result was not finished yet. The body trembled, and a black blood spewed out of the mouth, and the beard was dyed all over.

Daoyuan lived down to the ground, his eyes staring at Ye Shaoyang, his lips trembled. There seemed to be something to say. Suddenly, the ground beneath him fell down and turned into a black mire, with black air flowing like water. He spread and he will be engulfed in the blink of an eye.

"Hey!" In the population of Daoyuanzhen, with the blood foam, this word is ejected.

This sudden change occurred between the blink of an eye, until the Taoyuan real person opened, and Ye Shaoyang suddenly returned to the gods and went up to pull the hands of the real people. As a result, he squeezed an arm from his body. My heart is stunned, and my eyes are fixed. The body of Daoyuan’s real body is melting rapidly, and the soft palate looks like rubber in the fire.

A flash of light flashed, and the soul of Daoyuan's real people flew out of his body, trying to get rid of the shackles of black gas, but he was quickly spread to the body by black gas and dragged down.

Between the electric and the stone fire, Ye Shaoyang realized what happened, and hurriedly touched the yin and yang mirror. He followed the Taoist real person and wanted to put his soul into the yin and yang mirror.

The flesh is unstoppable, and at the moment, you can only try to keep his soul!

A black gas, like a stream of water, caught in front of the yin and yang mirror.

Ye Shaoyang single-handedly squeezed his hand and shot it in the palm of his hand. He suddenly felt a strong suction, sucking his palm and dragging it down to the "mud pool."

This kind of power makes Ye Shaoyang realize in an instant that even if it is a newly promoted immortal, I am afraid that it is difficult to resist this kind of suction, but he is a spiritual fairy after all, and under the palm of his hand, he has a sigh and feels. At the moment of suction, Ye Shaoyang hurriedly changed his fingerprints. He shot the palm of his hand and defeated the black gas. Then he watched the truth of the Tao. The soul had already been swallowed up by half. It was impossible to use the Yin Yang mirror. Ye Shaoyang felt a charm and posted the past. Don't let go, wait for the spirit to stick to the head of Daoyuan, and recite the curse. Lift it up hard. The result is only half of the body. Below his waist, it has melted...

And this is half of the body, and it is constantly festering, and the soul force sinks into the black gas below.

"Old ancestors!" Ye Shaoyang shouted.

The soul of Daoyuan’s real people looked at him, his eyes swept his eyes on the stone table, and then...there was a little aura in the eyebrows.

Yuan Shen burst...

Ye Shaoyang trembled and wanted to stop it. It was too late.

The soul immediately fainted and turned into a smashing thing like a flame. It fell into the black air, and there was a scream of screams. After a few seconds, the true **** of the Taoyuan was completely burned and formed. A firefly of several meters high looks very eye-catching in the daytime, and the black gas is burning and burning, and it quickly disappears.

The screams also stopped. There is a scarlet scent that goes straight into the sky and then dissipates.


Ye Shaoyang did not care, no matter what the big demon, it is already dead. He looked up and stared at the fireworks that the real **** of Daoyuan had made.

His life is repaired...

The fireworks gradually went out, and then, countless fines, flying all over the sky, covering the sky, and finally splitting into two piles of piles of real people, another pile, is the unknown big demon, two piles of fine Hey, fly together toward the north.


In the Linglong Tower, there was a shock. Then, a long-horned evil on the head flew out and landed at the stone table. The body looked down and the ground... The black gas was gone, and the body of Daoyuan’s body melted. It’s terrible... Only the arm that Ye Shaoyang had kneel down before is still very good...

"Zu Shi!"

The evil thing gave a deafening roar, crouched on the ground, burst into tears like a human, turned and looked at the direction of the tower, and cried: "The ancestors smashed!"

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