Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2516: 2516 Strategy 4

Lin Sansheng’s set of bright light is sent by Pufa Tianzun. It is a piece of silver that has been run by runes and blessings. It plays a protective role. It is dedicated to Confucianism. It is worn on the body, but it is not the enemy. That bulky armor.

Lin Sansheng himself also likes this set of armor, and with a bunch of purple crowns on his head, it is more graceful.

From the Tuen Mun, I went all the way to the big account. Several masters are here. They usually do not follow the army. But after the recent war, they are sitting here, one is the soldiers who restrain their own gates, and the second can also shock and Encourage the morale of the army, if Lin Sansheng and other commanders can not handle the situation, they can also consult them.

According to the agreement, the four masters of the Four Hills must come to supervise the war, but on the side of the Yaozu, Xiao Jiuquan entrusted to Lin Sansheng, and the lords of several demon alliances such as Meng Guishan also gave power to Lin Sansheng, as for Tao Zong. And Buddhism, each of them also had one or two representatives sitting in the military account, and the rest did not come.

Lin Sansheng entered the military account, greeted several major masters, and handed the handwritten book to them.

"It’s a good thing to be able to do this, and it’s a good thing." Pufa Tianzun said without thinking, "Do you have any concerns about the military division?"

Lin Sansheng said what he was worried about, and the major masters also meditated. In terms of spells and practices, they are all big, but they are also ignorant of war and not good at it.

"Small students have a plan, they can advance and retreat, and they can handle this matter steadily, and come to ask some seniors to answer..."

Pufa Tianzun said: "Since the military division has a way, it is self-scheduled."

"This matter, the relationship is too big, Xiaosheng does not dare to be the master..." Now I have told my plan again, and the major masters are obedient and stunned.

Lin Sansheng explained why he did this. Several people were still shocked. They looked at each other and each made their eyes look.

Lishan’s mother closed her eyes slightly and said: “Since the military teacher thinks this is the only way to do it, I can wait... but it is to listen to it.”

The other major masters are also this attitude, kicking the ball to Lin Sansheng: only acquiescence, no support, anyway, what is responsible for you to bear.

Lin Sansheng’s actual result is also the result.

Several great masters face each other.

Tianxing Zen Master said: "Amitabha. God has a good life, he did it, it is..."

Shake the fairy road: "I don't wait to say that killing and killing, sometimes it is a last resort. This scholar is so bold. I really like him a bit. Unfortunately, he is a person of Ye Shaoyang, and his heart is different."

Lishan's old mother said: "If you make a life and death curse, you will no doubt worry about it. Today's business is also proof of my speculation... He is an unscrupulous person and can be used."

Lin Sansheng returned to his handsome camp and wrote a letter to let Meihua walk the waterway and quietly gave it to the people who met the red scorpion...

On the evening of the same day, Lin Sansheng asked Xiaoqing Xiaobai and others to lead the troops and horses. In the dark, he rushed to the direction that the red scorpion wrote in the letter. According to the red scorpion, in the defense line of the corpse, only that place It is the weakest. Once attacked, he should be able to reconcile himself, and at least he can recover hundreds of miles of land!

After Xiaoqing Xiaobai, after they set off, Lin Sansheng returned to Shuaiying. When Li Linlin followed, she found Lin Sansheng sitting cross-legged and intending to practise cultivation. At the moment, "Why are you still feeling good at this time? Focus on the battle?"

"This war will win, there is nothing to pay attention to." Lin Sansheng closed his eyes and said in an understatement.

Li Linlin said: "In this case, there is a victory in the battle, and then you have not gone, how do you know that you must win."

Lin Sansheng smiled and said nothing: "Iron abacus, your hand is very sinister, but if you think you can deal with me, then you really looked away..."

Not waiting for Li Linlin to speak, Lin Sansheng went on to say: "What happened to me, what happened with the mahogany?"

"Almost, there are three layers, which can accommodate thousands of creatures, and there is a blessing of the array. You can't get out."

Lin Sansheng found four vermilion charms from his sleeves and handed them to Li Linlin. "Put in the mysterious door in the four directions of the formation, go now."

Li Linlin said: "What is this?"

"Looking for the **** charm of the Pufa Tianzun, to ensure that nothing is lost."

"What do you want to do, I don't understand at all."

"You can do it as you can, and you will know when you get there." Lin Sansheng opened his eyes, smiled at her, then closed his eyes and began to spit in the heart...

Two hours later, the news came: the red scorpion did not lie to them, and it really should be combined with Xiaoqing. It was like a broken bamboo, driving the corpse out of the three hundred miles, and now it is on the way back from the triumph.

"Red temper, you really said it!" Xiaoqing flew around the red temper, very excited. "I can bear the burden of humiliation, but I don't forget my heart. Today, this 仗 is really happy. After I go back, I will find a military division. Reward, this time you have made great achievements!"

Xiao Lianzi smiled and said: "Bai Xiong, the brothers, I don't dare to be a swindler. Although I used to swindle, but according to yours, after all, it hurts the integrity, I don't know if you are commanding to make it accountable?"

Xiaoqing laughed and said: "You can rest assured that this is my brother, it is our good brother, and he is also very reasonable, this thing is on me."

The red man put his heart down and said, "That's so thankful."

The soldiers and horses returned to the camp all the way, and arrived outside Tuen Mun. Xiaoqing called the guards to inform Lin Sansheng. After a while, a white general walked to the front of the Tuen Mun and stood on the steps. He said loudly: "The generals of Qing Qing are hard-working and commanded to have Order, please ask General Lian Lianzi to take the command to rest on the school ground and wait for the summons!"

When Xiao Qing and others heard it, they frowned.

"Is this what the military division said?" Xiaoqing said one step forward.

The man said with a hand: "It is indeed the command of the commander, and the villain dares to pass the military order."

Xiaobai said with a bad mood: "What do you mean by the military division, I am going to find a military division."

Xiaoqing nodded: "General General Lian Lizi, wronged, I will take you over, Xiaoqing, you go to the military division, ask him what is the situation, why should you slow them down."

After saying that he was about to leave, the soldier of the order said, "The generals stayed in the army, and all the commanders gave orders. All the members of the ghost-caught alliance went to the military plane to discuss matters. At this moment, they must go without error."

Guagua, Xiaoqing Xiaobai and others looked at each other.

"What do you mean by the military division!" Xiaobai screamed dissatisfied.

(Follow the public number "Qingzi v5", at 6 o'clock on New Year's Eve, rush to grab the red envelope on time, brothers can try their luck!)

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