Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2517: The 2517th soldier does not deceive 1

Guagua said: "It may be really important, go quickly."

The soldier greeted two people and came over and said to the red temper: "Let's come to the school, let's go."

Xiao Lianzi looked at Xiaoqing and Xiaoqing said: "Then go first, I will go to the military division, and then arrange your affairs. The military division is my own family, you can rest assured nothing."

"Everything depends on the brothers." This is the practice of the two soldiers.

Xiaoqing and others went to the military plane along the way. The so-called military aircraft office was actually a department recently established by Lin Sansheng. In a tent among the military camps, it was the coalition’s dozens of tribes. The person in charge of the military, on the battlefield, is called the general. With the support of several great masters, Lin Sansheng commanded himself to be an official who sealed himself under the military command of the Ming Dynasty. Usually, he will summon some generals to discuss and arrange.

This was also the power given to him after talking to several major masters. At first, many people thought that he was not qualified enough to oppose his leadership, but his excellent military talent and the support of several great masters, coupled with the means of Enwei In the end, most people are convinced, even if they are dissatisfied, they will only listen to his assignments and dare not cause trouble.

Now, on his top, although there is the general commander of the general army, the specific military affairs are given to him. The generals of the law and the masters of the law have only played a supervisory role in him, ensuring that he will not do it. Too special.

Xiaoqing and his party just arrived at the door of the military plane, just in time for Lin Sansheng to come out with a few generals.

"This action, you have made great contributions, and have worked hard for a few brothers." Lin Sansheng said to them with a smile.

"Army, why did you let them bring a group of people to the school, shouldn't they be comforted and let their officials reinstate?"

“Reassuring?” Lin Sansheng’s mouth showed a hint of intriguing smile and said, “You will come with me first.”

After saying hello to a guard, he transferred a soldier to protect everyone's safety, and then walked up the hill with a few generals. Xiaoqing Xiaobai and others looked at each other and followed them up.

I have been coming to the edge of the cliff. From here, I can see that there are thousands of souls in the spirits of the red scorpion, and they have come to the school.

Looking at it from the top, there are a lot of things like scarecrow around the school ground, and the whole school yard is connected.

Xiaoqing saw it and frowned. "How is it a gossip shape?"

At the same time, he also noticed that in the four directions of the school yard, a hundred meters away, ambushing a black figure, hurriedly asked: "What do you want to do?"

The school yard is very large. From the front of the mountain, I can't see the complete shape. I can only see the scarecrows. The middle is connected with the hemp rope and the wooden stakes. The red trainer wonders: "What are these?"

"Oh, all the commanders have recently selected some of the printing techniques, so that people have done no targets, and some monks have come to practice." The soldier underestimated, "The general has a request."

I didn’t think much about the red temper, and led the team to go in and fill the school’s campus...

Lin Sansheng at the top of the mountain saw this scene, took a charm from his sleeve, and threw it from the cliff. The spirit flew into the air and burned. A flame like a fireworks broke out and fell.

The spirits in the school field looked up curiously. Suddenly, there was a shadow of fire in the line of sight. Everyone turned their heads and looked around. Only then did they find the scarecrows, the stakes and the hemp ropes on the fences around them. As a result, a heat wave of the stock spreads toward the school ground during the burning of the flame.

The soldiers near the fence were first ignited. This is not a real flame, but the Ziwei Tianhuo, one of the three major fires of the Daomen, has a strong kill on the creatures.

For a time, the wailing sounds began, and the people who were on fire all rushed toward the middle, and led the flame to many companions, and more people burned.

Looking down from the top of the mountain, you can see the shape of the entire school yard, like a huge gossip, the burning of the flame is also regular, the four diagonals, each has a source of spiritual power, and then in the order of gossip, the entire array The power of the law is instantly increased to the strongest.

The whole look, this schoolyard is like a huge melting pot, baking the thousands of corpses that are trapped in it.

Lin San grew a sigh of relief and said: "They still went in easily. It seems that they are too trusting to us... no other means are used, and casualties are avoided..."

"It is trust to me!" Xiaoqing heard this and suddenly returned to God. He rushed toward Lin Sansheng, pulled his clothes and picked it up: "What are you doing, why are you doing this!"

Lin Sansheng said coldly: "Do you think they are really surrendering? Tell you that I have already seen it. This is the trick of the iron abacus! Today your sneak attack is the iron abacus deliberately, the purpose is to let them come back! Know why? The practice is an ambitious person. He is a family of the spirits. His ideal is to fish in troubled waters and develop forces in the wars between the two sides, thus leading the rise of orders!

If you don't understand, I will tell you a little more. The spirit has always regarded itself as the master of the Qing Dynasty. There are ghosts who cast the corpse, and there are orders to rely on several sects. In short, they are forced to give in only the situation! ”

Xiaoqing and others stopped.

"This... This is just your inference. What evidence do you have?" Xiaoqing looked at the school ground below the cliff, the fire is still spreading, but the red temper has calmed down, directing everyone to chaos, trying to rush out from the school yard. .

Xiaoqing eagerly shakes Lin Sansheng's body. "Let's put them out soon, hurry!"

"Evidence? If you are blocked in action tonight, then I am wrong, but how can I be wary of these meditations, not to mention that they are just surrendering, and you are actually defeating them, and You can rescue the army of the spirits almost unharmed. Do you think it is possible?"

Xiaoqing grabbed it again.

Xiaobai took over the words, and Chong Lin Sansheng said: "Even if you do, you don't have to kill them!"

"Don't kill them? Let them cooperate with the iron abacus and attack us?"

"This... can't it be closed?"

"After it is locked up? It can't always be closed. If you let them go, it will be like putting the tiger back to the mountain, and they will certainly incite the rest of the commanding tribes to come against us. Things will be tricky. Now, only kill them. !"

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