Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2515: 2515 Strategy 3

Ye Shaoyang understands that, at the moment, apart from individual sects, most of the sects do not want to see themselves, let them know the truth, and it is very likely to use the problem to pull things into their own bodies.

Most of the masters heard the name of the Holy Spirit for the first time, and some of them heard it. They just didn't pay much attention to it. After this meeting, the major masters told them to investigate the local spiritual chapters.

Ye Shaoyang left on the third day after New Year's Day. He wants to go to Xiamen. He will go to see Master Yigu. The news will be heard at any time in the airspace. Once he moves, he will not have time to leave, and he will be rescued. Before he was cold, he also wanted to talk to Master Yigu and comfort the old man.

He went down the mountain with Su Qinzhang and others. Before passing through a jungle, he returned to the head. From here, you can still see the spire of Linglong Tower. Ye Shaoyang is silent for a long time.

Lao Guo also glanced at him and sighed: "When the Daoyuan ancestors left, the older generation almost went clean, the Promise Heavenly Master left, Li Haoran left, Master is not there, sometimes I think it is really emotional. ""

Ye Shaoyang thinks more than he thinks. After all, in the Republic of China, Dao Yuanzhen had a period of contact with him, almost the same as a brother.

A hundred years of Guardian Road, the demon defensive countless, and finally died in such a way... Daoyuan brothers, if you know at the beginning that your own destiny will be like this, would you still choose to take this road?

In the eyes of Ye Shaoyang, it seems that there is another appearance when Daoyuan is a real person. The face of fortitude with a solemn expression, nodded to himself.

Most definitely. Because, I am a mage!

Ye Shaoyang faced the direction of Linglong Tower, bent down and bowed respectfully. Old ancestors... Brothers, your unsuccessful things will be done by me.

In the past few days after the death of Daoyuan, there has been a major event in the airspace:

Shurashan has rebelled!

Xiuluo Mountain, among the sects of the space star, is a small power, named Shura, but not the Ashura in Shura, but the "indigenous people" in the air. In the Qing Dynasty, before the arrival of these powerful people in the world, the rich aura of the heavens and the earth also gave birth to some creatures.

These creatures were educated by the first batch of wizards who had risen from the human world. They gradually learned the etiquette and civilization of the human world, and then derived many tribes, collectively called the spirits. At first, these creatures were also piled up like clan tribes, scattered around the empty world, attacking each other, occupying each other's territory; dividing and combining, and then humans and demons and evil spirits rising from the human world More, draw the soul.

There are some tribes, which are merged into the demon, some of them are returned to the teachings or Buddhism, and some are drawn by the corpse.

These meditations, fighting with other creatures, are mostly based on the instinct of evil spirits. Only a few have learned the practice of practice and become the leader of the major tribes. Now the empty world maintains an independent spirit. There are seven caves, which are considered as the aborigines of the airspace. The masters and disciples who are usually drawn from the world are dubbed the barbarian of the empty world.

For thousands of years, these meditation tribes have never been close enough to humans, but they are also nominally compliant, but they have always believed that these outsiders have robbed their sites, and there have been some wise spirits trying to resist the four. The rule of the twelve gates of the mountain, but the strength gap is too big, have been suppressed.

Although there are a lot of meditations in the world, there is no sense of existence in the Qing dynasty. It is good to be self-protected.

Until recently, there was a monk chief named Akashi, who broke into the field of vision.

The name of this tribe, called Chi Lianshan, is a meditation tribe attached to the teachings. Because of the air battle, it was taught to recruit, and the red mountain was followed.

This red-training person led a group of his own soldiers, and repeatedly made meritorious deeds, and his men’s self-proclaimed self-proclaimed "red camp", the reputation spread in the air, but not before, as the vanguard, they were so alone The corpse army was besieged. In order to avoid unnecessary casualties, the corps sent several chiefs who had always returned to their Mering Horde to come to persuade.

Just a few days ago, Akongko led his own three thousand warriors and surrendered.

This news shocked the entire empty world. just……

Lin Sansheng sat in the town of Shuaiying, holding a letter in one hand, while listening to the A Huang of Qingqiu Mountain to tell about the ins and outs of the Red Mountain. After listening to it, it has been a long time.

"This must be the iron abacus." Xiaoqing said, "I have fought side by side with the red camp. Red sturdy is a great talent. If it is not an iron abacus, it will definitely not be able to sleep him! After Persuasion, it must be the idea of ​​the iron abacus!"

Lin Sansheng, who is sitting in the chair of the Taishi, said: "It doesn't make sense to say this now, Xiaoqing, do you know what kind of person is the red-skinned person?"

"A little touch, can feel it, is a brave and conscientious general, he told me a sentence, his ideal is to lead the rise of the spirit."

There is courage and enthusiasm... Lin Sansheng touched his chin with one hand and meditated.

Xiaoqing took the letter in his hand and said: "The red temper is definitely forced by the situation, and the swindlers are swindling. Now he comes to the letter for help. We must help. This is a personal talent, definitely not to be missed!"

“It’s an ambitious person.”

Xiao Bai said: "What do you mean?"

Lin Sansheng said: "It doesn't mean anything, just... How do you know that this is not a trick of iron abacus?"

Everyone is stunned.

Xiao Bai said: "Army, what you mean is that the iron abacus deliberately asked him to bring the letter out, ask us for help, and lead us to attack, but deliberately ambush waiting for us to go?"

Lin Sansheng slowly nodded.

Everyone looks at each other. They don’t understand the war. They don’t know how to judge for a while.

Xiao Qing said: "I have been in contact with the red scorpion. He is not like a traitor."

Lin Sansheng was undecided and said: "You are here, I am going to the big camp, looking for a few masters to discuss." Finished and left.

The group looked at Lin Sansheng's figure, and Guagua said with a smile: "Look at the military division, now it is more powerful, it is really different from the past."

When he first came to the air, Lin Sansheng was the image of a white-haired boy. Now, after he took over the military camp, he also changed the character... Although the evil things can change clothes, but in the air, these changing clothes are fake, they Wearing clothes made of fabrics of evil spirits in the air, the same is true for metal.

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